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Charles Notice

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Everything posted by Charles Notice

  1. Traffic has got worse now because of road changes. Traffic before always flowed easy in fact when rush hours eased the Bellenden.Lynhurst roads were mainly empty. That is why the original poster mentioned the one way system worked 100% even though traffic has increased as you would expect in that time.
  2. "What nonsense. The traffic problems around Bellenden and Lyndhurst have been being raised for decades. Just prior to lockdown there was a meeting at the Belham where two long term residents resumed an argument with each other about solutions to traffic problems that they?d been having since the 90s! Bellenden frequently gridlocks outside the shops due to volume of traffic, at least a couple of times a month an HGV or coach gets stuck on a bollard and the it?s only a matter of time before a child is hit by a car outside one of the schools due to poor crossings, terrible sight lines and inattentive drivers of large vehicles. It seems that this route is heavily used as a rat run from Peckham High St down to the South Circular to avoid going all the way round to Consort Rd. A proper LTN is well overdue for Bellenden and the surrounding roads." What you do not seem to have addressed is that these alterations have been put in with no consultation or plans to comment on. They were just started. As regards your mention of the Belham meeting, the one the Jasmine Ali attended, minutes of the meeting were asked from her but nothing was ever produced nor did any other attendee produce such minutes. What was discussed and agreed on? Again a few people deciding what the rest of we residents want and Southwark listen to those few who shout loudest. I am all for safety change but I would like to be consulted on how it is effected. This comes from a someone who has been in the area for almost 74 years. As regards gridlock outside the shops this comes mainly from people not being sensible, you stop not me.Ok we will just sit here and shout. Me Me Me. Traffic is worse now because of Southwark's ill thought out road plans. People who have lived and give their long term history of the area are in the main ignored in favour of views from new residents. If one consults properly and listen to the majority view you would be surprised at what can be achieved.
  3. And leave many people without any mode of transport and who are unable to fund a new vehicle. I believe there are approx 2+ million cars that will be effected within the north and south circular roads when the Oct 2021 date comes into effect. How do you expect people to sort things out now with all the covid and jobs situation. None of these plans are thought out.
  4. According to the TFL website there does not seem to be any problems posted. There were yesterday.Does this mean the P13 id operating? Appreciate all your updates as well
  5. If it is possible to move a few cones and the traffic flows without problems why is it necessary to stop the only community bus from using the same route. It is always the P13 that seems to be diverted and Southwark Council wonder why people use their cars as there is no other way to move around. Do they want more cars on the road to try and confirm what they want people to believe although it is not true.. Many of the older generation are now stuck in the local area due to no P13 together with no buses that operate from Rye Lane due to the closure of that road without a long walk to find a bus.
  6. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > James Barber Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > I would personally prefer see more often > closures > > with camera enforcement to non Southwark > residents > > to stop rat running. Often quoted ot me that > half > > of Southwark traffic start and ends journey > > outside Southwark so huge proportion of rat > > running down streets never designed for such > > traffic levels. > > Sounds to me James that you want to make Dulwich a > gated community to keep the Riff Raff from other > boroughs or towns out 😱 James as a resident of Champion Hill perhaps you wants to bring the joy of a closed road to all residents whilst pushing traffic elsewhere.
  7. Yu mean like Champion Hill. Monitoring in before closure, monitoring during closure for 18 months and after the 18months need another 18 months as they cannot give an answer. Believe what makes you feel happy.
  8. "It absolutely was a rat run. I've been living on the southern side of Melbourne Grove since 2016 and it was used constantly as a way for people to bypass LL. Often times people would speed by simply because they could. The difference in the amount of traffic on this end has been like day and night." So like the poor residents in Camberwell Grove, they went to bed one night and the next morning like in Independence Day when they woke they found there instead of aliens there were cars all over the shop. Where did all these cars come from they cried we must get the road closed. Think of house prices. They even wanted a toll gate like Dulwich Village. You say you have been there since 2016 so you would have known that cars used this road to come from LL to EDG when you bought and did not appear overnight. The closure is just a way to get a gated private community/road and inflate house price should you/others you find you might not have a job in the new future and have to sell. If I were you I would do the same.
  9. Good call. Sit in the sun and bask in the fact that because of these local closures on your street your house value has probably gone up.
  10. With all your posts and information have you been offered a consulting job from Southwark yet?
  11. How will this encourage more people to walk are they all going to walk in the road ?
  12. There seems to be postings missing off this thread from 0959 to 0154
  13. If a young family member came for this opening shopping on behalf of their aged parents is there any method for them to do this without having a parent present with them. I appreciate that this could be abused. May be a pass from Sainsbury's after joining on line with valid passport or driving licence.
  14. Market stalls where you can find some products do not accept cards. Many OAP's use these stalls.
  15. Whilst it may seem like a good idea have you considered how people will get their shopping on buses. Buses these days just have enough space to get your knees in and no other room. Most people now have a trolly to shop, get large prams on the bus and that is it. No room. Over crowding and passing on the virus. It comes down to stop stock piling.
  16. Asked many times by all. What is the situation at Sainsburys this morning? Would appreciate news before I think of going.
  17. My son rang us up and asked if we needed anything. Just rang 1944 shop empty so do not bother going, when he asked when will there be anything was told try getting here at 0700 and hope. He said there we people walking round trying to find something to eat. Just thought people should know.
  18. Why did Bojo not call in all the supermarket chiefs and explain what was he was going to do and get them to agree to a consolidated approach to how much people can buy. Also why did supermarkets not exercise their own policy on how much people can have, sensible amounts, no profit and panic comes first. I just went to a chemist which had a notice on both windows only one person in the shop at anyone time, what happened a certain age group all came in with prams. Its me me me
  19. Rose the Butchers limiting 10 sausages per order this morning. Looked liked no limit on other mest. purchases. Moxons did not appear to have an limits.
  20. spider69 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Now that Mr Johnson has spoken can anyone give any > information if this news has prompted yet another > raid on Sainsbury's. > > I ask this as I have to take the bus to get there > and do not want to spend time on a wasted trip. > > I would appreciate and I am sure others will > appreciate it if we could be kept up to date on > the state of stocks. > > I thank you My wife has just returned from Sainsbury's the shop is stripped bare on all fronts. She is not prone to bigging things up she said it was surreal. One point if the shelves are bare how are the home deliveries being met, or do they get preference? This cannot go on. Rationing must be applied to DKH. People are out of control managers are of no use.
  21. Thank you for the Wandle link. What I dont understand from their statement was this comment: In parallel with the planning application, because of the weakening of the housing market Wandle Board are reviewing the options including disposal of the site. As a Social Housing Ass what has the weakening of the housing market got to do with rebuilding these blocks. They would have been valued at 2016 house prices and the Insurance would have paid out on these prices. This would have provided more than enough money to reconstruct rather than just sell off the site for expensive private housing which is what will happen. What did Wandle actually receive from the Insurance. Anyone know? It appears that Wandle is no more than a private property speculator riding on the backs of those residents who lost their homes and had their life's destroyed No doubt Harriet Harman will have a lot to say about this or will it be like knowing who was responsible for buying this site in Wandle, the silence will be deafening. If you look at the Wandle link timeline for nearly three years they have done nothing at the end of the day. This whole episode leaves a very bad taste in ones mouth.
  22. I dont think speaking, a while back, to some ex residents there are any plans for these buildings now or the near future. It could remain like this for years. How long have these buildings remained empty? I would speak with Wandle Housing or the Planning Department at Southwark.
  23. Most long term Southwark residents know this is not a trial but permanent.
  24. johnrich Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Did anybody get the printed calendar this year > with all the blue/green collection days on it? > Didn't see one here. Southwark are probably waiting for the opportunity to charge for this service.
  25. With regard to your comment "To be implemented by 1st April they no doubt have contracts already signed for the works." Have other people who use Dulwich Park noticed that Conway is now going round re-doing the kerb stones to allow wheel chair access. This was something people raised at the time of the works. Why no access. As the original contractors were not Conway why could these works not have been done as part of the original works? If you are fitting and laying new pavements and kerb stones, do you really need another contractor to do additional works? Southwark say they have no money but the way they work does not make sense. Using up funds before the end of the financial year or kids in charge who do not have a clue about commercial contracts.
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