This morning there could have been a terrible accident if not fatal. I was standing in the middle of the crossing, the one on lordship lane just past Underhill road. The lights had changed and the green man up. There was a massive lorry and a bus the curb side of the road. The lorry probably turning left at the harvester. The lorry and bus had obviously stopped as the lights changed. I looked to check the green man knowing the vehicles had stopped then I looked directly to my left to see a cyclist coming at a ridiculous speed towards where I would have been crossing he went past so fast I was shocked, he must have been doing a speed of at least 35 m p h. It was as though the traffic lights never existed. I don't think the guy in the lorry could believe it either. So lucky I didn't rely on the green man and vehicles stopping to cross the road. I always check when the lights change before I cross and during crossing. Today I felt really glad I do this every time. As for the guy he was only young looked like a college boy. He was not wearing a helmet. So to you the guy with the lovely immaculate red hair you need to slow down and wear a helmet because you will kill yourself,or someone else cycling like you did this morning. Please take care people even when crossing at lights.