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Everything posted by sand12

  1. Here is the Planning Information from Southwark's Website https://planning.southwark.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?previousCaseType=Property&keyVal=_STHWR_DCAPR_9567474&previousCaseNumber=_STHWR_PROPLPI_130332_1&previousCaseUprn=200003468663&activeTab=summary&previousKeyVal=_STHWR_PROPLPI_130332_1 Captain Marvel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 'It is, of course, a lovely building, and would > still be fit for many purposes' > > Exactly. Some things just need preserving for > their own sake. In East Dulwich, there are > precious few old buildings and one of them is to > be levelled without so much as a whimper > > Pulling that down is vandalism and demonstrates > the same poverty of imagination that permits the > construction of identikit flats all over the > borough
  2. It is a shame that this local piece of community social history is being wiped out. Not sure if this will be helpful, but I came across this recently and thought about posting here if folks want to do something. It looks like two wings have already gone. Considering the history of the site, why don't local schools/groups use it? (Poorhouses, History of Nursing, WWII Hospital, History of NHS, and probably more). It would be great as a learning centre for local history. Have you noticed an abandoned and derelict Victorian building near you? Are you worried a beautiful Victorian building is going to be demolished? Send the details to [email protected] for a chance for it to be featured in our Top 10 Most Endangered Buildings Campaign.
  3. Please join us tomorrow to kick off the summer with our School Fair Fun in the sun! And raising money for our new Turney Playground!! Buy raffle tickets!! 75 prizes to win from some of our very generous local businesses and community members. See the flyer for all the wonderful prizes (Vouchers for restaurants, local shops, gifts, experiences, hampers and much more). BAG OF RIDDIM Art Department London Marika Sonne Oddono?s Gelato Roullier White Perfume Wagamama Lordship Pub Plough Pub East Dulwich Picture House Myla & Davis Lila's Jewels ESPH Gym The Begging Bowl The Agile Rabbit Tupi Restaurant The Royal Mews Dr. Boo Anorak Herne Hill Velodrome The Neighbourhood Vet Franco Manca Spark 4 Kids COOK Dulwich Hamlet FC Flip Out Mark?s & Spencers Olley?s Fish Experience Fired Earth Celestial The Real Greek Kanella & Co Anna Jacobs Fired Earth Bartley?s flower shop Biff?s Robert Carder Shoes Franco Manca Plough Homecraft Powder Cosmetics Terriors Wine Bar William Rose Pearspring Tomlinsons Caf? G Greetings UK LTD Healthmatters Rye Books Bottle Cave Signora caf? Postmark The Fresh Flower Company Mem's Barbers Moxon?s Perform Oxygen Free Jump Duo Dance Canopy Beer Gail?s The Parlour Saucy Chip Iris 2 John Lewis Hampers donated by Knight Frank Eos Dance School 3 Free Terms Taylor-West and Co. WOOW Sunglasses Portrayed Photography Family Photo shoot Olivelli Mr.Bao M&S Sweaty Betty Some very generous prizes and vouchers from our wonderful local traders and parents. Thank you!! Most of all bring the kids, eat, drink, play and have fun! New this year is a professional Hip Hop Photo booth! The Inflatable kick the ball in the target game! From Football Magic! AND don't forget to come to our MAGIC SHOW by our after school club Magician Simon Roselli at 1:00. Never to be overshadowed, our STEEL PANS, go on at 2pm. Pimms, beer, Joshua's jerk chicken! veggie and meat sausages, and of course crisps & sweets! Whether you are sweet or savoury, veggie or carnivore there is something for everyone. See you there. DHJS PTA @DHJSPTA
  4. Hi Melinda, Welcome to the area and the forum. This section of the forum is not for advertisements. Can you please delete this and move it to the classifieds section? Lots of local families will welcome an additional therapist in the area. Thanks!
  5. Posting this to see if there would be any interest in this? It would be a weekly club with a variety of activities catering to the interests' of the kids and learning a bit more about key social skills for this age group. I find this is a really tricky age for all kids since they are no longer little, but really don't know how to navigate peer relationships. Things like joining a group to play or recognising teasing are very important skills, but not taught anywhere. If there is enough interest we would also set up separate groups for girls and boys, since a lot of the social things are different at this age-level. If you have an Autistic child in a mainstream school, then this area is often where they really struggle and lunch times and recess are the most difficult parts of their day. Schools/SENCOs often don't have the resources/time to do much. I hope this group would help address this. I have a personal interest in facilitating a club like this locally and some professionals/researchers who may be able to help with materials and training. Mainly, it would be a bit of a special support groups for the kids, and a very relaxed place where they can learn about these social skills and have lots of fun! Hopefully, at no cost and at a good time of the week for everyone. If you are interested can you please comment below or send me a PM.
  6. This has a lot to do with the junction changes from last year, but honestly the problem is more complicated than just the junction signals or cycle lanes. The area has seen a major increase in traffic due to the increased use of satnavs. Village way is a useful rattan for people avoiding other major roads to cut N/S. The village already had to contendwith lots of commuter traffic due to the concentration of schools, but this was manageable since it was during specific peak school times. Now, you have all manner of thru traffic using these roads. Carlton ave from the village junction to the new zebra crossing is completely backed up some mornings even further. Woodward?s is backed up to Druce. Folks trying to ditch Court lane due to the wait time there, cut to Woodwarde. I see it everyday. It was happening last Novembeer as well, so I don?t think it has anything to do with any water works. I?ve lodged a complaint with the council. I would urge everyone to do the same, since nothing happens until you document it and follow up. Woodwarde is a major artery for kids and families to walk for school. The congestion, air pollution, and dangerous driving I have experienced and witnessed everyday now for more than two years is making it very dangerous and I fear a tragedy is only waiting to happen unless this is sorted out. To give you an idea of what I have seen...last year a motorcyclist in broad daylight, during the morning school drop off jumped the curb near Gilkes crescent on Carlton and went right up the hill towards EDG-Townley Road. We were on the opposite side, but there were kids, prams, pedestrians all along his path. The only way to deter motorists is to put in speed cameras and fine offenders till people get the idea that the area is not suitable to use as a thru way. Carlton Avenue also needs to not have so many cars parked on both sides perhaps at peak times like morning 7-9 am and 3-6 pm. Something has to be done.
  7. Struggled with this for years and still do. It does get better as they get older and your learn more about their skin. A lot of it is genetics. Came to that conclusion once I had gone through a whole two years of blaming myself about not using the right nappies, creams, food, etc., anything and everything that was available at the time we tried. Later, had nephews who suffered through worse flare ups. So, it is something that runs in families, and environmental factors do make it better/worse. All the above, but with the reminder that every kid is different, so it is trial and error, like so many other things with little ones. A cure,for one child may not work for another. Here are some additional things that helped us: 1. Kept the temp very low and dry though out the area where LO was. Moist/dampness and heat cause more sweating and make it more likely to get infected. 2. The steroid prescription creams work and so does the hydrocortisone as a preventative. Best to use them before it gets bad. 3. If still in nappies, we got rid of wipes and just used flannels and a spray bottle filled with witch hazel or tea tree oil diluted-I think burts bees makes it. Lots of health food stores carry it. 4. Bath every other day in tepid water and with goats milk soap and lotion afterward. I think the brand was Cana? This made a huge difference for us. 5. Cut out all dairy, including formula and didn't go back to cow's milk till several years later. For weaning we used goats milk too. Some kids have this triggered by wheat too, so our allergist recommended completely no solids for at least a year and then very gradually added in least allergic foods. 6. Organic cotton under shirts & tights (H&M) were great to keep a layer underneath that no matter what we put on allowed her skin to breath. Generally keep clothes very loose or no clothes at home. :) washed everything in sensitive skin detergent, even our clothes and bedding. 7. Aveeno, aquaphor, loads of prescription emollients, we went through them all. The goats milk stuff was the only thing that really worked. Hope that helps and I've been there and hate to see any parent or child suffer through it. It can seriously mess with you mentally as well, so please look out for yourself too and enlist all the help you can muster. It is really hard to see pics of other kids/babies when your kid is suffering from it and looking splotchy and exhausted from not getting a restful sleep. Caring for our kids is more intense and we need more support/understanding.
  8. I am truly appalled by the lack of civic or plain common sense this past week. People do not even sweep their own doorstep, path to door, or the footpath in front of their gardens. Even after several days of snow/ice forming. Agreed council can't do everything, whether you rent or own, fact is you live somewhere and should keep the area tidy/debris free for your own safety and others. Self-preservation from slips/injury as well as looking out for your fellow community members. In many other countries if you don't salt/shovel area in front of your property you are fined heavily. City takes care of roads, but footpaths are responsibility of residents & businesses. The grit bins are found everywhere, hardly seen anyone using them. I'm at the top of LL, but walking around most side streets, most footpaths are still covered in snow and this morning a sheet of ice. Pre-salting/gritting does help. I did it myself for our place back on Monday. Still clear today.
  9. I thought the same too. When we saw the exhibit, didn't seem too busy/booked, but called today to check. They are discouraging folks from just walking up. Website indicates they are completely sold out too so... Just would hate to take her there and be turned away at door. Guy on the phone wasn't encouraging or just realistic about capacity?
  10. A long shot, but my LO is obsessed with the Moomins. Called to find out this weekend's activities have all sold out. She's already seen the exhibit, but wanted to see the puppets. If anyone has spare tickets for this weekend or can't go please text me? It'll make her day! 07341134737
  11. Apologies, the link initially worked for me. Please try this to read the full article. https://england.magazine.tes.com/editions/edition_edition_edition_5255.england/data/352027/index.html The research team is keen to hear from parents on the findings and help with advocating for more training for TAs. If you are interested or you think your school might benefit from this please get in touch.
  12. This was just published in the TES. Some families might find this useful in considering how much 1:1 support w/ teaching assistants (TA/LSA) children recieve in the classroom, in ability groups, and/ or specific interventions. Sadly, even when inclusion is funded, it is very difficult to change a school culture which still segregates learners based on labels. https://www.tes.com/news/tes-magazine/tes-magazine/myth-inclusion
  13. Does anyone know whose alarm this is? It has been on/off every few minutes since this morning since about 8? I don't know what else to do except call 999? It happened last week too. Perhaps someone who goes away on the weekends? In any case it is annoying and sort of impossible to ignore in the warm weather.
  14. Via sky helpteam on Twitter--New: South London Area. Some customers may be unable to make landline calls or go online - we will update you when we can.
  15. It was 2-3 hours last time and later in the evening so I don't recall exactly. Phone seems to be fine here. Going on their helpline to report the outage unless someone else already has?
  16. Is anyone else down? This is the second time in about three weeks.
  17. Thank You! Just checked online too.
  18. Just lost power on Landells. Anyone with more info?
  19. Wondering if more folks are considering this option. Does anyone know what the procedure is to ask for a year deferral? Who do we contact the school or the education authority? A name phone/email would be very helpful. If any other parents also want to get together to discuss this please get in touch. The Facebook group for summer born children is very helpful if you need more information. Thanks.
  20. Thanks everyone for the great tips. Will try dulwich ironing. We don't have a car so, this will save me the time and energy of lugging two bulky duvets on buses to the launderette.
  21. Hi, Looking for any advice on where to get a few duvets cleaned. I used a service on LL last year, but I would like to try someone else. I did a search on the forum, but so far I haven't seen any other threads. Has anyone else used any local services? I have a large king size duvet and two smaller ones I need to have cleaned before storing for the winter. One of the shops on LL quoted me 25 for one. Is this about right? I would love to just know if anyone has a recommendation for a service that they have used a few times for large items. Last few items on the spring cleaning list! Thanks!
  22. I am very sorry to hear your son is experiencing this and it must be heart wrenching to see him go through this so young. I am honestly shocked to learn of this happening to ones so young. I recently had a friend going through a similar thing with her son at a local school, and he is about the same age. In his case it was more ethnic/racial bullying. Sadly, she later found out not much was being done and another student in the same class was also targeted and threatened. This can have far reaching effects on your child, others and I hope you are able to get some help for him soon. It doesn't stop by itself and, usually, only gets worse as they get older. I found the following website helpful with some really practical advice for parents on their rights and how to approach the school and local authorities. http://www.bullying.co.uk/advice-for-parents/ Hope this helps. I don't know if others have talked about this before on the forum, but maybe some other parents can offer some advice as well.
  23. Hi. Just reviving this thread. I would be interested as well. Please let me know if something came together and if we could join you or if I can help set something up.
  24. Hi, I know this thread is old, but we have just been told our daughter might have dyspraxia as well. We are in the process of getting the diagnosis for her, but it seems to be taking ages. She is three and we feel a bit lost about how to find out what kind of support she will receive in nursery or at home. She has a severe speech delay, which might require three to fours a week of speech one on one therapy. Does anyone else have any experience with getting help for their child. Would love to hear from others who have experience with the services locally. Any information would be much appreciated.
  25. It might be hit or miss. Ours loved the stairs, but not the slide so much or any of the other purpose made attractions/equipment. It is a bit small, so either they will get tired of the area and wander into the other galleries or love it and never want to leave. The scones are great in the cafe!
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