I say, dear oh dear. I say again, dear oh dear. Call yourselves football fans? Pah. The last page of this thread seems to be just jealous rants about Chelsea, JT, and Drogba. Where is the celebration that a London club is in the CL final representing England? And the FA Cup final? Why are you not rooting for CFC? Whatever problems there may be or may be not at all clubs in terms of loyalty and pride and passion in playing for their country, as well as the odd dive and feign of injury, and bit of dirty play, I think you need to look at the mentality of the fan base gor all cclcubs and how they do not support eachother once their teams have been knocked out eg LFC, THFC, MUFC etc etc. Please stop the envy and jealousy of Chelsea and their players and glorious victories and try to be better fans, and people. Up the Blues.