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Everything posted by polla2256

  1. polla2256


    El Pibe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm guessing you think a deal was done with the > Mehdi Army to secure their release. > That deal involved spreading democracy across the > Arab world. > > You are Dirk Gently and I claim my five pounds. > > **eta > 1. 2005 was a 6 years before the arab spring, I've > no idea why you are connecting the two > 2. I see from another idiot that apparently this > is evidence that the Iraqi civil war was actually > the end in itself and created by the sas and > others planting bombs and shooting civilians. > > This is so ludicrous on so many levels I actually > have lost the will to ask you why, but just out of > curiosity i want > a) evidence, not another link to a website with > yet more speculation or tendencious opinion > dressed as fact and cirular references to other > loons on the internet > b) A motive. Why are the CIA, Mossad the SAS and > others (FSB? Peruvain internal security?) > fomenting civil war in Iraq when it seems to have > achieved nothing and runs counter to the policies > of their civilian governements? > > Whilst you're at it do you believe in any or all > the below? > The US government conspired to let 9/11 happen > THe US government conspired to do 9/11. > The US government is powerless, the real world > secret goveernment did it. > The protocols of the elders of Zion. > The UN as secret world government. > The priory of Sion as secret government. > The Templars as secret world government. > The Rosicrucians are the real power behind our > puppet civilian governments. > Roswell and Area 51. These views all seems a bit skewed. I recommend reading shock doctrine for a well researched account of events.
  2. polla2256


    El Pibe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > living up to your name there polla!! Thanks didnt know I had one, also its polla2256 btw not polla!!. Or we can leave it and await the rise of yet another rogue state, intervene and cause chaos in the middle east (again) or just talk about it endlessly from the comfort of our london homes while people die.
  3. If it replaces one it's still onther one just not an extra one.
  4. Poor guy. That part of road can be dangerous at times on a bike, hope he had his gear on.
  5. LOL I was thinking that too. I have a hornet off the road at the mo awaiting TLC.
  6. So I found this article maybe it will educate: Detonation, also known as pinging, pinking, or knocking, is a serious motor destroying event. It sounds different on many cars but it can sound like slapping metal wires against the motor, a rattle in the dash, shaking popcorn kernels in a coffee can, and when it?s real bad it sounds like marbles in a coffee can. It has a rhythmic sound much like a diesel (technically its very similar to a diesel). When you hear detonation GET OFF THE GAS IMMEDIATELY! Detonation is not the same as pre-ignition although they often occur at the same time. Detonation can be caused by too much spark advance, high IATs, lean mixture, dry air, high ECTs, low octane, etc. It occurs when the spark ignited flame front compresses the reaming air fuel mixture till it reaches critical temperature and pressure to auto ignite the mixture on the other side of the cylinder. The two flame fronts then collide with a giant explosion causing the audible knock sound. The cylinder temperatures and pressures increase drastically beyond the normal combustion temperatures and pressures causing burned holes in the pistons, bent or broken rods, damaged crankshaft bearings, and complete and total destruction
  7. Trust me if you put naptha in as soon as you start it you won't ride / drive it. The engine will not explode but the cylinders will significantly overheat, the engine will rev 2 or 3 times faster than it should on you will melt the valves not to mention knacker the cams, bearings and probably timing chain. The engine will then sieze. Denonation happens in the cylinders it doesn't mean the engine will explode - that's just stupid.
  8. Rig up a false fuel hose connected to something nasty - sugar, water to rust the cylinders or Naptha (my preffered choice) - this will detonate his engine, cause it over speed and totally wreck it (I did this once with a generator). If he ruins his engine he'll have no need for fuel !
  9. The craziest thing is by leaving my bike fully on the footpath I (anywhere) I have never been fined but have been fined in other cases (illegal parking, bus lanes etc).
  10. Don't forget to wash your hands after using the toilet and fasten your seatbelt before take off - very important
  11. polla2256


    The only real cure for Syria is to turn it into glass.
  12. The only way around this issue is depopulation. There are too many people in too small an area.
  13. Some once told me there was no such thing as a stupid question. I did believe this until I found this thread.
  14. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Estate 'agents', this, 'n spurious McD's (as we > kids refer to it), that, KFC the other and > something else whatever else. > > Any thread concerning estate 'agents' turns the > forum into a Larkinesque This Be The Verse > > They @#$%& you up, Golden Property Services. > They may not mean to, but they do. > They fill you with the Foxtons they had > And add some Pedder, just for you. > > But they were @#$%& up in their turn > By Fish Needs Water/Truepennys, > Who half the time were soppy-stern > And half at Ludlow Thompson?s throats. > > Acorn hands on misery to man. > It deepens like a Hindwoods 'rep'. > Get out as early as you can, > And don?t have any Roy Brooks yourself. > > Now, how much of a downer? VERY, that's how > b@stard much, so let's less it as far as estate > agents are concerned. Really. > > For future reference when a store becomes > available, WIMPY bar, as first choice, completely > uncontroversial as far as I'm concerned. That > half-pounder, mmmm. Plus cutlery, metal and all, > last time I looked. > Second, a late night opening Nando's, drink has > been taken, chicken, spice, chips. perfect. > Third Burger King, tied fourth KFC and McDonalds. > > I simply can't see anyone NOT loving the latter > proposals, why you'd have to be a bit 'Radio > Rental' or hopped-up on goofballs to challenge > them, surely. > > Surely? What a complete load of bollocks.
  15. The whole argument is fundamentally flawed. Everyone knows underpants go in the Balti not the Korma !!! So stop arguing and check your facts please ppl.
  16. Otta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please don't put a description of her on a public > forum FFS! Very good point only asked as my wife was on her way to work at that time and i hadn't hear from her. I had been in europe all week.
  17. The problem we have here is estate agents seem immune to the normal law of the land. If a shop, bar or restaurant provided consistantly poor service and fleeced your wallet from 1000 yds with just a blink they wouldn't last long. Estate agents keep going, ripping people off, lying and pushing up prices without consequence. Im Not saying Jacksons are like this but if they weren't it would be the exception rather than the rule. All we need now are 3 more chicken shops, a william hill, 2 tescos a spar a sub ways and star bucks to complete the deck.
  18. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Pre knives and guns it used to be the case you > made friends through a brief fight" > > ha ! yes true, one of my longest-standing friends > was through a long overdue fight (2-3 years, we > were from opposing schools, passing each other > every morning/evening on the way to/from school, > with cusses and snarls). > > Immediately after the fight we were best mates - > top result ! Really weird how that used to work. > Not sure it was 'pre-knives' though, there's > always been knives. Didnt know this was so prevelant met one of my best mates with a headbut. He was trying to bully me but ended up KO'd (didnt fare too well myself mind. Never felt I needed a weapon though, or a mobile for that matter.
  19. Please dont take this the wrong way as each person is different and todays society seems somewhat softer but take your son to martial arts or boxing. Theres nothing wrong with the controled aggresion. Also an idiot with a knife is an easy opponent if you know how to disarm and disble them. I agree with the take on the law of the jungle but remember you need to know how to defend yourself with skill and thought rather than windmilling and throwing breeze blocks. At 6 on 3 In my teens Id have them running to their mummies minus shoes and pants complete with broken noses.
  20. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That sounds like someone who only uses the Gatwick > Express. > > Southern or FCC to London Bridge Via East Croydon > give you regular, far less crowded reliable > service. I did it weekly for nearly 3 years. Exactly changing at east croydon is as bad. Any delay on the line also affects those services. Its one of the worst lines in the area.
  21. I had virgin media in my last property. Save yourself huge amounts of grief (and money) and cancel. Cant speak for sky or BT as I have never used them. With my current fiber provider I haver had only a handful of minor problems that lasted no longer then an hour or so. No engineers, no level 1 2 or 3 support, no angry emails to CEO's. Seeing what a broadband provider can do I will never go back to VM even if they do have TiVo (which I do miss TBH, but not worth the hastle).
  22. I fly from there regularly its best to drive. The trains are always deayed if you return in an evening and will be rammed with tourists, the taxi drivers are either late, over priced, fall asleep on the way or all 3 on some days. Go for valet or short stay parking as the long stay car park is ages away, though if its for longer than a week and only a one off its 6 and 2 3's. Personally its the consistent peak evening rail delays (on return) and the inhability to travel quickly anywhere other than into central london that form my choice. Really it depends on your mood an patience threshold.
  23. Try to modify thr fuel pipe with a threaded braided hose.
  24. KalamityKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why drag up an old thread when, with all this new > EE/4g mobile stuff, the old problem is not likely > to be the case? > As I recall the past issue was in a particular > part of ED... it didn't effect me last time round > but is now... Lots of reasons. To push the thread up in the page rankings after informing vodafone of the thread, get advice from those of us who battled with them last year and create alerts for those of us who may have auto email set in the thread.
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