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Everything posted by polla2256

  1. Well just called them back, They told me firstly the issue has been resolved since last Friday, switch off your phone to recieve a network update and it will be fine. I told them the phone has been off and on (flat battery) but has not made a difference. They put me on hold for 15 mins and then came back and admitted that there is a line of sight issue in the area. At this moment they can't say why or when / how it will be resolved. It may require a complete redisgn of the site which means planning permission etc. They then offered a sure signal box for ?50 - I didn't accept as I shouldn't have to pay for their shortcomings. I threatended OFCOM and elluded them to the fact that people are being released from contrct in the area and it may be amtter for the press as to how they are conducting their operation at large with a crumbling 3G infrastructure. She went away and came back offering the sure signal for free - I accepted for a trail period stating if I notice any interference with my broadband service I will look at terminating my contract, she said this would most likely be the next step. In short they are trying to bluff at first but have admitted there 100% is an issue that they don't when if / when they can resolve it. As such ring them telling them this, record everything and write a letter to OFCOM if you aren't happy. The new campaign - Free sure signals for East Dulwich : ) Side note: I rang 08080044688 (customer relations team - maybe linked to the complaint I sent the CEO)
  2. There is no god, but who am I to tell you otherwise. I made up my own and respect anyone who does the same no matter where their beliefs lie.
  3. Ive had a few missed calls (within 4 mins) from them after complaining. not called back as been too busy. TBH I know they will just carry on with their rubbish.
  4. Southern have to be one of the worst toc's I've seen. It was evident this morning that no preparation work at all has taken place. I can't believe they haven't retrofitted de icers to the 377's or requested support from lorol 378 to run a special diagram with their De icers. It seems as though they have just given up, roll on the thameslink takeover.
  5. @tallulah When you've been shot at, rpg'd, sniped, motored and ied'd come back and please tell me you truly understand human nature. When you have had a bout of ptsd, served in every modern conflict of the 21st century and are considered a veteran then come back to me for discussion. I see the world for what it is. I hope I don't meet this person bacause if I ever feel threatened I react with an instinct you may never understand. I have pulled the trigger many times and know how it affects people, yet im still a functioning member of society. If its a mental problem he needs help, if its drug related I have no sympathy. Take pity on him all you want but he should not be on the streets.
  6. cheers for that, i let my feelings known. needless to say i never got a call back. see if this ceo actually lives by his word, as his staff certainly do not. Im making a call tomorrow evening, from then on its every 2 days. feel free to join me. i find this useful too http://www.ceoemail.com/ Vodafone UK Guy Laurence Chief Executive ? ? E-mail [email protected] Telephone 01635 33251 Website http://www.vodafone.com Twitter @VodafoneUK ? ?
  7. Dick heads like this piss me off. Hope I dont meet him.
  8. I'm currently looking into a multi pronged approach. Cctv and a huge dog.
  9. How's about this we'll all ring them at the same time every 2 days until they do something. Post all conversation results here and then email the link to the CEO for the UK, I did something similar with virgin.
  10. I live near there and its fine, never had any bother. The bells can be annoying on Sunday but I can live with it, if anything its a good thing as the people who attend the church are very polite (except the crazy old women on the mobility scooter). Main problem with friern rd is parking, absolute nightmare.
  11. I would love to see a cinema in east dulwich. A huge 3D imax pleasen!!!
  12. Okay ive had enough too now. I rang them today. There is a problem and they apologise. cheers for that. 'I can recommend you do this...' 'stop there im not turning my phone to 2G' (long conversation and I explain my knowledge of telecommunications) 'I know the problems in the area affecting the mast and I want it fixed please' 'Ill pass you to a special super dooper senior techie god like guru' 'My name is Ahmed im the SENIOR technical support guy, I can tell you our engineers are working on it right now and it should be repaired soon' 'How long for so far its taken 3 months' 'Sorry sir we cant say how long it will take, its a long process bu... 'I dont care about vodafone processes or how you run them, I care about my phone working' 'But sir' excuse excuse excuse 'you're reading from a script this is nonsense' 'Escalate the issue please within your process, I want 3 months refund and as a good will gesture cancel the contract' 'ok sir, you will be contacted within 48 working hours so Tue at the latest' 'and the refund ?' 'yes sir no problem' Lets see what happens next...if you're affected put a brief transcript here and lets see how they tally up.
  13. Try the internet you can get anything from there. Avoid America though (they always slap a massive tax on goods).
  14. It's much better but has limitations. I don't beleive it is suistainable for everyone to eat organic, in the same guise however I think that over production of processed, chemically enriched, irradiated, preserved food is not the answer either. I eat organic where I can but generally go for the in season, grow together goes together approach. One thing is for sure summer fruits are for summer or I aint going near them.
  15. Salsaboy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's a goose not a duck and I agree with bawdy - > it is delicious. Not quite true - Foie gras is "fat liver". Goose is really tasty (foie gras D'oi), Duck is nice but not as creamy or smooth (Foei Gras de Canard). Also there are verying methods of preperation - I've eaten a number of differing types. The freshly prepared seared goose liver type is very different to the "normal" pate variety, also there are many methods for both hot and cold consumption. As such "Foie Gras" as a term is a bit too general. However its guise its bloody delicious.
  16. auction sniper - google it handy android app too. they dont always win but its fire and forget.
  17. Believe it or not people out there do have a motive against you. Yes rights needs to be protected but a line must be drawn. Its blatantly obvious the guy was / is up to no good. As a community we should be vigilant together. As for your minority report comment - ridiculous, please review the film. This liberal mind set has to end or would you actually see the point of view of the person who pulls a trigger against you and say you were in the wrong for the sake of their rights ? Horse sh!t Lets start a name and shame board !
  18. How arrogant can you be - if you have a photo post it. Or are you happy that as long as the potential crime against you has been overted all is well ? What about the old man who can longer go out to face the world ? The wife who no longer feels safe in her own home and lives in fear of her own community ? Why do criminals have rights and the community none ? Post the picture if you have it, you could really save someone the hurt.
  19. I have survival skills, training in light and heavy machine guns, HE munitions, Unarmed combat techniques, adavanced electronics expert (telecommunications, ECM and optronics), experience in modern A-sysmetrical warfare and traditional gorilla techniques, a few tins of beans and a pack of haribo. Can I join ? NB - Get a police scanner if you really want to know, there are some that can also pick up the thermal inage picture of the chopper if they are broadcasting it - it is however naughty and expensive.
  20. You can what you like about london, the economy blah blah. Try and get a night flight from a german city lol no chance. If we dont want planes in the 24/7 we shouldn't have them there. Wake up people our leaders dont lead we bloody follow like zombies.
  21. Yeh mines shit middle of friern rd. Got 2 bars usually cuts out when sat in my lounge, any other part of my flat you can forget it. Vodafone suck really, especially when you have a problem.
  22. Try shocking the nut ie hit it with a hammer. Is it a left handed thread. Yes you loose man points for this.
  23. Cyclists - cant stand them Stupid 4x4's that attempt to knock me off my bike (yes you with the porsche cyanne a few weeks ago) Pedestrians strolling in the road Being asked my name in starbucks
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