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Everything posted by Strawbs

  1. Hey everyone! I missed out on the last ones as was away but will be coming along to the next ones. I have a different drinks night on at the Rye that night so will come afterwards. For info they do rope off areas out the back, there are normally about 40 or 50 of us and we get the marquee area but then all behind that is the back garden area that could totally be reserved for the EDF, that way both of my nights could be integrated and I wouldnt have to travel!!! (selfish I know ;-))
  2. A big huge congrats to Jaws who after studying and working really hard towards a career change in to the financial sector she has finally done it! Youve made me so proud! :))
  3. Ive cast my vote and looks like we will be going.. YAY!! I dont think ?7.50 is too steep at all.. I love an outdoor cinema and its one of the things I miss from Australia as they have some gorgeous outdoor cinemas and trust me even with the conversion rate it still costs a hell of a lot more than ?7.50 to go to one of them there..
  4. Hi all We unfortunately wont be making it this time. have fun.
  5. Jaws Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ooooo Errrrrrrr... > > > I've only just stumbled in here...my 2 pence > worth: > > I personally much prefer to hang out with my > gay/bi etc etc friends and or my partner, in a gay > bar. If the clientelle like to shag or snog > aliens, I don't much care. As long as they are > there without judgement and are not there to get > off on watching for example, 2 girls 'gettin in > onnnn' or to ask any lesbian for a 3 some at every > opportunity they get...or of course - want to sit > gawping at me and my wife like we are some sort of > porn stars (in their mind) just sitting trying to > have a drink... > > My reason for this, is that that is where I feel > most comfortable. > > My reason for me much prefering so hang out with > my fellow like minded gayers, is that eradicates > the above examples of what pi$$es me off and > offends me. Of course I am not saying that no > straight/hetrosexual persons should be allowed > into a gay bar, just those that are not coming > into the bar to do the above and make me feel > uncomfortable. > > I must say though, in my OWN opinion, I again do > prefer to hang out in a gay bar that welcomes > straight people/friends as guests. This is > because, over the past few years, I have often > been confronted with drunk straight guys wanting > to hit me or fight with me. This is not much fun > I can assure you. And yes this has happened to me > 99% of the time in a straight bar. > > Needless to say, I prefer to drink in gay bars. > > > Just how there are 'working mans clubs', and > nights on at pubs/clubs for ethnic groups such as > Latino, Indian, African etc etc I am and should be > given the right to have a gay bar. To drink in a > place that I feel comfortable, unthreatened and > relaxed. My choice. Well yes this pretty much what I was trying to say, thank you Jaws aka Mrs Strawbs (I know you hate that he he).. That's one of the reasons why I married you as your are a little better at this kind of thing than I am! :-$:)) x
  6. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I > think at times he feels more comfortable in a gay > bar rather than a straight one but then he'll hang > out in all kinds of different places. Which is exactly what I do.
  7. Speaking on behalf of everyone are you Keef? I believe segregation starts with enforcement. I am not not allowing straight people in to gay bars and I am certainly not standing at the door of any gay bars telling them they cant come in, if they are there then fine, my opinion states that I would prefer that when I am in a gay bar with my partner that there arent straight people in there with me which I am entirely entitled to have.
  8. @James - WOW who would have thought one comment could have required a 4 paragraph deep and meaningful response but anyhoo! Ok I will own it as my own opinion and not of the gay community at large even though I do know I am not entirely alone in this opinion. @SeanM - Im sorry darling I know you dont like the comment I made (and wouldnt regardless of who it was said by) but its my opinion and I am sticking by it.
  9. And I will be thinking of you all from the Maldives.. Damn it what a one to miss, its the day after my birthday so if I had of been there I would have had my celebration shoes on.. Have fun..
  10. mikese22 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Rye Hotel is supposed to be gayish - landlord > is/was gay (by 'was' I mean that the landlord may > have moved on, not that he has turned straight!) > > We tried to organise regular 'gay drinks' there > last year, but after a promising start it didn't > really take off - maybe for the reason that > MadWorld74 is alluding to?? > > I'd be up for trying again if anyone else is.....? > :)-D I organise a lezza get together once a month at the Rye and always get atleast 40 peeps (off another forum).. I put up a thread re organising rainbow drinks and got two responses - one of which was my partner so I called it off!
  11. > > > Your notion that "younger gay people tend to want > to have nights out in straight venues and the > oppurtunity to mix with all types of people" is > simply guff. Younger gay people want to go to gay > clubs so they can pull, just like younger straight > people do in straight clubs. Incidentally, gay > clubs have pretty much the widest age range of any > clubs and tend not to be a young or old place to > go. > > There are gay bars where everyone and their granny > (that means you) are welcomed with open arms. > There are gay bars with a majority male entry > policy (no sniggering, Ted max). > There are gay bars where straight girls pretend to > be lesbians to get in (ironic as lots of gay man > don't even like lesbians) > There are gay bars where it's strictly men only. > @Bob - I do agree with you but you seem to have forgotten that the lesbian bar with actual real lesbians in it and rest assured the little girls that come in that arent really in our gang are pretty much spotted straight away and shunned.
  12. Louisa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Gay people who have strictly > gay only policies in clubs tend to be the older > generation, and younger gay people tend to want to > have nights out in straight venues and the > oppurtunity to mix with all types of people, As a young gay person I could not disagree with you more!! I read this and almost spat my water out with laughter.. Whilst I am open to socialising in straight venues and do regularly due to what is in my surroundings I can assure you that the younger or older generation of gay people would prefer to be in a gay bar any day of the week over a straight bar and regardless of whether people on here like it or not we would prefer there were no straights in the gay bars either..
  13. The smallest things seem to cost the most so I would imagine you would be up for a bit of ??.. Maybe 100? Or is that just crazy talk out of the park?
  14. I would definitely like to see a gay bar but not a gay bar primarily focused at gay men (which a lot of them are) it would need to be for all of us.. There are quite a few rainbow flag wavers in ED and surrounding and I think it would be good custom. Most lezzas I know in need of a drink around ED go to the Rye as its owned by gay people and is uber gay friendly..
  15. Ive had a similar problem but not quite the same level of drowning I fear but I took it apart and used a hairdryer which got rid of any last moisture.. It then worked for quite a while but I did end up having to replace it but it gave me a chance to get all of my important stuff of it..
  16. Ive only been in ED for a little while and I absolutely love it and I can feel it in my bones that in 18 months I will absolutely love it! As for Camberwell - dude you take your life in to your own hands just dont point all the crazy peeps in the direction of ED when you move there ;-)
  17. DaveR Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yeah, but what's your point? Exactly what I was thinking.. I keep waiting for it and it seems to be nowhere.. I 'grassed' someone to the social that I know for a fact is a benefits thief and the council did f*ck all about it.. Went and had a pre planned little meeting with the benefit thief, made her sign a dec to say she wasnt a benefit thief and off they went never to be heard from again.. Clearly there is a flaw in the system..
  18. Had such a great time last night, was great to meet some new peeps but I do feel I didnt get around and talk to everyone which I promise I will be better at next time.. I was seriousl beginning to fade around 10.30 and then anotherpaul had me in stiches for a bit which made me last til about 11 and then I threw in the towel!! I think name badges would make it a bit easier for the new people next time.. We are away for the next one but will be there for the one after that!
  19. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > Oh I HEAR you on that one sister. Now double it.. Double my drink!! ::o ;-) As I peeled myself out of bed this morning I even considered pulling the pin but I will def be there.. See you tonight! Oh and I dont mind wearing a label..
  20. Jaws and I will be there most definitely but prob only for a couple hours.. After a mammoth effort on the turps last week and this will now be my 3rd night in a row on the lash I fear I may crash and burn early.. We will get there about 8.30 for a cheeky few... See you all tonight!! :)-D
  21. Maybe put a sign up saying 'no charity leaflets or no junk mail' and that may help.. If you then want to donate to charity you can just go to a charity bin and do it that way..
  22. If you intend to be home on said day of collection leave a note on the bag or your door for evergreen to knock for you.. If not then you could call them and explain and ask if they could arrange a special pick up or if you could wait til the next pick up.. Failing that I cant help..
  23. missd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > execution only services are for people who want to > manage their own investments. ie say i'm massively > wealthy and have a good understanding of the > financial markets. so my advisor (at a private > bank - ie barclays wealth) will be the one i call > to say buy this or sell that, or i want to do this > etc. they arent providing me with advice as i know > what i'm doing. they are literally there to > execute the services that i require. > > as far as i'm aware advisory services are for > those who arent as financially savvy - so would > require a bit more explanation etc. so the advisor > is the one who is giving advice to the client and > then the client can choose what they want to do. MissD - you are a star!! thank you so much...
  24. And if we went one step further and had everyone put the dates in their diaries they would know when the drinks were coming up! 1 August 5 September 3 October 7 November 5 December :)-D
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