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I've had this problem quite often too living on Upland Road. Having got parked in which meant I was late to pick up my own kids, I politely asked the woman who had parked me in not to do it again and was rewarded which a mouth full of vile abuse! It also happened when i was meant to be taking my mum to hospital. I phoned the school and asked them to put a polite reminder in their weekly newsletter to parents. Maybe try this again. Not sure it makes any difference but you never know!
I have previously complained to NHS England about my GP practice and felt it was worthwhile as action was taken as a direct result. If the dentist is an NHS dentist you can complain to them too... http://www.england.nhs.uk/contact-us/complaint/ I found the easiest way was to call them to lodge a complaint on 0300 311 22 33
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I might try to take them to all of them and then chose the best! Someone also told me about South Norwood Country Park so I will try there too! Cheers.
camping in dulwich woods - anyone have contact info?
SebsC replied to ryedalema's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Did you mean this...... http://www.slsc-thefort.org.uk -
Thanks strawbs. That would be good for a weekend/day trip but was hoping to find somewhere slightly closer to home. Obviously that rules out the coast so was maybe thinking of a lake, river etc?
Thanks gebbjane and EDTots. Will check these both out for sure. Maybe I'm being too ambitious and actually a morning at nursery might leave him so shattered that a local park will suffice. Just fancied doing something a bit different every now and again. It's the rainy days that leave me stumped for ideas!
Bit random, but my dog loves swimming and I wondered whether there was anywhere relatively close by where he could have a swim? Lots of ponds in parks that I know of but nowhere where dogs are allowed. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks!
Thanks collyflower, I'll have a look. I'm really finding it difficult to find suitable classes for a 3 year old in the afternoon. It all seems to be things that are after school finishes but nothing before.
Hi everyone. My 3 year old boy is starting nursery next week, mornings only. I'm struggling a bit to find regular things to do with him afterwards as all the groups/activities that we used to do (gardening,arts and crafts,swimming) were mornings only. What do others do with their little ones in the afternoons? Are there any good groups, activities anyone can recommend? Many thanks.
I read 'An Irish Blessing' at a very good friends wedding. As it was a non religious wedding I substituted the word God for Love and it read really nicely. May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. May God be with you and bless you; May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune, Rich in blessings, May you know nothing but happiness From this day forward. May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home And may the hand of a friend always be near. May green be the grass you walk on, May blue be the skies above you, May pure be the joys that surround you, May true be the hearts that love you.
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SebsC replied to EKSM's topic in The Family Room Discussion
StraferJack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Fair play. Have to say, that's exactly what I thought when I read this post. There's nothing worse than when a business responds to criticism with venom or disdain or threats. The dulwich picture gallery have listened to the criticisms and regardless of whether they are warranted or not, have decided to give an appropriate time and place to hear everyone's views. Hopefully those people who posted about their negative experiences will see this post and attend. Also, hopefully other business' can learn from the DPG's response. -
Uniform needed for Goodrich School nursery child?
SebsC replied to SebsC's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks Pickle! Think I will go with sainsburys as I'd have to buy at least two of each as I'm sure he'll only get a days wear out of them before they get dirty! And it all starts to add up cost wise. Thanks for the advice. -
Uniform needed for Goodrich School nursery child?
SebsC replied to SebsC's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks for the info. I just wasn't sure whether uniform applied to nursery kids. I'd better start buying then! Just looked at yourschooluniform.com. They offer blue sweaters with logos and blue t-shirts with logos. Do they have to have a blue t shirt under their sweater or can it be a plain white generic one? Sorry I just don't want to spend money on items I really don't have to! -
Uniform needed for Goodrich School nursery child?
SebsC posted a topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi all. My son is starting in Goodrich nursery in September. I have no idea if he needs to wear a school uniform or not! If he does, what is it and where do I have to go to get it? I'm guessing generic trousers and shirt, but does he need to wear a jumper with a logo? Many thanks in advance for your advice. -
Sterilising baby bottles on long haul flights
SebsC replied to nunheadchick's topic in The Family Room Discussion
When I travelled on a long haul flight I just sterilised 3/4 bottles and teats in advance then put them straight into sealed sandwich bags to keep them clean. Then I just used them as and when I needed them. Hope this helps! -
To the Cycling Adult with a child on Goodrich Road at 22.45 on Sat 26th July
SebsC replied to Cedges's topic in The Lounge
Victim blaming?! The cyclist was on the road at nearly 11pm, with a child, with NO lights and no reflective gear. Had a car collided with the cyclist then I think the cyclist would have justifiably been at least partly responsible. Surely if I decided to walk on a road at night with nothing to illuminate me and got hit by a car I would be to blame? I have followed many previous posts on the EDF r.e cyclists/motorists but have never commented before as I can appreciate both sides of the argument, but I fail to see how the OP of this thread can be criticised for feeling angry at the irresponsible nature of this person. To put themselves at risk is bad enough, but to endanger the life of a child is even worse. The fact that the OP could guess at the child's age does not surely eliminate the need for lights and reflective gear. Yes, the OP used strong words, but were I to stand my child on a road at night with nothing to protect them with, I would understand someone accusing me of having a death wish for my child. -
Steve the spin doctor seems to get loads of recommendations here on the EDF... http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?30,1267036,1355757#msg-1355757
Booster seat for mealtimes for a 3 year old?
SebsC replied to SebsC's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I will have a look at them all and see if any of the more expensive ones are on eBay. -
Booster seat for mealtimes for a 3 year old?
SebsC replied to SebsC's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks snowboarder! I seem to be quite fortunate in that for now at least, my son seems happy to sit at the table and not run away, but not sure how long that will last! That IKEA chair looks great for keeping at home but wondered if there's something out there that's a bit more portable. The Tripp traps look good but would need to get one second hand as a bit pricey - might have a look on eBay! -
Hi all! My three year old is too big now for a highchair(used to use a Phil and tends clip on one). He's still a bit too small to sit on a grown ups chair - we've tried stacking pillows but it's not stable enough. Have looked on the Internet for a booster seat suited for age 3+, preferably that can fit different chair sizes if we bring it when we are out and about (so not too bulky) and isn't too expensive. I'm not having much luck. Does anyone have any suggestions for what they've got/use for this in between stage that won't break the bank? Many thanks!
former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?
SebsC replied to James Barber's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Thanks for the clarification James - much appreciated! James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi SebsC, > The Garden Centre plot does include Railway Rise. > The three houses and builder merchants have right > of way. > I'm afraid I don't know if parking restrictions > can be enforced especially if someone is still in > their car. I suspect not. -
former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?
SebsC replied to James Barber's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Hi James. I went today to pick someone up from east dulwich station, and as I usually do, I pulled into Railway Rise (the small lane leading to Jewsons) to wait for them. About halfway up there was a man dressed in shorts and t shirt sat on a folding chair watching me. As soon as I pulled up he motioned for me to open my window and told me I could no longer park or stop in this road as the business who had bought the old garden centre had also bought the road so it is now private. There is some writing spray painted onto the old garden centre saying private road but nothing else. Do you know if this is the case and if it is enforceable? I pointed out some cars parked up but he said they were people waiting for tyres to be changed and that was allowed. It would be helpful to know as this is a handy spot to pick people up if they are coming from the station and if so, could proper signs be put up? Many thanks! -
Hi there. My now 3 year old also suffered from reflux when he was younger. It was awful to see as he was in agony whenever he fed. The GP prescribed Gaviscon but all that did was make him constipated and in even more discomfort. The next step was to take this formula which was so thick he could barely drink it, also, I was reluctant to give him something so synthetic. We tried goats milk on someone's recommendation and never looked back. He took to it straight away and was like a different baby. I suddenly realised I had a happy boy, not a constantly grumpy one. I've kept him on goats milk ever since and both him and myself now drink it. He is bright, energetic and is thriving so I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
How funny - I was just about to post a thread on here when I saw this one! Washed my car on Saturday so noticed straight away this morning how all the cars in the road were so dirty. Just been to Canary Wharf and noticed cars there too covered in the same dusty marks.
Spoke again with O2 this morning who began by saying there was no fault in the area and it must be a fault with my phone. I showed her the online conversation I'd had with O2 on Friday where they said there was a fault in the area, and how they had checked my phone and ruled out any problems with it. I also told he about the EDF and all the other people who were reporting the same problems. At first she persisted with the fact it was my phone and yet again went through all the unnecessary checks. I insisted that it MUST be an area problem as as soon as I went outside of the area, my texts sent properly. Anyway, upshot is she will log it with the engineers but as not many people have apparently reported it, it is not seen as urgent. So, if you're experiencing these problems, please report it to O2 to escalate the urgency!
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