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Everything posted by gemo

  1. Thank you for all the ideas. I will definitely be trying a few of these and seeing if I can fool them with some veggie sausages - thanks Klove!
  2. Thanks ACBP good ideas, especially the porridge fingers I'll definitely give them a go. The potato wedges and breaded fish are a winner with the one year old already but hadn't tried dips - anything is worth a go! Thanks!
  3. I have a 1 year old and 2 year old who are driving me insane with their fussy eating. Does anyone have any fail safe recipes that have won over your fussy ones?? My 1 year old is allergic to eggs and comes out in eczema if he has cows milk. He refuses to be spoon fed and won't eat anything he can't pick up and do himself. He hates soft or wet food so lasagne, pasta, sandwiches, rice, mash potato etc are off the menu. His favourite thing in the world is homemade pizza or any other variation on the cheese and bread theme - cheese on toast, quesadilla. My two year old used to be an amazing eater but has overnight decided that he will try to limit his diet to sausages and marmite sandwiches. This is a battle of wills really and I'm trying to give him no other option but it means him going without one meal most days. I'd be so grateful for any ideas!
  4. Thanks. That's such a shame, it was a brilliant class.
  5. Does anyone know if Bubbly Bees soft play is still on at the Greendale Hut? Thanks!
  6. First baby - Kings were great when, what started as a normal birth, didn't go to plan and I needed emergency treatment. Only downside for me was that it was difficult to get any rest on ward afterwards as it was very busy, lots of coming and goings all day and night. Second baby - in midwife led unit, was fantastic, definitely recommend for low risk births.
  7. I'd be interested too, I've got two under 2 with me full time and would love to get back in shape but can't figure out how to do it with them both around. Great idea!
  8. We recently had Steve's team overhaul all the sash windows in our home. Having a five month old and a 20 month old I was a little worried about the possible mess and upheaval, but any concerns were unfounded. The guys were very considerate, happy to prioritise certain rooms each day so the boys had somewhere to nap and they were great at tidying up at the end of each day to get rid of the days dust and ensure each room was safe for my toddler to explore once again. Really nice guys to have around the home, it's been a couple of weeks and my toddler still hasn't stopped talking about Greg. As for the windows - they look fantastic and we're enjoying having windows that actually open and don't rattle in the wind/every time a bus goes past the house. I would definitely recommend Steve and his Sundial team!
  9. I'm afraid I've not got any words of wisdom, just thought I'd let you know that I completely sympathise - I have a very active 20mnth old and a 5mnth old who is the worst sleeper and currently up just about every 2hrs in the night. Our house is a mess and I have never looked so shockingly awful but as you say, as long as they are healthy and happy that's all that matters right now - I keep repeating "it's only a phase"! I'm hoping they'll entertain each other as they grow up but God knows how tough it'll be when they start running in opposite directions at the park - at least one of them is constrained to the buggy right now! Just to say, you're not alone in the chaos. Good luck and do PM me if you ever want to get together, perhaps our older two can entertain each other?!
  10. Thanks to you both!
  11. Can anyone recommend a colourist in a local hairdressers that can turn my boring light brown hair red? Thanks!
  12. On Tuesdays I take my 19mnth old and 4mnth old to Bubbly Bees (in the greendale hut) it's a lovely safe environment where my toddler can play (and wear himself out) with minimal supervision. There are 3 sessions I think each Tuesday, we do the early one its a nice place to have a natter with other mums/carers too, all very friendly.
  13. I've taken my 4 month old to Laura at the Vale Practice and think she's great.
  14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11395487/FGM-Want-to-help-victims-Donate-your-wedding-dress.html
  15. Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM. A small group of my friends have grouped together to set up an initiative to try and help. The world respected charity Desert Flower Foundation, started by Somalian model and FGM survivor is working towards setting up the UK's first support center dedicated to helping victims of Female Genital Mutilation in London. To kickstart the funding of this, they've started Donate the Dress - where women (and men!) can auction off their wedding dress, veil, shoes, accessories, or even suits and services to help put a stop to FGM. How you can help... To donate your dress is simple, just photograph your clean dress, upload the pictures (and some from your own wedding) and a description to eBay for Charity, using the instructions on their website, and choose Desert Flower Foundation as your donation point. To check out all the dresses, accessories, suits and services you can buy - and donate with - head to Donate the Dress for more details. http://www.donatethedress.org
  16. My 18mnth old naps from around 1/1:30 to 4pm so afternoon activities are out the window for us
  17. I carry your heart with me (E.E Cummings) ?I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)I am never without it (anywhere I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) I fear no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet)I want no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)?
  18. Birnehelene, a mailing list sounds great. If you are happy to sort it out should we pm you our email addresses? Thanks!
  19. Congratulations everyone! It would be great to meet up with you all. I wondered whether anyone is free on weekdays. I'm still on maternity leave with my first so pretty flexible for meeting up during the day. Or we can try for an eve/wknd day if that suits everyone better. Anyone interested? What works for you? X
  20. Hello, we're expecting our second baby on 9 October. Our little boy will be 15 months then. Ditto what Sarah said - not sure what we're letting ourselves in for! Gemma x
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