hmmm not sure its heated enough (or at all) BUT... re the lack of tolerance for children in British society, I was in a department store cafe earlier this week where I headed in order to have a cup of tea and feed my 4 month old. I bought said cup of tea and I wheeled the buggy into a space between 2 tables. At the next table were two women that I would estimate were in their early 70s. They looked at me and my daughter as though we had just pooed on their table. Not sure what possessed me but I apologised (?!?) and assured them that we would not disturb their lunch. Why??? Why did I do that?!? It was a department store cafe on a weekday afternoon. Anyway, to cut a short story long, 40 minutes later my daughter became excited and squealed a couple of times. At this point one of the women turned and said "Oh but you've been so good. Don't spoil it now." Did I mention that my daughter is 4 months old? She wasn't being good or bad, she was being A BABY...! Anyway, my point is that I have only relatively recently joined the ranks of parenthood and I am by no means of the opinion that babies/ buggies etc entitle me to some sort of privileged treatment but this is only the latest experience that I have had that suggests that in this country some people have strange expectations of how babies should behave. Weird. Is this really only a British "thing"?