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Everything posted by polla2256

  1. polla2256

    Horse meat

    Tom Micklewright Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Or stop eating animal flesh? > > If you are interested in hearing about meat free > lifestyle come along to the next Dulwich Veggies > meeting - all welcom, Wednesday 13 February 2013, > @7.30pm ?Vegan Business opportunities?, Blue Brick > cafe, 14 Fellbrigg Road, East Dulwich, SE22, just > off Lordship lane. > > Confirm via the facebook group: > http://www.facebook.com/events/331135063672177/?re > f=ts&fref=ts > > Thomas > > Thomas Micklewright > South London Veg*ns > Call me!: 07789 322 920 > Twitter: @DulwichVeganSoc > Facebook: ?Brixton Vegans?, ?Dulwich Vegans?, > ?Clapham Vegans?, 'Crystal Palace Vegans' > ?Lewisham Vegans? 'Rotherhithe Vegans' > Website:www.dvvs.vegangroup.co.uk well now you're just being silly
  2. Hows about this - sacammer "give me some money for this ring I found or I'll steal it" me "Hows about I punch you in the face ?" alternative Real life needy type person "can you help me please sir I'm lost, voulnerable and (or) in need of help" me "certainly how may I be of help ?" the lesson - context and situational awareness (absence of the normal, presence of the abnormal). It's not cynical just a developed state of mind.
  3. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Won't be signing it because dogs carry out more > attacks on humans than foxes and humans carry out > more attacks on humans than dogs. I might sign a > petition to cull humans though. I second that motion
  4. Really ? Thats not cool - Do you mean its common in the general wider context or in our area ? I thought East Dulwich was safe.
  5. I'm not being nasty. Its quite simple - Don't give anyone money (not withstanding in exchange for a product or service), if you do and you get conned its your fault and no-one else's. As for anonymity - I'm always like this, even before the internet was invented.
  6. Can someone please change the title of the thread - or is this a common occurance ???
  7. Sol - Post hangover brekafasts are an emergency
  8. I don't agree with the liberal single mindedness as stated in the previous posts - there is no comtempt from those who mock (me for one) as bouncy suggested. I agree with the idea of feeling threatened, especially amoung the voulnerable, but in the same guise if people allow themselevs to be indtimidated, in that it is a manifestiation within their own minds, these scams will perpitrate, and yes when (if) I end up old and infirm I will remain this way - arrogantly so ; ) not through "bravado" but shear bloody mindedness.
  9. LOL Thats fucking brilliant
  10. no it should be like this The Owner is not known to be or shown any signs of aggression, has had all vaccinations and is capable of walking in public places. The license number would be put onto a Gangsta tag, that can be easily checked. These would be a fee to obtain with hefty fines for those who invade it to pay for such a service. In the long run it should save money, what with the cost on the Police and NHS for Gangsta related problems that the license could help to resolve. If a Gangsta has shown signs of aggression, it would need to be kept on a lead and muzzled at all times in public, until proof of rehabilitation can be shown and can then be reviewed. Age restrictions on certain breeds such as chavs and working breeds. Compulsory free work shop on responsible Gang ownership. This wouldn't be too hard to organise in the sense that there are an extremely high number of reputable "business fronts"/ council workers/ trainers that would offer these seminars free of charge (courtesy of the tax payer)on a regular basis.
  11. Just don't eat them as I once did after a night on the piss - they taste like shit.
  12. This is what gives. I was pissed from the night before with a stinking hang over feelng like total shit and in need of fried pig parts. I really didn't feel the need to remove my slippers shave, get dressed properly and generally I couldn't give a fuck, but on monday I will be back at my desk in the city looking sharp and giving 2 fucks in my corporate whore world. PJ's are a necesity as you really dont want to see me naked
  13. I agree, I genrally live my life if several places: Europe - I use O2 no probs. Wales - LOL Vodafone forget it, shit to say the best. London City - Well this should be bloody good it's a major european capital. Lancashire - Sporadic at best. That pretty much covers a good spread - Rural, Small town and large city - All very sporadic. At this point I can add my wife is on Orange and for coverage you can't beat it in all of the metioned locations, but for speed its toss. Can't wait for quantum communications to become main stream (in 2150 maybe)
  14. Quality not quantity. One of the reasons the 4G auctions were held back (other than incompetance) was the huge concern over the opertators handling of 3G infrastucture accross the board. Lack of investment, over subscribed and loss of coverage. Vodafone is just 1 example, there are others region by region. In Germany I remember Vodafone being exellent in 2003, when I got back to the UK I couldn't believe how crap it was (in 2008). I though I'd give them another try last year - I'll never learn. Maybe the operators gave up on their services in anticipation of 4G investment ?
  15. I see - I misread the post. Maybe the root issue wasn't the crane as assumed in the vodafone thread ??? In what area (geographical) are you seeing the improvement ? I can say Friern Rd was no different on Friday 1-2 bars max and slow as hell (but I was half asleep this morning). Over the last 2 weeks several of us on the Forum have escalated thed issue at the Vodafone CEO's office - Matbe they actually did something !
  16. DulwichDeviant Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Come on over to EE 4g > Getting superfast 4g speeds in East Dulwich now ! > See picture attached LOL no - 4G EE is very limited and too expensive. Also you'll be stuck with an 1800Mhz spectrum ie if you loose 4g coverage you will not get any roming benfits or international 4g data. Remeber the issues very early on in mobile technology - tri-band, quad band etc. We are at the same point (again). Wait for 4G roll out this year and then await new chipsets (Peta band ??? Octo band ??? however it pans out). If you really want good coverage go over to T-mobile (maybe even 3) for their HSDPA+ services - Better coverage, higher capacity and very very close to the realistic (current) 4G LTE speeds. On a side note I got my sure signal over the weekend - Now full service HSDPA and voice in my house - it does reduce though toward the back of the house. The major benfit is I can now recieve a signal in my basement bedroom. Also another forum user has reported that although the crane near the baptist chapel (did someone mention this as the possible source of the shadow?) hasn't moved but they have seen an improved signal - can anyone else verify this ?. Maybe Vodafone (and BT) have actually listened ?
  17. There is a thread on this - Voadafone network issues. This issue may have already been covered.
  18. Don't know what's going on but I noticed a door to access the substation on friern road was open yesterday, when I got home there was a notice telling of a planned power cut on Monday 0800-1600. Perhaps related ?
  19. Just clean with alcohol and cover. Watch for red tracking from the wound, if there is tracking or puss after a few days then go to the doc's. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  20. Record the conversation but let them know this. it's extreme but can you trust them if they have already crossed the line. Also get any agreement in writing and take a 3rd party along with you.if it's been empty don't worry about annoying your new neighbour as it will probably be rented if it's under development.I also agree with a survey, record the fact that any agreement you make well be subject to a survey, you will contact your insurers(this will scare them) and must have any agreement scrutinized by a solicitor at their cost. If they don't play ball take legal action and tell the council. the reality may be somewhat different when you meet, but make sure when you do meet you have in mind what you want them to do, if it's an apology fine, if it's a but of building work even better.
  21. I'd rather get a Tibetan mastiff compete with pet and liability insurance.
  22. annabel42 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Vodafone offered me a free sure signal box which > they said, by text message, I could collect from > one of their nearby stores. When I told them > there are no Vodafone stores nearby, they said > they had none in stock at present! What a bunch of liers. Email the CEO and point them to this forum
  23. To use sure signal you have to register per device and can only register a limited no of devices, it only works with Vodafone Sims.
  24. I don't think so - I presume it is to be used per house hold, that said I'm not sure on its performance. My guess is that it is registered per device ie only your handset can use it (for profitability) but I can't clarify yet. I assume you are relating the idea to BT Open zone WiFi ??? It would be intersting to see if it makes a difference - I will feed back on its use and look into its capabilities. However I can't see it being able to saturate an area bigger than a house or a few rooms in a house. Essentially it will bypass the mast radio and route directly to the exchange via broadband. I'll see if I can create a radiation map of the device when I install it but I don't know if there is an app for that.
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