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Everything posted by bon3yard

  1. I'm downloading the episodes as they appear in the states so might be an episode or two ahead of you, but if its the one where Larry woos 'Denise-Handicapped' then I heartily agree. Curbs not usually renowned for its physical comedy but the scene in which a hapless Larry(defualt setting I know)attempts the post coffee canoodling with the aforementioned Denise had me in tears. Heh, funny.
  2. Think of it less as a setback, more an opportunity to tune into the far superior and less adverty 6 Music.
  3. Not sure of this shows massive appeal. My stomach turns cartwheels everytime the bald one nigh on swallows his fork while testing the goods and Torodes impression of a Hamster always repels. Bring back Grossman I say.
  4. Hes an aquired taste I agree, if he hasnt had a good old moan about The stadium PA System/ State of the pitch/quality of the pies within the first 3 mins then hes probably saving himself for a top quality rantathon a little further down the line.
  5. Halfway through Arkham Asylum my 360 gets nudged and the resulting Laser-Burn renders it unplayable. With a heavy heart I've binned it. Gutted. :-S
  6. Great to see the Boys back, I thought the writing was as strong as ever. Good work Fellas.
  7. I wont, I wont, I wont!
  8. Jah, if I didnt know better I'd accuse you of being wilfully facetious...
  9. Terry F**kwit and Brown Bottle.
  10. Any idea when series 7 airs on Terrestrial TV? I thought it was in early October but I cant find any details...
  11. I too had been warned about the Pickpockets along The Ramblas but I have to say that I found it a lot less threatening walking Barcelonas backstreets at 2am than I ever have in London. It was refreshing to see Spanish families with Kids in tow taking in the night air and it was noticable that the most raucous and menacing place we drank in was an English pub at the top of The Ramblas. Take a cable car up to the top of the crumbling old Olympic Village for the best view of Barcelona. Theres also a fusty old War Museum up there(in The Castle Basement I think)which is well worth a peek.
  12. Funny they should choose Dulwich Village...
  13. Er, Echo Location?
  14. ...it really is quite good, Honest. Although possibly a bit too mainstream for you titans of the Niche Gaming world. Dont just take my word for it though...
  15. You've been reading that link I sent you havent you Jah.
  16. Its good to see that Ethels Pooch Willie went on to bigger and better things post Eastenders.
  17. Rumplestiltskin...he didnt place. http://www.sobummed.com/uploaded_images/uglydog-726308.gif
  18. Just picked up a copy of Arkham Asylum and dashed through the first level. Through a haze of red wine I can tell you that it is gorgeous, atmospheric and the controls are a dream. Too early to say if its a classic because the first level is essentialy a tutorial but its looking good. Now if I can just find a save point before my glass runs dry...
  19. Sounds like the same crop that I picked up in Sainsburys yesterday...and yes, they are very good.
  20. *yawns*
  21. The Right Reverend Iian Paisley. A Human Buglehorn. Not sure if hes dirty in the regular sense but to my mind a bigger cnut involved in the World of Poitics it would be hard to find. Berlusconi must have a tilt at the title of Worlds Dirtiest.
  22. I've always rated the Tube and have never had any problems using it.
  23. Isnt 'Emo' todays preferred nomenclature?
  24. Very good this. I'm living with a couple of nurses who had just furnished the downstairs bog with a 'Stool Chart' the night before I watched the first episode. Good to see Ricky Grover acting against type as the oversensitive Matron and Jo Brand is suitably downbeat. Why only 3 half hour episodes though? Odd one that.
  25. Yeah, I watched this a while back mainly because there was nothing else on the Iplayer that caught my eye. Top class documentary for what on the surface seems fairly dry subject matter.
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