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Everything posted by FestivalFair

  1. Thank you for the mostly lovely comments. This event wouldn't be possible without the likes of Sue & Nygel (The Goose is Out!) who organise the music side of the Festival Fair. A big thank you to our sponsors: Daisylets, Glazer Delmar, Pickwick Estates, Push Studios, SE Magazines and The Vale Practice. Thank you to all the stallholders, volunteer stewards and my lovely friends (Ange, Philipa & Sarah) who gave up their time to help me on the day. This event is run because I was asked to put on an event in East Dulwich as part of the Dulwich Festival. This was the 8th year the event has happened. It is a lot of hard, unpaid work but worth it when you see how many people come out and enjoy it.
  2. Hi there. I organise the overall event and already have generous support from local businesses. The budget hasn't changed but we were being quoted over four times what we have paid in the past. Sue has been brilliant at getting what we needed for a smaller fee. Now that is not possible, we are looking at market rates which are prohibitive. The event doesn't get any funding, I finance it myself with the generous help of local business sponsors plus raising money by selling stallholder pitches. Thanks for the suggestions, we shall have to keep trying.
  3. I would just like to clarify that the post by Ilovemywhippet is NOT about SE22 magazine. I don't offer inserts in the magazines as they distract from the adverts inside. With regard to dbboy's comment re printing more magazines. It costs more money to print the magazines and then distribute them which then makes the advertising more expensive. My main aim is to provide affordable advertising to the smaller businesses. I am fairly certain that the businesses who do use my magazine would prefer to keep the prices as they are.
  4. No road is not SE22 enough, I just have 5,000 to go around and therefore only deliver to certain roads. No discrimination is used, just a route that works for delivery. As I have said before you can read them online too.
  5. Hi, I publish SE22 so thought I would let you know that not every road in SE22 gets a copy, I print 5000 each month. However if you don't usually get a copy and are interested in reading it you can view it on two websites: www.semagazines.co.uk or www.arounddulwich.co.uk. There are always some copies available at local shops, bars and the libraries but they do go quickly. If you anyone wants to check if their road is meant to receive it, please e-mail direct [email protected] and I can let you know. Cheers Angela
  6. The balance of food stalls is hard to juggle. It really does depend on the weather. Definitely got plans for more next year including Thai Corner. Anyone interested in a stall, just e-mail [email protected] and I will add to my list and send the smallholder details as soon as they are available.
  7. Dear Calculus Thanks for the constructive feedback. There is always something I can learn and put right for the next one. I booked the face painters and was not aware of the age restriction. I shall make sure there is a sign up for next year. Also I will book an extra one if I know the weather is going to be good. Likewise with the donkeys, I will try and see if can get someone to help and give an indication to people of if they will get a ride or not. The event is licensed until 4pm, so it is sometimes a bit of a problem when the event is so busy (really the busiest one yet) and I have to ask people to start packing up. We had two bars this year and they both sold out! I just don't think any of us expected the weather to be so good after such a long horrible spell. Clearly everyone in the area was desperate to get out. So I shall take the comments on board and do my best to make it better again next year. Thanks Angela
  8. Thanks Donna 2371 and the-e-dealer. Forgot to thank Helen Jermyn for doing the photos and Ben Baldwin from We Are Chuffed for the video. Will post a link to both when they are ready. John Pienaar was interviewing people for his radio programme. Not sure who the young lady was.
  9. So glad so many of your enjoyed the event. Definitely the biggest and best yet. A big thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting the event. Big thanks to Sue and Nygel from The Goose it Out! for organising the music. Thanks to my volunteer helpers - Pat, Em, Sarah and Philipa. Lee from Edt and Dan from The Great Exhibition (plus the poor security guards who stayed out all Saturday night to look after the casks!). To Jason and his team from the SGI-UK organisation for volunteering to be stewards. The guys from Ray Linge who get up at a ridiculous hour to arrive on site by 6am to put up all the market stalls. To Briony and her donkeys for keeping the children happy with donkey rides. Massive thanks to our sponsors: The Clipper and The Little Clipper, Daisylets, Glazer Delmar, Pickwick Estates, Push Studios, SE Magazines and The Vale Practice - the event couldn't happen without her support. To all the stallholders who booked and supported the event. Already had so many lovely comments. Miranda at Southwark Council for supporting the event. To the rest of the Dulwich Festival organisers who still have events to do - I can put my feet up now and enjoy them! The last thank you is to however managed to get one of the best days weather-wise this year!!
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