My little one had a real intolerance to most milk powders as well as reflux (I was unable to breast feed). Feeding became such an ordeal as he would writhe around in agony and his little body would go rigid as he howled in pain. After several wasted trips to GP, who just prescribed baby Gaviscon that just made him constipated and some God awful synthetic stuff that was so thick it was impossible to drink, I gave up and went to see Lizzie, cranial osteopath on Lordship Lane, above Health shop. She was fantastic!! She suggested I try him on powdered goats milk! It's not recognised over in U.K as suitable for babies, due to scaremongering from the large synthetic powder companoes that dont want it to take over their markets, but it is extremely popular in Australia and New Zealand. I was a bit skeptical as to whether my son would take to it but he loved it and honestly, overnight I could see the difference! Feeding became such a pleasurable experience and I actually started looking forward to it, which after so long of dreading each feed was wonderful. My son is now 14 months and I have just weaned him off it and onto cows milk as they say most intolerances will go away by then. He is a thriving, perfectly developed little boy so don't listen to everything you read about something. I would try making an appointment with Lizzie to see what she thinks.