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Everything posted by ClareC

  1. Yes ignore it! Both roads are lovely and you can't go wrong with either!! Definitely visit on a weekend though to check out the traffic / parking situation. The traffic isn't that bad but there are definitely a lot more parked cars at weekends - not really a problem if you have a driveway which I think most of the houses do :-)
  2. er, both very nice! I prefer the houses on Court Lane but then the traffic is definitely heavier (albeit not exactly heavy) and depending where on the road you are you will more than likley get people parked outside for the park. If you have the kind of money that these roads require, there are lots of nice roads in this vicinity, I like the houses on Eynella Road, although there is the same Park parking issue. Not much traffic though!
  3. I am so sorry this happened to you and glad you are ok, where on Goodrich did this happen? Makes me so mad that scum like this tthink this is a reasonable way to make money and are getting away with it:X
  4. I would have difficulty, I don't have a car any longer :-)
  5. Given the warning people could chose to put their cars in garages (if they have one), get additional security, alarms, crook locks etc! If you don't find this type of post useful then don't read it! If you do then then its served its purpose. Forumites seem all too quick to poo poo other forumites posts these days! If this carries on people simply wont post any longer and the forum will cease to be the source of information it is! Rant over and nothing personal to you *Bob*, your post is just the straw that broke the camels back to something I have been thinking for a while now! Your original post was quite amusing ;-)
  6. Shoot me down but I think Police should have more power to stop and search! I would have no issue being stopped and searched.....I have nothing to hide! I can understand it could get irrtating if it keeps happening but if that means we get rid of the gun and knife crime then it has to be worth it!
  7. Scary they carry them, more scary they are happy to use them!
  8. The Ben Kinsella case started off in a bar, bar's are notorious for being places where trouble can start albeit Ben was not involved in the trouble itself and chose to leave as a result. To be stood in the street early afternoon you would hope it was less likely that people not involved in anything untoward would not be randomly stabbed.
  9. Is that not racist ;-) Its not PC to mention colour or race on this forum!
  10. I have always been pleased with the quality of meat from William Rose, always disapointed with the service though. It's as though they don't need to bother with customer service (maybe they dont!). I also find the cash only policy very unfriendly and inconvenient! I would love to see another good quality butcher open on LL!
  11. Quite a busy junction too! What time of night was this?
  12. vinceayre Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well at least she wouldn't have put up with Bob > Crow and his loonies trying to hold London to > ransom, I mean 40k a year 8 weeks hols and a 35 > hour week, sack the lot of the ungrateful > b*&^%$tds > > Vince. You forgot the no redundancies requirement and insistence to reinstate two employees rightfully suspended ;-)
  13. Its not revenge......... its ensuring they are not free to reoffend, whether that be by life meaning life or a more permanent removal.
  14. Italian is my favourite :-) Three...... I know Locale, where are the other 2?
  15. The Courts decide on punishment not revenge!! Its ridiculous to claim punishment is revenge when there is no personal involvement!
  16. Its all very well to think they spend their lives in jail feeling remorseful but in reality that rarely happens! remorse is rare and jail is a far too easy ride. This category of vilent criminal should be removed from society permanently, whether that is life meaning life (and not including any priviledges as seems the norm) or capital punishment I don't care, the goal is to remove them from society permanently, not revenge.
  17. If only life did mean life! Unfortunately it doesn't, offenders get out after a fraction of their sentence is served and (in the case of some) reoffend again increasing their victims. There have been some disgustingly short sentences recently, Baby P's mother etc springing to immediate mind. If you could eliminate the risk of the innocent being found guilty I think the death penalty although the easy option on the offender (although still would involve a long time in jail given the number of appeals and time they take) would be a great solution from the reoffending point of view (no chance)!!
  18. Does anyone remember Mr Freeze ice poles, they were 5p and really long and thin. Can you still get icepops at all? They were a staple summer freezer item !!
  19. I loved Ice magic...... can you not buy it any longer? What a loss :-(
  20. Does anyone remember "Saucy Pud" I remember my mum making it from a packet, it was a hot pudding that came in different flavours, crunchy cake kind of consistency on the outside and the "flavour" sauce on the inside - I particularly remember the Apple one. Also, more recently (well going back about 15 years) a chooclate bar called "Topper" it was lovely!!
  21. I completely agree with Snorky on this one, even if she was in need, need doesn't stretch to a new handbag!! One thing I would say though, the charity shops in ED dont exactly make it easy for people to donate goods, they are rarely open!! The Mind shop is open more than the other one, however I have taken bags of charity to them on numerous occasions to find both shops closed at times of day when they state they are open. On another occasion my boyfriend took some bits to the mind shop and they asked him to come back another day! I have never simply left the goods outside the closed shop but can understand the fustration that may cause this.
  22. Thanks Jeremy and Barry :-)
  23. Thanks all, TFL website is clearly not to be trusted ;-) Does anyone know of an alternate (more accurate) website?
  24. Thanks for that, sounds like its the TFL website!!!! I was hoping that would be the case :-)
  25. Just did a TFL search and there do not appear to be any trains from ED Station to LB today? Does anyone know what's going on?
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