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Everything posted by SebsC

  1. SebsC


    Hi. We live in Upland Road and have just this minute got our post. Three Christmas cards and all three very carefully slit open at the bottom. We presume nothing taken but don't know for sure. Who should we contact to make aware?
  2. Same on upland road. Phoned them several times and spoke to someone called Ryan Michael, who is in charge of subscriptions as we hadn't received it in months. A family member pays to advertise in it and had mentioned that his usual amount of work that he received from East Dulwich through advertising in it had declined recently which prompted me to find out why. Ryan said he'd look into it and a week later called back to say he'd spoken to the distributors in ED and there didn't appear to be a problem. Said he'd also spoken to other Upland Road residents who confirmed they were receiving it(not sure if this is true) but sent me a copy of November one in post. Still havent got december one though!
  3. My 18 month old has been unwell and from previous experience of DMC, i knew better than to try to phone to get an appointment.. So, I had to wake him up at 7, having had a very restless night, go down there in the pouring rain and queue from 7.40am. I was third in the queue of about 8 and the first appointment available was for 9.30am. So I had to go home in the rain again, then go back down for half nine. There were only 3 other people waiting, it didn't seem busy. I think it is ridiculous that to secure an appointment, people are having to go to such lengths. I will complain to the PCT.
  4. Done. Excellent. Thank you again DulwichDeviant!
  5. My 16 month old has a dreadful cold at the moment - his nose is constantly dripping but his breathing sounds so bunged up at the same time! Sneezing constantly too and off his food and generally a lot more unhappy. Am giving saline nose drops, Vicks vaporub, karvol on a tissue and Vicks humidifier in his room when he sleeps and he does seem to be sleeping fairly normally. Have the paralink suppositories for when he seems more uncomfortable but only seemed able to get these when I am in the Republic of Ireland.
  6. Thanks Huguenot and DulwichDeviant! I wish I'd known that before installing it as I had lots of favourite videos stored on it! I'll give one of those replacements a try you suggested Huguenot - thanks for the advice.
  7. I am absolutely rubbish with computers so I might just be being a numpty but yesterday my iPad came up with some sort of update which I just agreed to - turns out its the ios6.0 update. Since it installed itself I seem to have lost my YouTube application icon and when i go to install it again, it brings me up with so many different variations,but none that look like the original, bog standard YouTube app. Any ideas how I can get it back? Also, I don't suppose there is a way of uninstalling an update once you've accepted it? Thanks for any help.
  8. Definitely pear rust! Looks exactly like the photos I've seen. My pear tree is rusty! Bit like me!
  9. Well, after a heavy night, I often have spots, can be a bit greasy and am frequently told it's bad enough to make your toes curl. Does that count?
  10. Can I drink the Bordeaux afterwards?! ;-)
  11. Oh ok! Well all the remaining leaves seem okay for now, but I guess they could still become infected? We will see. Thanks for the info.
  12. Thanks for the advice London log and Uncle Glen. Not sure how cutting off leaves will work uncleglen but it's done now and to be honest, the leaves looked so horrid - at least now they're gone. Anyway, I'm off to google grease bands!
  13. Thanks Red Devil - that definitely sounds and looks like what it is. I'm off into the garden with my pruners to cut off all the leaves. I'm going to have a very sorry looking pear tree left!
  14. keano77 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yes, I've just checked our tree and we have the > same thing. Are those eggs under the leaves? I have no idea - whatever they are, it is really rather horrid looking. I'd say it is on a good 60% of all the leaves. I don't know whether to take off all the affected leaves?
  15. Here we go, i think!
  16. Managed to attach the photos
  17. Can anyone help? Our pear tree, as well as our neighbours, seems to have some sort of disease. The leaves have got large yellow patches on them and underneath the leaves are a sort of brown, spiky attachment. Ironically, the pears this year have been beautiful. Our neighbour has completely cut hers down but we are loathe to do this as it is such a lovely tree. Does anyone have any idea what it could be and how we could treat it? I will try to attach a photo but have never done it before so can't promise success!
  18. Hi there. My son who is now nearly 16 months, suffered dreadfully from reflux when he was little. Feeding just became a nightmare as I used to dread seeing his little body writhing in pain. GP was so unhelpful and just prescribed baby Gaviscon which only served to give him constipation, making him even more uncomfortable. I was then given this horrid, synthetic baby formula which was so thick and gloopy it was almost impossible for him to drink and didn't seem to reduce the reflux. At the end of my tether, I went to see Lizzie Lomax, a Paediatric Cranial Osteopath at Dulwich Therapy Rooms on Lordship Lane. It was such a relief to at last have someone who really listened and didn't dismiss my worries. After working on my son, she advised me to move him on to goats milk. The change in him was instantaneous. Almost overnight, he became settled, happy and content. I appreciate that your little one has allergies which further complicates things but I would strongly recommend Lizzie for a different perspective on things. Good luck - I know full well how awful it is to see your little one in such discomfort. I hope you manage to find a way of making your son better whichever route you go down.
  19. Hi! I'm a single mum to a 16month old and I'd love to meet up too if that's ok. So far, am I right to assume it will be somewhere on thursday of next week?
  20. SebsC

    Nick Cave help

    I absolutely adore Into My Arms. Quite possibly the most beautiful lyrics ever. Love it.
  21. thanks for your ideas Esme. Now I just have to pluck up the courage and decide to go for it!
  22. I am sitting in my garden, enjoying a glass of red wine, absolutely loving the sound of children from various neighboruring gardens, out playing in their gardens having a lovely, fun late evening playing ball and doing what kids should be doing.
  23. So glad you feel less stressed about things now. Don't worry - we all go through it in one way or another. Just remember, things will get better. Sx
  24. I wish there was a 'like' button as I really wanted to like Fuschias post! I did exactly the same thing. I think I secretly enjoy going to Sainsburys just so that I can vent my frustrations and stresses from the week on the inconsiderate arses who park in the Parent and Child spots when they clearly have no child with them. I do confront people who park there as I am desperately trying to struggle with little one, bags of shopping, a faulty trolley and no space to open my car door to get the little one in. But one particularly stressful day I did actually angrily knock on someone's window who was sitting there, only to see a child sitting in the back. I had to mumble my apologies and beat a hasty retreat!
  25. The medication route was the way the GPwanted to send me too but I was quite reluctant, although I know it has been brilliant for some babies. It was a personal choice and I wanted to see if there were any alternatives that were a bit more natural. I can't speak highly enough of Lizzie for recommending it as it really did make such a difference to my son. He went from being a baby who was constantly howling and crying to a happy, chilled little boy! Although he did still have a bit of reflux on occasion, he didn't have any of the pain and discomfort that went with it.
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