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Everything posted by Strawbs

  1. I kept this in my phone from when my eldest had it, hope it helps. > >> 1. Vira soothe cream. It's amazing! It's a clear gel, soaks in mega fast and it lasts a few hours (3 and counting so far) >> 2. Eurax cream. Last 3 hours. >> 3. Callamine. Haven't seen much use out of this other than you can reapply as often as you like and he seems to like it being applied. >> 4. Nurofen for the temp. >> 5. Warm baths with half a container of bi carb soda (he loves these, hysterically crying out of bath, as soon as he hits the water he is happily playing. >> 6. Bi carb soda and a little water to form a paste and apply liberally. This will help dry up the blisters. As soon as blisters have dried up the itchiness reduces dramatically. >> 7. Heating on and baby just in a nappy during the day. >> 8. 100% cotton pjs >> 9. Plenty of fluids even if it's a bottle as Toby is properly off his food as he has them in his mouth. >> 10. No soap or shampoo if in their hair. >> >> Hope that helps x Sent from my iPhone
  2. Sorry to hear that BB that's bloody frightening! Defo report it. Hope you are ok. Xxx
  3. So instead of Botox I decided today to book a flight home to Australia instead as I've not been home in two years. That will spur me on to lose the weight and give me something to look forward to! Happy days.. X
  4. I definitely need to lose the baby weight. Baby Strawbs is 4 months old and we have just come to an end of 11 weeks of around th clock screaming due to a medicine he was on (we obv didn't know but I worked it out a couple of weeks ago and no screaming since stopping it) so I'm feeling a bit beat up by the experience and also that I've not had a chance to focus on anything since he came along but now I can. Hair appt booked for the 25th so now I just need to sort the motivation to lose the weight! To be fair I don't have wrinkles but I have been told it gives your face a 'pick me up' and I hoped it would reduce the 'hagged , tired , stressed frumpy mum of two young children' look. I might put it on the back burner for now until I drop a few lbs and see how I feel. X
  5. Sj thanks for your input, you know I value it! You are right I do have anaphylaxis and tbh hadn't considers that element. I thank you for saying I look fab I just feel so 'mumsy' and need to shake that look (and feeling) off somehow.. X
  6. Thanks I'll google it now! X
  7. Post two children I am thinking of getting this done. Has anyone had this done locally? I have been told of a place in forest hill that is meant to be good by a person that gets it done there but I want to do some more research. Thanks! X
  8. Pickle that tesco idea sounds ace!! Oh and defo DVD totally agree on that one!
  9. Definitely all of the below and especially a proper cot is a delight to see and not a travel cot and a highchair to save transporting. A loaf of bread and a small amount of milk for the first breakfast always goes down a treat. Towels to save lugging them to the holiday let. Detached is absolutely key. X EmilyPie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Location sounds good. I also look for somewhere > kid friendly: not too many expensive breakables; > cot; stair gates a bonus; any other touches like a > potty or toys or plastic spoons etc are also > really welcome. An open fire is nice for winter > months. Access to an enclosed garden good, even > better if it contains garden toys. Ideally > detached is good so we don't need to worry about > waking the neighbours at 5am when the kids declare > morning, but if not then good sound proofing. Also > a bath not just a shower. > > Hope that helps!
  10. Yes I got it this week and no mention at all so think we are in the clear but I need to also get hold of th contract I signed when my eldest started at the nursery just to be sure all bases are covered but not sure how to without rousing suspicion and as I as on mat leave when I signed it I didn't keep a copy. X
  11. If like to preface this post with the info that I am very change adverse as it makes me very anxious and I like to keep continuity for my children but here goes. Toddler Strawbs is 3 in oct and when I return to work in January (full time sadly) baby Strawbs will be 10m. I am thinking of instead of sending them both to nursery full time that I get a nanny and send toddler Strawbs part time ie 4 mornings a week. I have sourced the nanny as it is someone that used to work at toddler Strawbs' nursery that we still see regularly but I fear the current manager of his nursery will make it difficult for us even though we haven't signed anything (and Neither has the potential nanny) to say that staff can't work for parents post leaving but she had already contacted another ex worker there who she found out was doing babysitting for parents of the nursery to say she went supposed to be doing it. I am having a lawyer at my work check the paperwork but I can't see anything to say that it can't be done. Anyway do I go as far as changing th arrangement to toddler Strawbs to ensure that it's not awkward for us, the nanny who will be doing pick up and drop off and potentially toddler Strawbs if this woman gets difficult or do I change him to a pre school environment locally which will also save on cost (not a motivating factor but a plus) once jan comes and he gets his free hours. If I was to change him I'd do it in nov so then I am him for the first two months to deal with settling him in and making it ok for him or do I not change him and deal with the narky manager? Really just needs some thoughts on this as I don't know which way to go as don't want to upset toddler Strawbs with such a big change. I did take him to the pre school yesterday for a look and he was loving it but still... Thanks and sorry I know that was a long one! X
  12. Little jungle and bright horizons do early starts x
  13. Thanks for the tip mrsE, I'll check it out! X
  14. Try muddy boots at Devonshire road nature reserve x
  15. I've seen this pop up on my Facebook, seems a bit squishy for the toddler but wondered if anyone has seen one in the flesh as it were.
  16. Thanks canela will do! Afternoons are the only ones I don't want ideally but I'll take what I can get! X
  17. Re the gaviscon it is based on weight, our children are the same age so will assume roughly the same weight and 2 sachets is the max dose per feed, you could try 1 sachet more frequently and see if that works. Reflux gets worse at 4 months temporarily as there is a growth spurt so the extra weight puts pressure on the gut. We need to get these reflux babies sitting up as soon as we can! If you feel it's not working then you can try ranitadine or omeprazole - omeprazole is the best by far but it depends on your gp and what they will prescribe. Regular feeding is also symptomatic of a reflux baby as they eat to soothe the throat, baby Strawbs eats little and often so every couple of hours. Hope that helps x
  18. Cool thank you! X
  19. What are the chances of getting in when they are already full for this September intake? I called yesterday and they encouraged me to still fill in an application form but I could tell by the look on the receptionists face when I told her that that my chances are probably slim to none! X
  20. Looking for somewhere to take toddler Strawbs (and of course baby Strawbs) overnight and stay on a farm type set up. Any suggestions? Thanks! X
  21. Muddy boots play group on a Monday or Friday at Devonshire road nature reserve x
  22. Yes from about 10 weeks as my son couldn't fit in the insert any more and he is fine. X
  23. I have to pay back mine if I leave within the first 6 months of returning and it equates to a hell of a lot of cash so I'll defo be returning! X
  24. Ps at the 8 weeks before I just need to express the intent to return but as on 4 weeks notice can resign 4 weeks later if I want to if I hadn't wanted to tell them at the 8 week point.
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