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Everything posted by NomDePlume

  1. Are you sure it is dead? Was is it clucking at whistling?
  2. Download the image from Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows7
  3. I Thank Keith Lindsay-Cameron for this thoughtful paper. Cities are incredibly vulnerable places and I am not sure that the Tories and neoliberals across the world have thought this through. London is becoming increasingly gentrified as a matter of policy, big money is enforcing social cleansing, it's getting rid of the poor and creating a haven for wealth, and wealth in and of itself is essentially useless, relying on others to make the stuff that sustains life and having it imported, hence the super port called 'London Gateway' in Thurrock, Essex. The culture of greed of the global 1% enshrines competitiveness as if it is holy writ, whilst denigrating cooperation as weak, leftist, bleeding heart, socialism. We are in the midst of a global economic apocalypse, driven by greed at the cost of everyone and everything else on the planet and the poor in particular. Those who are amassing global wealth know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Right now our NHS is in crisis, this has been caused wilfully and with intent to privatise the nations health service and introduce an insurance payment system which, because such a system is predicated on profit, not health, will deny comprehensive health care to millions of people. People will be abandoned to die for want of care because their needs are a profit loss and therefore of no value. The staggering stupidity of this is that they seem not to realise that they are driving people out of health care professions, which makes health care precarious for everyone, including them. The junior doctors dispute caused by Jeremy Hunt, has alienated an entire national group, a labour force, of real, actual, people, personally, politically and professionally. Biting the hands that heal us has to be the very pinnacle of stupid. Living in cities has, at its very core, dependence, there is not a city on Earth that is capable of providing its needs without a vast infrastructure to provide for those who live there by road, rail, sea and air. Supermarkets are contingent on daily deliveries of stock, Millions of people live one pay day away from starvation whilst entire cities and towns are just a few days away from starvation reliant, as they are, on 'just in time' deliveries. I well recall going to a local supermarket for a loaf of bread after an overnight snow fall to discover that the bread shelves were empty, along with eggs and milk, I drove out of town to a bigger supermarket to find their shelves empty as well. The very fact that I could drive there says everything about panic buying for no reason and the fragility of supply. Whilst governments hold us to ransom to sustain the competitive thirst of big business for profit, big business also holds us for ransom for overpriced goods to sustain their profits. Cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle are consumer monsters, resource hungry, not least in fossil fuels, for their daily survival. Prior to the 2008 banker driven crisis this may well have seemed an irrelevant issue to raise, but with the imposition of austerity on ordinary people, increasing poverty, inequality and global unrest, the cooperative endeavour that maintains modern life is not just being denigrated, it's being attacked by those whose only motivation is greed, which includes the government which is hell bent on finishing what Thatcher started. The so called 'free markets' are anything but free for the vast majority of ordinary people who are merely food 'stock' for corporate greed and the wealthy few. The richest 1% own more wealth than the rest of the entire world and a mere 62 people own half of all global wealth. We no longer have a 'salt of the Earth' working class but a denigrated, demoralised, demonised and penalised working class who are being killed off at a terrifying rate and whose only function is to serve greed or be abandoned to manage, somehow, or die. Homelessness is on the rise and homeless people are being criminalized in a country in which the government makes no attempt to address the housing crisis. If the government really cared about jobs and housing the answer would be to build social housing! That they don't and won't is the measure of the hostility and contempt they have for our lives. Those who live the most precarious lives are being targeted by government and if the consequences of that are of society rotting under the insanity of neoliberalism, it has only one direction to go and we're already seeing the results. Student debt, shrinking the welfare state, the destruction of front line services, including our NHS and those who staff it, asset stripping the nation and selling off everything that we, tax payers, have paid for and maintained, if all that isn't creeping rot from the bottom up I do not know what is. On 17th January 2017, the Guardian reported that the government is failing to deal with corruption at home and in Britain?s overseas territories, David Cameron said at last years anti-corruption summit which he hosted, corruption is "the cancer at the heart of so many of the problems we need to tackle in our world." He was in prime position to know, but there are consequences to state corruption which I am not sure he's really thought through any more than Theresa May or the rest of the right wing ideologues. Servicing cities and, indeed, an entire nation is a mind buggering undertaking and yet it goes largely unremarked, it's tempting to call it a logistical nightmare, except that it carries on day and night, a gigantic cooperative operation organised by countless people in countless ways. In human terms roads and railways are the nations arteries, then there are great ships and planes traversing the world and all the technology to make it all work, including all the communications networks and who makes it all work? Not the government. There is nothing coordinating the entire system, it's an astonishing collective effort run and operated by millions of ordinary people in which we are all players, reliant on one another and yet almost all complete strangers to each other. If one person ceases to be able to function, however that may be at home or at work, it's no big societal deal, but as life becomes more precarious and unstable for increasing numbers of people then the system will become affected, in ways great and small, and the more that is pushed by government policy and corporate greed, the more complex the problems become and the more chaotic. All of this is being caused by a neoliberal agenda of unrestrained vulture capitalism and greed which, according to right wing doctrine, left to its own devices will privatise everything and sort the world out and do it more efficiently and offer better value for money and choice than public ownership and collective action. That is the same as saying that in order to sort out the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, what we need is another tsunami, bigger and more destructive than the first one that caused it. I look forward to the day when the whole thing unravels for only one reason, when a banker comes to rural Peasedown St John, where I live, with a bar of gold, begging for food because he and his kind have turned London into a wasteland, I want be in the front line to tell him that having done it all for what's sitting in his hand, he can now "Fuck off and eat it!" Bear in mind that David Cameron and George Osborne, the two arch criminals and architects of austerity for the poor in Britain, are currently (Jan 2017) reported to be earning five figure sums for 20 minute speeches to bankers, the architects of the global economic meltdown in 2008, at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos. The solution to greed is yet more greed (economics for the terminally stupid). Our day will come although it'll get worse before it gets better, but sooner (probably) rather than later, we will either wrest the world from their grasp, or it will unravel through their senseless greed, and we will have to restore sharing, cooperation and collective action for all our sakes, but never forgive those who caused it and have treated us with such brutality and contempt. There are two certainties in life, they say, death and taxes, now there is a third, the absolute greed of the few at the expense of the entire planet. The world is drowning in their arrogance and stupidity. This is global economic warfare, and there is no possible excuse for it, nor is there a way out unless we resist and fight back in whatever way we are capable of. Our essential instincts of flight or fight won't help us here, there is nowhere to run that can ever be anything but a temporary shelter from greed. The world is our birthplace and our birthright, it is a closed system, but it is also now a prison being run by criminals who are destroying it. Our only choices are to do nothing or fight. It is as hard and as simple as that, but above all, never, ever, vote for them, that's not democracy, that's suicide.
  4. I found this site insightful https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/scale-economic-inequality-uk
  5. Thanks NXJEN Yes I found this as well I will wait and see.........
  6. This one is for those of us that like to exercise their brains ! set up and ran by the university of Oxford. Pays well via PayPal https://www.prolific.ac/
  7. $10 I haven't had a survey yet if it asks me to pay for a survey I will unsubscribe and flag it up as a scam! I have other sites that are legitimate and do pay out Guaranteed!!! This one pays ?16 per hour ?1 for every 5 minutes https://www.populuslive.com/
  8. It Varies depending on the site and your demographics, I have just joined the one above and already have $105, cash out at $300. Some sites have mobile sites but most you should use a pc or laptop. I will be posting other sites that pay the best!!
  9. I regularly do online surveys to supplement my frugal earnings. I will post up on the sites that pay out the best rates. The first one worth trying is this one. http://MyCashTable.com/?ref=26218 Do you do any or have a site you would recommend?
  10. Hello Carolod I had similar issues and could not get any HD channels, I cured it by upgrading my firmware on the TV, I downloaded it to an USB stick to complete the installation (it doesn't always work if you rely on on-line upgrade) Type yourTV's full model number + firmware into google to check. I also bought a new aerial https://www.amazon.co.uk/Max-Signal-TW1-Freeview-Aerial/dp/B00KW7OBSI Fantastic reception now!!
  11. The biggest threat to our beloved NHS is the Tory party and their shareholding buddies, 1st is to highlight a nicely profitable part, 2nd, then besmirch it's reputation with how badly its ran, how bad the issues are, the staff, the whatever, trump up a reason to put it out to tender. Then forewarn your rich buddies that it will be going public and shares are in the pipeline, earmark a large portion to those in the know, then announce it the hedge funds and other entrepreneurs. Finally go public offer it below market prices and another of our the public's assets go into private ownership! I'll use The Post Office as an example
  12. I wouldn't use the workers who hang around the d.i.y stores. Most likely to be illegal and unlikely to pay tax.
  13. Great reading for a Sunday afternoon! I cannot understand why social housing is not means tested? Where is the sliding scale that would enable the council to reduce the benefit for those whose wages has risen? If the people whose income is above a certain level then is it not fair that they pay more? If when it gets to the point where they are paying something close to private rent then they might then want free up the stock to those whom have a greater need. Same goes to all universal benefits, surely the welfare system was put in place to assist the poor? Peoples misconceptions about how their contributions are paying lazy people to lounge about on the dole is being deliberately enforced by the divisive tories. Where as the real reason lies with how the government chooses to spend the income it receives. Trident Missiles? New hospital/school? Foreign aid? Roads and infrastructure? welfare. Working Tax Credits equals more money for the company that pays crap wages and only benefits the shareholders. Housing benefit to working people lines the pockets of "market rated" private landlords. These are the very people whom berate the plight of the struggling poor whom benefit the most from the subsidies paid out. The capitalist model is broken, the trickle down of wealth is on an upward spiral, the affluence from the haves has turned to effluence.
  14. Hello I would like these tickets if they are still available? I could do with a good laugh!!
  15. Thanks for all your well wishes!! There is an so called initiative to remove the barriers from returning to work. What this consists of is vague at best and I suspect only exists as hyperbole! As for claimants allowed to work up to 16hrs a week.... here's the rub....All earnings are taken from your benefits for the whole week, effectively allowing you to work for nothing!! In Ireland they have a rather more fairer approach that only stops the money on the day(s) worked. After five years I am already in debt, overdrafted and gaining substance from the foodbank, The only assistance this nasty party has in place is travel expenses paid for the 1st two weeks and then it's limited to buses only. I guess I should not complain too loudly or they'll see another pittance to remove and it'll shanksies pony for me
  16. After five years of continued disappointment I finally managed to get into full time paid employment, quite an achievement for a 55 year old. The government in their rabid kneejerk response have cut all return to work provisions, There was up till April a "job grant" and a run on with the dole payments to tide you over until your 1st pay-packet. My question that nobody at the jobcentre or work program has an answer for is.... between the last benefit payday and work payday is a six week gap in income "how the hell do i live on f@ck all
  17. Anyone whom thinks it's perfectly alright to attempt doorstep indoctrination at anytime is seriously maladjusted. And should be treated with a fair amount of caution and equal amount of ridicule. Pity and fear these folk and all of similar ilk, extremism manifests itself by degrees, these mild mannered, suited and booted terrorists will hijack your reason, if allowed. Beguiling and demure with their Cheshire cat grins. Be-aware fellow forumites your Saturdays are sacrosanct!
  18. For the smug and glib among us whom post trite remarks with little or no thought behind it. YOU ARE JUST ONE PAY PACKET AWAY FROM THE DOLE QUEUE YOURSELF Hang on to yours as long as you can or dream on about the benefits of languishing
  19. I see the family of Jimmy Saville have have removed the gravestone and flowers surrounding it, leaving a small hole with no bush around it, Just how old Jimmy would have liked it.
  20. Christmas despite popular (dis)belief is for Christians and not a subject for rhetoric and ridicule, bemoaning the bad taste of the gifts so ungraciously received! (indeed) If you find you cannot stomach some gift then give it charity and let some other benefit from your unwanted junk
  21. I too am in a quandary about the enigmatic nature of the terms English/British. We are a bastard nation made up historically of several different breeds, creeds and cultures, Our language is of a similar nature and loans it's heritage based on several different tongues, this varied and multi-culturalism has been a legacy of our empire days and ultimately, has ill-defined who we are. not so long ago one would have been considered a yob or social outcast and racist for displaying the red cross of St George! Boundaries move, borders are redefined the fences do come down, expand that thought then surely we are neither English, British or European. Try Earthling if you have to label yourself !! I am Pink therefore I am spam
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