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Everything posted by bon3yard

  1. bon3yard


    Yes I know its a conspiracy drama fleshed out with a smattering of surrealism and an excellent soundtrack but I kinda liked it. It was a bit of a throwback to when CH4 used to churn out this kind of stuff on a regular basis back in the 80s & early 90s before they dropped a bollock. The cast is pretty good with the chilly hitman played by Neil Maskell(Kill List)a standout. Bravo!
  2. TV has the luxury of unfolding its sprawling narrative over the space of a 10+ episode season which makes it an altogether more immersive and fulfilling experience, so its different not necessarily better. Having said that, particular TV shows have wowed me with the maturity of the writing and faith it has in the audience to maintain focus and invest in the moral ambiguity of its characters(yes, Mr.White I'm talking about you). I cant honestly remember the last time cinema has moved and inspired me in a similar way.
  3. It would have been controller out the window after the half hour mark for me. I admire your persistence...erm, what game are we talking about?
  4. ...and still no sign of the Starship M&S.
  5. Robert Rodriguez directed From dusk till dawn and also took the helm for the other half of the Grindhouse double bill 'Planet Terror'. I think Tarantino got a 'presnted by' credit on DTD.
  6. Surely its justified in context?
  7. Oh, I see. Never mind then.
  8. Ditto with Dexter, I thought it descended into parody pretty quickly and I simply couldnt take it seriously. Those looking for a post Breaking Bad fix could do a lot worse than Sons of Anarchy and Justified.
  9. Malumbu is Undisputedtruth innit.
  10. Wiggins looking very sharp a la Mod tonight, Sue Barker looked a little ill at ease when he took to the stage. It has to be our Brad doesnt it?
  11. bon3yard

    Ravi Shankar

    Yes, but with sharper edges.
  12. bon3yard

    Ravi Shankar

    'Tis a fractious forum which encourages pedantry & fosters cliquey behaviour Kingy...I love it.
  13. Just laughable. Did Di Matteo fail to soap Brave JTs nuts with enough enthusiasm or laugh wholehearteddly at his roster of rubbish jokes?
  14. Aww, poor Luis looks crestfallen. Funny. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/premier-league-liverpool-players-snub-suarez-102312799.html
  15. A rare gem on an otherwise uninspiring station. I'm not sure hes covering Londons core demographic in as scattergun and patronising a way as his fellow presenters hence the axe. Hes always been a welcome if slightly odd anomoly on Radio London and I'll miss him. Lets hope his 5Live show continues unimpeded. Robert Elms and his schmaltzy London nostalgia or dumb and dumber on the morning show? Gah.
  16. bon3yard

    Top Gear

    I've got a similar recipe that dispenses with Squirrels in favour of a brace of Pine Martins. Very moreish.
  17. bon3yard

    Top Gear

    ...blimey everyones a critic innit.
  18. bon3yard

    Top Gear

    They seemd to have ditched any pretence at reality now in favour of more and more juvenile and contrived set pieces. Shame really because I quite liked it for the first few seasons of the reboot and really enjoyed the Xmas specials. Clarksons a charmless, crass oaf and Richard Hammond has become increasingly irritating with each new series. James May still seems like a rather nice chap...if a little woolly.
  19. bon3yard


    I heard that new Muse track on 6music the other day and just assumed that was the new Bond theme...it was certainly bombastic and ridiculously over the top enough to qualify.
  20. Agreed, Spiral was very good.
  21. Yes, prices would be good. Me and the better half would like to get away in October sometime.
  22. I'm with you on Dexter, wasnt keen at all. When they started with the flashbacks to Dexters youth with his comedy haircut and his sainted old dad telling him to be a conscientous serial killer I just assumed they were playing it for laughs.
  23. Fergies become increasingly less flammable over the years so its always nice to see him do his rabid & ruddy ref denunciation(That was well alliterative). Funny as feck. We rode our luck somewhat in the 2nd half but given our appalling lack of fortune up there usually I thought that was fair enough. Good to see yet another Sun journalist get shown up for the shit stirring tit he was. Stand up Paul Jiggins and his one man mission to upset the AVB applecart. http://harry-hotspur.com/2012/09/busted-paul-jiggins-of-the-sun/
  24. Heh. Glad there a little bit of perspective on this news story, thought I was going mad wondering how this was front page news. Nice one boys!
  25. bon3yard


    Modern lifes rubbish.
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