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Everything posted by bon3yard

  1. Theres been talk of a Saul Goodman spinoff so maybe Mikes story could get fleshed out in that? http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=37670
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I'll check them out. Any other recommendations are welcome.
  3. A bit of a broad post this but I'm not sure how else to tackle the subject. I'm looking for a career change at the age of 38 and have very little idea who to talk to about this. Doea anyone have any idea of which websites/people to talk to? Any recommendations would be welcome. Regards, M.
  4. Hi rosie, as your report has never mentioned dyslexia to you, you cannot bring it up in an official appraisal. You can ask open questions (e.g. how good do you think your writing skills are), but the rumour may not be true and it is up to her how much she lets you know. You should definitely address the performance issues. If the issues are severe, multiple and long standing you may need to consider putting in place a programme to address themn all with the appropriate support and some very clearly agreed goals and performance measures. I have done this in the past and it really worked. I got the performance I needed in a relatively short space of time. Getting the balance between appropriate support and a good degree of challenge seemed to be key. (If I had been asked to bet at the beginning of this process if it would work, I would have put ?50 on no, it was a pleasant surprise that her performace turned around so dramatically so quickly) However, if she is not up for it or it doesn't work, you may need to consider managing her out. I have also done this and it is not pleasant, but ultimately I cannot live with persistent under-performance. Also the person I managed out of the organisation has found a new lease of life in a new job. The change was just the spur he needed. This stuff is not easy, but whatever you do, do not dodge the bullet, it will only come back to bit you in the ass.
  5. Why this constant us and them attitude as outlined above? Its truly depressing and offers nothing to the ongoing debate over the attempted integration of cyclists and motorists on Londons roads. Not all cyclists are irresponsible law breakers and not all car drivers are virtuous saints and stereotyping either is just unhelpful. The cycle boxes are put in place to ensure that bikes can get away quickly at lights and when they're impeded which they are an awful lot of the time it makes life unnecessarily difficult and potentially dangerous.
  6. bon3yard

    Street Art

    I'd rather imaginative street art than the bland screaming of advertising billboards that accost you on every street corner/bus/taxi/phone box...basically any flat service in the public domain anywhere. I'm not sure I get the objections to be honest. Mind the generation gap?
  7. One of my pet peeves, it remains to be seen how enforceable this is however. A cautious thumbs up though.
  8. Thanks for a little perspective stacey-lyn.
  9. Yeah, its had that desperate dog-eared look that Woolies developed in the latter stages for a few years now. Teetering shelves of cheap tat and cut price books.
  10. ...oh, hang on I think there are a few crossed wires here.
  11. Its a shame your not going to finish Bioshock as its got one of gamings truly mindblowing ending. Not sure whats floaty about the combat though, horses for courses I guess. Its well worth having a go on Guacamelee if you like old school platformers with a difficulty level to match.
  12. There was a Micmac mall in Truro Nova Scotia?
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions. M.
  14. Thanks for that Nashoi but there were no instances of "channel" after expanding IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers.
  15. God no! its not Vista, its Windows 7. As for antivirus i'm just using AVG basic at the moment. I'll download process explorer and give that a whirl, the trouble is it takes so long to download and install anything these days that a chore in itself. I have a feeling W7 came as a preinstall so I dont think I have a disc to reinstall from? Very frustrating indeed but thanks for the advice.
  16. I give up. I've tried binning old programs, using C-Cleaner, using premium cleaning software, defragging, rejigging and friigin in the rigging but my laptops seems to be getting increasingly doddery. Does anyone have any foolproof suggestions on getting the little bugger back up to speed? It wouldnt be so bad but pretty much all I do is browse on it and its barely 15 months old.
  17. bon3yard

    Iain Banks

    Espedair St will always stick in my mind if only for the embalmed alsatian.
  18. "The money was just resting in my account!"
  19. bon3yard

    Iain Banks

    The Wasp Factory was my graduation into the world of adult fiction. Cancer is an indiscriminate bastard innit.
  20. The fish may not be all it appears to be
  22. They're too busy out shagging and going to discos.
  23. I think you need the Eastbourne Forum.
  24. Heh, the funniest thing about that Metro article is the photo of the misguided fool who wrote it. What the f**k is going on with his hair? He looks like a psychopathic Bert(or Ernie?)from Sesame.St.
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