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Everything posted by sand12
There seems to be a house party or rally going on somewhere on CPR? Hearing party chants and screeching since 8pm. Called council noise pollution team and 101. Both said that can?t do anything. Can someone on Landells or CPR see if it is a street party and call 101? I can?t leave the house to see what is going on. 101 said they won?t come out to disperse unless it is in the street. I don?t think this is the first weekend this has happened.
The easiest and most effective solution to this is to shut the park for a full day and do a big [socially distanced) clean up of the park. Put up big signs detailing why it will be closed citing the rubbish and why it will need to be shut again if this continues. I finally visited the park after weeks of avoiding it due to the lack of common sense exhibited by many on a visit early on during the lockdown. Not much has changed, dog walkers, joggers and cyclists are still completely unsegregated from pedestrians. Sadly, entitled and oblivious people seem to love the parks which isn?t a surprise, but I was sad to see the sorry state of the park. It is one of the only redeeming qualities of this areas overinflated rents and house prices. Many of the areas need basic maintenance as well. Let volunteers do the grunt work of litter removal and the council grounds keepers can mow the grass and do some much needed weeding, mulching, and watering. Enlist the secondary kids from the local schools. It is a common space that has benefited all during this crisis. Now, maybe people can come together to help care for it so it is here for everyone in the future.
I?m a bit confused and would appreciate some clarification. The one on Landells a Road has never been full used since it was placed there. So, who is taking up the spots in these sheds and not using them (whilst still paying the rental?) and who collects the money the council or cycle hoop? Sorry, I?m completely uninformed except from seeing this pop up a while ago on the road. I never see anyone using it or more than I bike in it. Curious to learn who is getting the money and why the space isn?t used. Lockdown doesn?t explain the lack of use prior. It would be interesting to see if anyone on the forum knows of anyone using this shed or not. Are people who don?t live local to ED use it to get to the bus stop at the library? I?ve seen some commuters using the roads around the bus stop as a park and ride because of this, but I don?t know what the deal is with the bike shed. Have no objections to it, except it is underused and looks like there is demand for it from local residents. It would be sensible if perhaps people who live near the sheds were given priority? Hope to see more of these around but, make them a bit more cheerful perhaps and free. The one I see is an army green tin can monstrosity.
This is a very good suggestion yorksgirl and I second it and also want to add that this is also a problem in our local schools. With budgets cut to the bone, a local headmistress told me they had to scrabble to find the funds to properly stock the lavatories when this hit. I was shocked that children didn?t have time or the soap and towels to hand wash properly. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/mar/17/covid-19-reveals-the-alarming-truth-that-many-children-cant-wash-their-hands-at-school Hand dryers should also be replaced. We know this is an airborne virus. All public loos should have these replaced with paper towels. If you get one super spreader going into a small lavatory and then using the hand dryer it is like a covid explosion. They aerosolise bacteria and viruses. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-turn-off-hand-dryers-to-prevent-spread-of-covid-19-doctor-warns-11965900 yorksgirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > As savvy experts are saying that will most likely > be a number of waves of COVID 19, what can you do > please to ensure there is hot water in all > publicly-used toilets so that people can wash > their hands adequately? > > Can you do this in all Southwark parks, and can > you do anything with licensing laws re the pubs > and supermarkets in the borough that currently > provide only cold water in their toilet > handbasins? > > Hand washing with hot water is a lot more > effective than cold water washing. That's because > you need hot water for soap to lather adequately > but also because people are far more likely to > keep washing for an effective time if there is hot > water. Rather than just freezing their hands. > > The trend to have only cold water available has > only appeared in the last decade. When I asked a > while ago about why it had happened, the answer > from a supermarket manager was that otherwise they > got homeless people washing in the toilets. > Somehow, this seems to be the wrong response to > homelessness?
Hope you are taking it easy Artclub. It is really hard to swift through all the emerging science and find any definitive answers. I would say though that this might be the best read if you want a layman?s explanation: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-14/do-coronavirus-survivors-have-immunity-from-reinfection-maybe In short we just don?t know and it will take time for the scientists to do the science. We need time to run the experiments and trials. Anyone, politician or economist, saying otherwise or offering a magic test or pill is basically a snake-oil salesman at best. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Report any medical issues to your GP and insist on CT scans to check your lungs if you feel worse. The post-symptom period is really important too. We don?t know what this virus does long term to the body. And, seenbeen, it wasn?t the WHO which let us down. It was our government. It was a PM too lazy and filled with hubris to attend multiple COBRA meetings or listen to his scientists that let down this country. The WHO was warning governments back in January. Many countries listened & prepared: Greece, Vietnam, Taiwan, New Zealand and Germany. How do they compare in #dead versus the UK?
I'm sorry TJ that this happened to your kids. Sadly similar behavior is the norm for dog owners/walkers in Dulwich Park. My LO refuses to go to the park because of similiar incidents over the years. It is traumatic and stays with kids for a long time. I don't understand why parks don't have doggie park areas which are fenced off away from the general areas.most civilized countries do this or ban dogs from parks specifically to prevent this kind of incident. Perhaps because there is no Rabies here gives people a false sense of security in thinking it is ok to let dogs off leads. There are however numerous incidents of dog attacks of children. A dog, no matter how well trained or placid is an animal and can cause injury if threatened or agitated. Not the dog's fault, fault the owner and report them to police. TJ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I want to add to this general list of > inconsiderate people. Today I took my kids to the > park early to avoid the crowds, and there was the > usual packs of dogs off their leads charging about > while the owners stood about chatting (nowhere > near 2m apart). One black dog charged up to my > daughter and took my sons Man City football off > her (left her in tears - and it was his pride & > joy) and then bust the ball. The owner just abled > after the dog, who proceeded to run all over the > Rye and eventually dumped the ball in the river by > the play park. I admit to colliding the owner a > prick, which wasn't my finest moment.. However, > get your %$%?ing dogs under control. The council > guidelines are clear. All dogs must be under > control. This means trained and responsive to > commands, or on a leash. It's simple. I have > requested police start to patrol the parks in the > mornings as dog walkers are not behaving > responsibly to the wider population. > Rant over.
Jogging has to be stopped on pavements. This is obscene. If you want to exercise, go and jog/run on a track with others doing the same thing. Alleyns, DC, JAGs all have tracks, petition to use them. Infect away! Since you are so healthy, you can take the hit. Not true of the elderly, disabled, immune compromised in your community. The utter selfishness of people on here and outside running and jogging right by people is disgraceful. Did you clap today and run outside. Then guess what you are a hypocrite. Have had it with this nonsense. This thing is airborne and if your don?t get that by now, God help your running shorts clad ass. This isn?t hard folks. Stay inside, get your exercise inside and walk outdoors for fresh air and to see other humans. Any kind of vigorous exercise where others may get infected is irresponsible behaviour. Wear a mask, teach your kids some basic manners & social distancing protocol, don?t do vigorous exercise, and dog walkers take pooch around your neighbourhood rather than the parks. Fido doesn?t give a shit, where he shits. You just need to be seen somewhere for your ego and that is the reality of most dog owners taking their dogs for their ?long? walks or just making the calls/visit to their paramours on the side. 😉
Well that is good to hear Pugwash. Will try again if it looks like they have sorted it out at the Local Sainsbury?s. seems like some families or people have also fled Dulwich this weekend. Less families and in general people around today? Maybe folks have realised we aren?t getting out of this anytime soon and left the city if they can?
This is still happening and for clarification this isn?t the DKH Superstore. This the Local Sainsbury near the library on LL. I am glad you complained as well. I mentioned it to staff and they seemed resigned to the public not listening. There is tape everywhere, but no one stays in the boxes till an aisle is clear. I agree though, avoid if you can. This video is a good illustration of how pathogens get airborne in aisles https://whdh.com/coronavirus/3d-simulation-shows-how-a-single-cough-can-spread-coronavirus-through-a-grocery-store/
This is set to be a huge issue for many families who don?t have access to PCs, Tablets, iPads or broadband. The government will be in breach of the law. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/apr/06/uk-councils-face-lawsuits-over-access-to-education-in-lockdown We would not be closing them if they had some basic things like: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/mar/17/covid-19-reveals-the-alarming-truth-that-many-children-cant-wash-their-hands-at-school Absolutely disgraceful. I was shocked that hot water and soap were not available or rationed in schools in this country. No wonder kids (and their families) get bugs as soon as they start going to school.
Neighbours ignoring isolation rules
sand12 replied to Ronnijade's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Hi, Sorry to hear you are frustrated. I?ve been in a similar situation and it can be very bad for your mental and physical health. I think the advice to contact the landlord or tenant association is great, but if that doesn?t work or you have already tried it, call the council noise pollution team https://www.southwark.gov.uk/noise-and-antisocial-behaviour/antisocial-and-threatening-behaviour They are very helpfuL and come straight away. Not police, but can persuade people gently (anonymously) about how their behaviour is impacting others in the vicinity. Having visitors in a pandemic lockdown/quarantine is not ok. Other suggestion is to get in touch with our local met police community teams. They patrol regularly and could do a doorstep knock and reminder for a few houses on your block to make it less targeted? I think the info for each ward is up here but if not you can look them up on twitter or on the Met police site using your postcode. Hope it gets better soon. -
Not sure if this has been seen by everyone, but looking at the queue for the Local Sainsbury?s on LL, I don?t think so. Several couples, families with kids (older/younger) some getting out of cars queueing to get in the store where then it is chaos. (This shop is badly set up for any social distancing) The staff are not enforcing this either. They have plenty to deal with imo. So, please couples, families, consider how you are endangering others and your own family by ignoring this advice. Obviously if disabled/child can?t be left at home with other adult, buy please limit your trips to this shop and other smaller local shops. The more movement in the public, the greater probability of the virus sticks around longer and more dead every day. It was nearly a 1000 today in hospitals and probably more in the community. https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/03/sainsburys-bans-couples-shopping-together-ramps-social-distancing-rules-12504047/
This is happening throughout our area. Many people justifying it by saying they can?t work at home unless they have a nanny or in one case I saw in the family section of a teacher becoming a tutor/nanny for several families. There are genuine cases for key workers perhaps, but tbh there is a lot of entitlement to be cavalier about social distancing if it doesn?t directly impact you. The family discussion section has been very quiet about all this. I wonder if this is all over WhatsApp? Govt guidance is clear. Households need to be self contained, so no bf/gf visits, cleaners/staff that don?t live with you. Live in nannies/housekeeper is fine or au pair, nannies who live out or babysitters and live tutors are not.
Would you like some online schooling support?
sand12 replied to Soylent Green's topic in The Family Room Discussion
I saw your post and wondered if this would be allowed if childminders aren?t allowed to function as well. Social distancing doesn?t work this way. You would be putting the health of your own family and the students families at risk. The forum has posted an article about social distancing above. It might be helpful to read this too for parents and anyone thinking about offering childcare services. This is going to be a challenging time for everyone. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2020/03/14/parenting-tips-coronavirus/ I know there are lots of online tutoring groups that are already set up or starting, perhaps that would be the safer option for the students, your family, and the rest of the community. Soylent Green Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thank you everyone who has responded. Now we know > that schools are closing on Friday, please PM me > with your email addresses and ages of your > children. I am working tomorrow and Friday, but > will be making arrangements to move this forward. > > After discussing this with my own children (aged > 15 and 18) who will also be off school, I can > provide 3 full days of tutoring and childcare per > week that school is closed. My suggested days are > Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays, operating from > 9am til 4pm. However,both days and hours are > flexible depending on the mix and family needs. > > One of my children will help me on each day which > will enable a wider age group or range of > activities, which will be planned with me. > > I look forward to meeting your children and > working with them. -
The presentation today at Alleyn?s was informative. I wasn?t able to stay for the QA afterward. The representatives from the council were doing their best to clarify and present the options under consideration. Some folks were eager to voice their objections, but it was unclear if they had taken enough time to listen or read through the documentation beforehand. We have to address this issue collectively. Pollution and congestion are a health hazard for all- young/old, pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. The area was not built to accommodate the level of thru traffic, commuters who park/ride, and the increase in pupil numbers at the private and state schools, the rise in household deliveries/couriers, or AI which redirects traffic to routes which shorten the journey, but cause harm to the local area. We need to address these issues collectively and with empathy. There are many reasons why each of us has cause to use a particular mode of transport, or not. We should listen to what those reasons are as well as share how those choices impact on others. Some measures will need to be trialed and revisited, but inaction is causing irreparable physical harm.
Just got back from Townley Road. The street is filled with cars parked in every available stretch. Thru traffic is a mess. Alleyn's teams are playing but there is no provision for the teams or spectators parking at all. The assumption is the neighboring streets and residents will bear the brunt of the added pollution and congestion, even at the weekend. I walk that stretch weekly and there are excellent bus connections on LL and EDG for anyone to use as well as walking/cycling options. The council needs to take active measures to discourage people from using cars to access these spaces when PT options are already available. The plan above is a step in the right direction, but I do think weekend measures also need to be considered as well. This is a great area with many amenities like the playing fields, which should be accessible to all, but not if you have to hold your breath through a fog of fumes and bumper to bumper irrate drivers.
Thank you! Telegraph hill park is further but it looks lovely. Ruskin park is worth another visit. Didn?t realise they had dog free areas. Wish there were more local parks that offered this option. Will have to take a few buses to reach these other parks.
Wondering if there are any parks locally which are dog free? I know many of the parks have small play areas that are dog free, but looking for a park that maybe dog free all the time or has dog free times? Would like to be able to go for a walk without dogs in vicinity. All the locals I?ve seen: Peckham Rye, Dulwich, Goose Green, Brockwell seem to have dogs all the time and in most of the areas. The reason for asking is due to a disability. Doesn?t matter if the dog is on lead or not, would just like to find a dog free natural area locally.
Thank you for the update and wish you luck with the new space. Unfortunately, this is an issue that the local councillors should address regarding the quality of pedestrian space on Lordship Lane. I know this has been brought up before on other threads as well, but it doesn?t seem to be getting much attention. The space left for people to walk comfortably and safely in getting more constrained. The whole corner or EDG and LL could do with a redo. I pass through the area several times a week and it is getting worse for navigating safely for a variety of reasons: 1- there is no crossing light to across EDG. 2- the pavement is encumbered by too much street furniture (two phone boxes!!! and cycle rings) 3- the car charging station on the EDG corner makes it very hard for buses to get through when two buses arrive at the corner at the same time. All of this makes the area very chaotic in the best of times, but at rush hours when many children and parents are trying to navigate the bus stops to change buses quickly it is very dangerous. I don?t know who or what is responsible for this, but similar to the Dulwich Village crossing planning fiasco, I fear this is a lot of different departments not talking to local residents who have to live and navigate these junctions on a daily basis.
Saw the boards going up a few weeks ago. Is it me, or has this made the space on the pavement more constrained for people to walk through? The phone boxes and cycle rings don?t leave much space for people to get by on the pavement. The surface is very uneven and between the amount of pedestrians, buggies, dogs, scooters, and disabled folk trying to get through at busy times it is quite scary, especially for little ones. Perhaps take out the phone boxes or cycle rings till work on facade is complete temporarily?
Dcd/dyslexia private assessment and support
sand12 replied to midivydale's topic in The Family Room Discussion
This. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50095218 The wait and see approach is not always the best. This is especially true when schools and LAs don't diagnose because they don't have the money to then support the students. This government has let down children and families with special needs catastrophically. If you can, get an assessment privately, armed with that you may then be able to advocate for your child. Otherwise, they will just wait to see him fail & then offer minimal/inadequate support to appease you. Sadly, by then the damage to self-esteem and ability to catch up to peers is compromised. -
This is the type of dangerous and inconsiderate behavior which makes the elderly, disabled, and families reluctant to walk &/or use public transport. This builder claimed he had a permit to park his van on the pavement. Blocking pedestrians from using the pavement or risk stepping into the road into oncoming traffic and buses turning from Barry Road onto LL (in front of the Dulwich Library). This is a very busy area and yet he felt he has the right to park his vehicle for his convenience here for ease of access to his tools. Never mind the danger to children & adults trying to get on/off the bus on Saturday morning. There should be an easy way to report & fine this kind of endangering of the public. Reported to Southwark, but most likely no consequences since they don't have enough staff to do much. Found out you can report this here: If you notice any obstructions on the public highway, please let us know using the details below: builders' skips or materials (eg piles of bricks, sand, concrete etc) road works safety barriers that have fallen over scaffolding or hoardings signs or advertising boards that are unauthorised shop goods or tables displaying goods on the pavement that are unauthorised tables and chairs from pubs, cafes and restaurants vehicles that are parked illegally or have been abandoned Contact [email protected]. traders or vendors that are illegal or unauthorised Contact [email protected]. branches, bushes or hedges that overhang or block fly tipped rubbish wheelie bins, trade waste bins any other obstruction Contact [email protected]. Please report these whenever you can, because if enough people do, perhaps we can all enjoy our neighborhoods more. Better for the environment and cuts down on social isolation for the disabled and elderly.
There is quite a lot of smoke coming from the back gardens towards LL. Hope all are ok?
Completely agree that the site should not sit derelict and it is wonderful that a school and health facility are to be located on a site where public services were offered to the most needy in years past. The issue is more about preserving the social and architectural heritage of the site. Reading about the planning, it seems the most economical and expedient options were considered in the final decision and historical or social interest was not. Complete demolition of the site is a final erasure of the site's legacy as a social resource for the most vulnerable: the poor, sick, war veterans, maternal health, and the early NHS. There are also other grant making bodies which could help: https://heritageoflondon.org/projects/#ourgrantscheme
East Dulwich Forum
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