Right, I'm in a bit of difficult situation and I hope someone might be able to give me some advice. I'm 6 months pregnant, and have just had to move temporarily back to my parents house (with my partner, two cats and all our belongings) because of a complete **** up regarding what was supposed to be our new rented home. The problem is, my parents' house is in Sutton, and the local hospital is St Helier, statistically one of the worst in England (particularly for antenatal care). All of my appointments are still with Kings, and I will be moving back to the area, but it is looking very unlikely that this will be before the baby is born (partly because I can't cope with another move after doing it twice in one week). What I want to know is...are you allowed to stay with King's for appointments if you're no longer in the catchment area? Also, how feasible is it to drive 25 minutes to hospital in labour? The answers might seem obvious but it's my first baby and stress has fried my brain these last couple of weeks. Also, if anyone has anything good to say about St Helier, please pipe up and make me feel better. I felt really reassured by Kings, had heard only good things about it, and now I'm getting a bit nervous. Ta! Lx