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Everything posted by Nigello

  1. It’s a positive attribute, especially when faced with the very punter-unfriendly absence of interest and input from the council re the locale. Good on them, but their profits could be bigger if the area they find themselves in were improved.
  2. Yeah, that’s not my point. I explained that the locale is in unpleasant and uncared for, not the businesses (which I called “valiant” so you could deduce I was not against them at all but maybe you didn’t see that. I think they need support from the council in the shape of a sprucing up).
  3. Why would anyone choose to go and eat on Rye Lane? It’s a dump and could be so much better (and lucrative) for all the valiant entrepreneurs if the council could take it upon itself to help this neglected (and poorer) area of the borough.
  4. Take it back to the person in question. Tell him/her to expect a summons. It probably won’t happen again.
  5. They’re annoying in that they’re usually in threes and dominate that busy corner.
  6. Maybe - or a sparrowhawk or buzzard? V fast
  7. A raptor shot into my back garden for a wood pigeon, which managed to get away before it was grabbed. It was very fast and the hawk was smaller than I’d thought it would be, with mid- and dark-brown feathers. Kite?
  8. Why not watch a video? I know it’s not the same but it saves such grotesque waste.
  9. And they can put an elasticated collar with bell attached on him so it will make it harder for him to kill or maim birds (which all cat owners should do).
  10. Shuttered, to mean shut/closed/went out of business. (Horrid term, horrid things)
  11. Posh mummies and daddies with all the gear (gold helmets, trendy jackets, paniers fore and aft) love to brandish the kiddywinks they carry as a kind of carte blanche to cycle on footpaths, even when they’re right next to a cycle lane and/or a LTN. Resist! (Lycra-clad “professionals”, though, are often courteous and law-abiding, stopping at zebras and knowing their place is on the road and not the pavement.)
  12. Please post a number for humble taxpayers to speak to a real person, if you have one. Emails go unanswered and phone calls via the switchboard likewise.
  13. Peckham Centre is neglected by council members, householders and business owners alike, to varying degrees. It needs attention and money and if this development helps it become cleaner, safer and more sustainable and welcoming I’m in favour.
  14. .. is to close.
  15. Westbury Chemist is on the P13 route and is open till midnight every day. I had searched here for information on a nearby 24/7 or late-closing one but did not come across this one. https://westburychemist.net/
  16. Maybe toasters and gas hobs should be subject to taxes, given that they too produce particulate matter? Same goes for tyres on motor vehicles.
  17. Three (unflashy) car windows smashed, all in a row, on Court Lane near the junction with LL a few weeks ago.
  18. Leave your dog at home, please. It’s not going to enjoy it, at best it’ll endure it. If you’re blind, then of course bring your dog to the pub/cafe/office and expect lots of good wishes and respect, maybe even a treat for Rover, but if not, please don’t (or sit outside). Not everyone likes dogs and some are thoroughly frightened or allergic and to ignore this is solipsistic and self-centered. (I like dogs a lot but only in the home or the park.)
  19. If the local authorities did the job thoroughly then another parallel authority wouldn’t be needed.
  20. Then speak to the headmaster or headmistress and ask them to monitor it. Also, CC Helen Hayes MP.
  21. Parents can also get up earlier and/or let children take the bus or cycle or walk. It’s a choice, possibly hard to swallow, but still a choice.
  22. ? Dunstan’s is a school street so, quelle surprise, the usual suspects just sit on the DYLs on nearby roads instead, leaving a v short portion of Dunstan’s clear for a v short space of time. No care given to causing blind spots and hazardous obstructions just as long as little munchkin can get home in mum’s taxi. I’d like planters or trees in big pots placed on the DYLs. At least the school makes an effort now to deter the offenders by putting out portable bollards. I fear there’ll be an accident.
  23. It’s not good. Mind you, it’ll fit right in with the established (and accepted, unfortunately) “vibe” of Rye Lane…
  24. I’ve had them in my garden only the once - though that’s only when I’ve seen them. Is it only Niger seeds they’re into?
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