Yedped- the first trimester was when I needed a seat the most, some days my morning sickness was so bad even having my eyes open made me feel unbearably sick. I'd much rather of had a seat from week 7 to 16 than in week 40 but I didn't want to wear the badge in the first 12 weeks as too many people I work with get on a the same train as me. In my experience people on the train were good at giving you a seat if you were visible, but getting on at ED means you are inevitably squashed up by the door. I wore a badge on those occasions so people didn't barge me! On busses there was no hope of a seat and I didn't like to ask as I was always worried I was kicking out someone else who could be in the early stages of pregnancy themselves or have an unseen disability and need a seat just as much as I did. Commuting - it's a minefield!