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Everything posted by bluesuperted

  1. Sorry Buggie, I've met many really impressive HCPs (particularly since becoming a mum) but think I've been unlucky with never meeting a HV who seemed to inspire say, the trust levels and awareness of their expertise of my amazing midwife for my last pregnancy. I'd love a HV like you of course! And have heard of some positive HV stories, just not round here.
  2. I lurked on this thread back in December, but we were involved in the most protracted property purchase so I didn't dare post as was so desperate to move to SE23... Well we've moved now and I know it's been a lovely sunny weekend but so far I'm so glad we moved to Forest Hill. We moved from Peckham/Nunhead borders near the top of Rye Lane/bottom of PR common (moved from renting in ED) and got so much more for our money here - period houses in even the Rye Lane part of Peckham are so pricey - eg Nigel Road - whereas the part of FH we've moved to (below HOP and off Stanstead Rd) has tree-lined streets of much more reasonably priced houses, especially the 30s ones. I think these streets have potential to become v popular given the schools are doing so well plus proximity to station and parks. Anyway loving it so far and wouldn't go back to ED even if I won the lottery like other posters, just prefer the peacefulness and wider streets and still feels very accessible to get to LL (and I don't drive). I love that I'm now a bit closer to the Horniman and Blythe Hill park too - life-affirming to be nice and high up IMO :)
  3. I love the rods I made with my eldest, so much so I'm making a matching set with my new daughter! Agree with gillandjoe re: HV (and often society) being non-evidence-based and prejudiced/not understanding attachment parenting practices. I ignore HVs in the main for this reason!
  4. Yes she usually does and I LOVE it! She's 5 weeks old. My first BF til 25 months and fed to sleep til 8/9months at bedtime and til the end for naps. I wish he'd kept feeding to sleep at bedtime for longer, it's so lovely and easy.
  5. WorkingMummy - off topic but what do you mean saying you get 'zero' paid maternity? I do some self employed work and therefore received maternity allowance when first and now second child were born. Obviously it's only a statutory sum (c.?5000 per child) but it's definitely not zero!
  6. We just bought in a nightmare chain which lasted 7 months and nearly fell down at the final hurdle. We ended up completing on the day of exchange as 6 month mortgage deals for two of the chain were expiring. It's been crazy, we packed up our house (with the amazing JT Enterprises, glowing recommendation to follow on different thread) on a wing and a prayer with no exchange in sight - and ended up moving the next day thank god having exchanged AND completed in the same day. It's been such a hard week especially with a toddler (try explaining moving overnight to an already new-sibling unsettled toddler?! Not our finest parenting hour!) and a month old baby, wowzer. Our budget was MUCH lower than yours Lady Ruskin, and we have bought a wreck, but we are thrilled to be in SE23 (SE22 total no-go money wise for us) and in good catchment for two really great school choices. I had to project manage the sh1t out of the agents/solicitors/chain etc - multiple daily calls for many months - but worth it in the end. Day 3 and loving being in Forest Hill, definitely recommend over ED. But never again with a chain, next time we'll definitely rent in between as we did between our first two property purchases and it was so so much less stressful. In fact I never really understood the 'moving as stressful as divorce' thing til this chain, now I can imagine!!
  7. Has anyone been today or yesterday? Thanks all! x
  8. Rocca is brill. I love the beef shank ravioli and our toddler loves the pescatore pasta - the waiters are fantastic and always very impressed with my son picking through clams and mussels by himself! Rocca is now our staple special family occasion restaurant.
  9. Wow F what are you trying to do to us? (Specifically 1 month post partum me!) that was so lovely - both your comment and that video. It's so true. I'm already cherishing every moment of newborn-ness with no 2 and lamenting how old and big no 1 is now (at only 2.8)... But yes we think it will last forever, every phase, every delight and every challenge and it won't, that's the real certainty! Thank you for sharing and for the lovely, sob-wrenching reminder to really savour the cuddles and the little, ordinary moments... xx
  10. Just had my second there (attempted VBAC, attempted forceps, eventual EMCS... Sounds worse than it was!) 18 days ago. I can't fault my care. I was lucky enough to have the phenomenal Lanes to support me, managed to get a pool and laboured in water to 10cm, then when the going got a bit tough (baby couldn't descend) I felt completely supported by my amazing midwives (who made my eventual c section fantastic with skin to skin and breastfeeding while being stitched) and medical staff. Lovely anaesthetist, very good consultant care pre and during birth, lovely recovery nurse etc. Am hoping to move to Forest Hill imminently but will go back to Kings for future births - I will have to have elective section next time - as couldn't imagine going anywhere else now. Post natal not as bad now partners can stay (big improvement) but yes hit and miss. I was SO lucky and got to leave after one night which is rare after EMCS but I was desperate to get home to my eldest. Hopefully your birth will be very straightforward but if it isn't the care is second to none in my personal experience.
  11. That was a great thread! I found naming my daughter much harder than my son, but now love the name totally and am so glad we picked it :)
  12. No experience of camping but stayed in one of the nicest lodges with friends and 3 little ones last October. Had a fab time, two nice enough on site restaurants, a fun soft play, lovely lodge itself, nice walks, playground, agree loads of New Forest stuff nearby. We loved it and hoping to go back with same friends this October. Definitely book swimming - we nearly missed out. I had a lovely pregnancy massage too and if staying in a lodge, I recommend booking an online shop for your arrival - we had an Ocado delivery and it was fab as pretty much sorted us out for the weekend with only a few bits needed from the on site shop.
  13. Very interesting thread... Am currently in the babymoon period with my gorgeous 17 day old daughter - so we have one of each and a 2.7year gap. I think lots of people assume we're done but I was talking about number three in recovery (despite full VBAC attempt labour culminating in another emergency cs!). I just don't feel done, even though I feel SO blessed with the two I have, in fact if money and repeat c sections were not an issue I think I'd still be thinking of 4... (I kind of still am!!). But I want to wait a good amount of time before trying again so will see how things go, in the full knowledge that nothing is guaranteed with pregnancy and babies. My only fear in having three is the 'middle child' issue - have any of those with 3 experienced this yet or worrying about it for the future?
  14. Was just wondering about Hall Place for trip out tomorrow... Maybe there'll be another EDF run this Easter hols! Great place.
  15. Congratulations to you!!! Marriage is amazing, my recommendation is plan it quickly to reduce stress levels and focus on the marriage as much as the day itself. I love being married and was so glad to get my engagement ring back on after the birth of number two a fortnight ago :) am a hopeless romantic! We celebrate 5 years next Friday, enjoy every minute of the engagement and what comes after! x
  16. I saw Emma Chapman (www.acupuncture-works.co.uk) in Telegraph Hill for induction and she did some moxi too to try and draw baby further down. I thought she was great and she also does a mix of acupuncture with shiatsu for induction purposes, may have a breech application too? Worth a call! I also rate Dan Bevan at Dulwich Therapy Rooms, very nice guy who I've seen several times.
  17. In my (boy) pregnancy I was obsessed with Michael Scofield aka Wentworth Miller in Prison Break. Amazing! Used to go on about his beautiful face endlessly to husband... Haha, he ignored me a lot. With my last pregnancy (girl) I wasn't bothered about anyone famous at all! Only had eyes for aforementioned husband... Weird or a gender trend!?
  18. It's good but it's just not as good as the Manduca IMO. It's less adjustable, less suited to a bigger baby/toddler and less supportive. It's still great but not as strong a SSC as the Manduca. Very pretty prints though! I also prefer the closeness of fit in the Manduca, the Gemini has a lot of padding which is comfy but I prefer the snug fit of the organic material the M is made of. Hth!
  19. Thank you Simonethebeaver! My little girl (Verity) is 10 days old today and amazing! Didn't manage a VBAC in the end - got to 10cm in the pool but baby remained high, back to back and stargazing and couldn't descend (again) - seems that while I make nearly 9lb babies, I have a pelvis more befitting of my size 3 shoes!! Recovering really well though and enjoying back to back paternity leave then Easter hols, yay! Hope all is well with you and yours including bump xx
  20. I'd always say Manduca over Ergo, it's just a far superior soft structured carrier IMO. I love it so much I just bought my new baby her own so we can be a two-Manduca family at weekends (still fits our strapping 2.7yo)! I carried her in it yesterday, she's 9lb 3 at just over a week old and despite my c section scar and the fact I hastily adjusted it due to horrid weather, it was SO comfortable and she felt light as a feather. Can't recommend it enough personally.
  21. This is a very interesting thread - and I agree with Radhabee's analysis - yes we are massively important as parents but there is a very pink and blue world out there that bombards our little ones from day one. I think I am aware of/over sensitive to/attempting to deviate from the gender stereotypes and I hadn't actually thought of the Cinderella story along these lines despite my son loving a really old fashioned pop up version of the story... I think this is because these fairy stories, which become leit motifs in the storytelling we meet time and time again through life, are so ingrained you sometimes can't see the wood for the (enchanted!) trees...
  22. I love all the islands we've visited but my favourites are: Leros (tiny), Kalymnos, Kefalonia and Santorini... Jealous! Used to be our favourite type of holiday pre-babies!
  23. There are lots of threads on this, I'd search EDF stalwart 'Pickle' and 'flights' and lots of her advice should come up ... Good luck!
  24. You're welcome! Come on guys, it's so easy to vote and 287 views we must be able to bump the museum up a bit further!!
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