Hi all, Apologies for the shameless plug but I wanted to mention what I'm doing for movember and hope you don't mind hearing about it? If not maybe it will raise some more awareness at the very least? This november I'm raising awareness and money for movember (http://uk.movember.com/about/). I'm not just growing a mo' i'm doing 'The South London' 10km run and hoping to do it in the quickest time possible. Before November I had done no medium or long distance runs in the last year so it has been a big challenge, with a physio appointment used at one stage! I've been pushing myself really hard and over the course of november I've been on 26 runs and covered 153 km (94 miles). I hope you appreciate the time and effort I am putting in, and please be aware of the issues a large majority of men will face in their lifetime. We can all do small things to help, both for prevention and detection. I'll be updating how I get on, on my movember page, pictures from the 10km event will also be uploaded. http://uk.movember.com/mospace/1877906 Thanks for your time :)