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Everything posted by Strawbs

  1. I would have whoever your contact at the hospital is to call the gp ASAP and tell them in no uncertain terms what she needs and to tell them to do the prescription!! Until then surely the hospital can supply enough until she can get a script filled?
  2. Convex I've petty much had my hair in a bun or pony tail for the past two years (got pregnant and couldn't be bothered to try straightening my hair in between vomits) but since I've had it done I've worn my hair down every day and can't tell you how much easier it is, give it a go for sure x
  3. Yes.. I don't fully dry my hair with the hairdryer I just dy it off for about 60 seconds so its not drenched if you know what I mean.. I'd get it done on a Thursday or Friday (Carly does nights also) as you can't wash or tie your hair up for three days but the first two days are ok as it just looks like you have straightened it so looks really nice.. X
  4. Carly came and did my hair last week and its brilliant!!! I will be getting this done regularly. She was on time, super nice and my hair looks great! I've always had wavy and frizzy hair but now it's smooth and I literally just have to dry it off in the morning which takes about a minute and off I go and as a working mum I need that more than anything.. Carly also cut my hair at the same time and I was really pleased with it and ill be getting her back in a few weeks to colour it..
  5. Shimgo at kuki definitely..
  6. My son prior to nursery needed two naps and probably for the first 6 weeks he was there whereas now he has just one and I believe that is age (he is now 14m) and also because the nursery has gotten him in to that routine of one big nap a day.. On weekends he mostly does one 2 hour nap but there is the occasional day he had two naps.. I have learnt to go with the flow with it all as thankfully his night sleeping hasn't been affected.. I think under the circumstances it sounds like they are doing what they think is best ie a quick cat nap if he is exhausted to get through lunch and then try to get him to keep the lunch sleep routine.. I bet he will drop that morning nap soon ish.. Hope that helps, think I rambled a bit!
  7. I've got a bugaboo chameleon which I love but if you are going to use public transport a lot then get the bugaboo bee.. I think I'll sell my cam and get the bee for the next one x
  8. My gp has put mini strawbs on vitamin drops due to a restricted diet for allergy reasons, this might also help stave off illnesses? I can dig out the name for you tomorrow if interested x
  9. Just wanted to say merry Xmas everyone and thanks for all of your support over the past year x
  10. I'm from Sydney but have visited brisvegas a few times.. Work isn't as ample in brissie in comparison to Sydney and Melbourne yet cost of living is still high.. Will let someone from bris fill you in x
  11. I cried with literal anxiety when baby strawbs had his, I even made my partner go a do I as I just couldn't.. I thought he would come home a different baby ( yes I regularly slap myself about for being so dramatic haha).. Even though I was anxious about it I knew I couldn't take the risk of not having him vaccinated so we pressed on and rest assure he came home the same and didn't have a single ill effect from it x
  12. I was going to do a shop and take it down there but maybe I should also donate some cash.. I'll go online and donate now. thanks for posting x
  13. Definitely the younger they are the easier it is. I flew solo to Australia with my at the time 7m old and he was an absolute dream on the flight.. He wouldn't sleep in the sky cot which meant he slot on me so I barely ate or drank on the flight but if you aren't going solo I wouldn't worry about that. I had an ergo carrier with me an they didn't make me take it off in customs x
  14. I remember the scanners and midwives telling me that baby strawbs was going to be 'enormous' and he had a very distended belly (sign of a GD mum) and as it turned out even though I only took one newborn outfit he was only 7.9 so was little in my opinion, we had to run out and buy newborn outfits which were all big on him! X
  15. I dont know about policies but I had a blood test like you at 28 weeks and I was clear, then 30 weeks in hindsight I started to feel very unwell (I put it down to getting bigger and just well being pregnant!) at 32w my midwife noticed I wasnt myself plus I had indicators in my pee and was measuring 36w and then I had my GTT etc.. I was with Tommies and insulin dependant so was transferred to the high risk midwives who were outstanding.. I was then induced at 38+3. x
  16. Thanks both yes that is definitely something we are discussing at the moment.. Well the team meeting happened yesterday and there was no mention of it even though that was the point of the meeting! I've asked my partner to discuss it with her boss today as I need to get things sorted! I love being back at work but balancing all this whilst concentrating on my work is virtually impossible! X
  17. Thanks everyone, my partner is in her second meeting about it right now so will see what the outcome is.. A childminder messaged me who said she would be able to help me if need be so atleast I have an option now thank goodness if this meeting doesn't go well.. I just hate putting him through change but I must remind myself that kids are adaptable! X
  18. One of my mum friends whose baby goes to the same nursery offered last night for her husband who does the drop off to try taking both babies to nursery on Monday but they are both 13 months and neither walk so i think it might be a bit hard getting the both out of the car safely, 2 babies, 2 school bags, buzzing to get in (you have to lift the handle of the door to get through).. Its definitely an emergency option Im keeping in my back pocket though.. EDAus - no stay at home mum friends unfortunately, only one I know is moving to the USA in a couple of weeks.. Thanks for those links, Im going to read through them now.. I did approach his key worker for babysitting outside of work hours (weekends etc) and she said she would check the policy and get back to me but never did.. I may ask her again today when I see her, I just didnt want to push it with her if she didnt want to do it.. Plus not sure if they would have to arrive earlier than the open time for set up and that may hinder her at work having baby strawbs with her.. But good option to give more thought to. thanks x
  19. Strafer - thanks.. There is lots to consider right now I agree.. I am going to see how the meeting goes and then hit panic stations from there.. Shelly - I feared a CM would say that.. I have heard of people doing before and after school picks up though, wouldnt it be similar to that? thanks
  20. We currently have our baby strawbs in to a nursery which he loves and adores. They open at 8am. My partner does the drop off as I had to negotiate with my work to do the pick up so I leave at 5. My partner's work has just said that the starting at 9.15 is becoming a problem (even though she doesnt finish til gone 8pm most evenings) and they are not sure she can continue to do it (having another meeting today). I HAVE to leave at 7.30 on the dot to get to work on time as would my partner if starting at 8.30, I am now faced with having to hire a childminder for the sake of 30 minutes every morning - does anyone know if people actually do this? My other alternative is to pull him out of nursery and hire a nanny which I am loathed to do as he is so happy at nursery and also the cost of nannies frighten the life out of me to be honest.. Im guessing a nanny full time is circa ?2k? Im wary of a share nanny situation as people's circumstances change and I am trying to cause him as little disruption as possible! Any great ideas really are welcome!! thanks xxx
  21. Our vaporiser definitely causes some issues for us as we live in a place with damp anyway but we run it when we need it overnight and it really does work and then we run a dehumidifier during the day which sucks all the moisture out. ~the wallpaper has never peeled or anything like that though. x
  22. I dont really have any pearls of wisdom to share on this one outside of using a vaporiser? The vicks steam vaporiser is very good and I use it when baby strawbs has a cough that keeps him up at night.. x
  23. Straferjack that's really interesting thank you.. Baby strawbs has turned a corner now, we only had one wake up last night and he is nicely scabbing over! x
  24. In Australia they routinely vaccinate against cp, why dont they do that her do people think? My sister's children have never had it as they wet vaccinated as babies x
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