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lounge lizard

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Everything posted by lounge lizard

  1. Central would recommend the Duke's Bar in Dukes hotel St James, fantastic old schoodl Martini served from a trolley, stageringly strong. Slightly off beat would be the Zetter Townhouse cocktail bar, stunning quirky cocktails, watch out for the stuffed cat in the corner
  2. Those amounts do however represent a massive return on the purchase price if they were bought as a right to buy purchase. A investment return far in excess of what most taxpayers could hope to achieve
  3. Classic NIMBY's, is your head so far buried in the sand that you have avoided noticing that London has a chronic housing shortage. Oh yes, you did notice, you just don't want them built near you
  4. Isn't that a 2nd,3rd or 4th offence by bright horizons?
  5. Aquarius moon, could I just once have access to your medication, please, do you ever go to a play park, really ?
  6. Oh how charming Prunella, you are making the EDF just like the Daily Mail, of course drug addicts, Eastern Europeans, Roma's and gypsies are up to no good, over here stealing our possesions and no doubt jobs.......... Just one question how can you so cleverly deduce such things from such a limited description?
  7. Don't, yesterday pm, new low's arrived at 5.18pm and a bit, watched at leisure the 5.20pm departing, whilst engaging in casual chat with the platform staff. At 5.50pm gave up and took a taxi, thanks to network rail for charging me ?2.50 for the privilege. What a shower, but Londoners have gained a nice tower built by human rights abusers
  8. Long time lurker on this thread, otta's contributions strike me as very valid, I'm a previous renter just off Ll lane our private LL was possibly the most unpleasant individual it's ever been my misfortune to encounter and the fact that he is at least ?300k better off for our 24 month tennancy, probably more than that really upsets me. It is a free market and should be, for better and for worse, some people took a risk that for one I was 'nt willing to take, and have gained quite spectacularly from it. To be honest at the lower levels of the market I would reluctantly blame the sell of off social housing by successive governments, I 'm not sure what can be done about it but please only shop places where they pay the living wage so people have a chance of affording life in london and where ever you work, ask how much the cleaners are paid
  9. We used her for both of our sons, the first at 15 months, the second at 6 months. Results were very impressive both times, would not hesitate to recommend
  10. I am said partner on lizards login... I was merely dropping lizard at the station, innocent children in the car, lycra clad gentleman running in the drop off zone, I pulled into it whilst managing to avoid him, and received a flipped finger. Very unnecessary, we were not on the pavement, nor was he... Exaggerated response on his part, lizard defending his family in a heroic and admirable manner, really no indication for threatening behaviour
  11. A bit heat of the moment, I admit but the bloke's behaviour really angered me, and I'm suffering regrets at not having had a word. I suppose I left the post up in the vague hope he might read it, long shot I know. As for why he was jogging on the road, he looked the type that regarded the pavement as cluttered by annoying pedestrian types And thanks "lane lover" I've always admired your wise helpful words
  12. To the ?gentleman? running past north dulwich station at 7.35am on the road this morning, congratulations for the finger you flipped at my partner, my 2 1/2 year old and my 10 month old. After all stoping for 30 seconds in the drop off point is a bit outrageous. It takes a big brave bloke to do what you did, even though you are a bit short, bespectacled, crop haired/balding and dressed in very flattering blue lycra, you are clearly big on the inside. Hope the rest of your day is as full of brave acts and you don't trip on any pot holes. Congrats again big man
  13. The current service is a disgrace, getting quite excited about the next meet the management event at London bridge. The inability of staff to communicate is quite staggering
  14. Money spent on wine is never wasted, have very few vices these day's, what I spend on a bottle of wine is entirely up to me. I always used to think the selection at all price levels in G&B was pretty good, it was just the service ...,
  15. It's got to better than green and blue, I wanted to like it but the staff member who stood outside blowing smoke at me and my pram annoyed me on multiple occasions. The final straw was spending ?80 on a couple of bottles of wine and being told we don't do bags - don't worry I'll juggle them home
  16. Thank you forum have been ripped off by the railway for 18 months now, arse, but not for another day. Most helpful
  17. Surely a bit of minor skip usage by your fellow residents is but valid compensation for their loss of parking space. Combined with skip companies love of turning up at 8am on a Saturday and ruining my only weekly chance of an extra hours sleep. Just feeling bitter about a skip on the road where I live, 5 weeks and counting, three spoilt sleeps, Must get out there and fill it now......
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