OK everyone, thanks for your comments! Amazing how a simple question / complaint about bins in the road has digressed into a mildly lesbian thread about mechanics and whether or not children are a lifestyle choice. I love the edf for this! Anyway - yes it's every day, no it's not bin day, no they aren't having anything delivered, no they're not in any way disabled - unless being a bit pathetic and selfish can be classed as a disability? I suppose I could have a word with them but I can't really be arsed. I do have a car (and children) of my own, and yes, parking is a problem, but so what? I knew that when I moved here. It doesn't exactly ruin my life not to park in front of my house. Actually I noticed yesterday there was a different car in front of their house so unless they've bought a new one (or an extra one) maybe they've seen this thread and given up!