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Everything posted by Strawbs

  1. missed that, thanks!
  2. I had the chameleon but decided not to travel with it and got a maclaren instead which you can gate check i.e. keep with you until you board and if you are transiting anywhere you get it back for that time. In fairness I mostly had the baby in the carrier but it was helpful for my bags etc (I was travelling alone to australia).. the all in one fold on the maclaren is also great for when you are travelling, much much easier. Just a thought. Good luck and have fun! x
  3. I really don?t like that place, it feels very overrated. I find it awkward with my son, not because of the service but the space / set up etc with prams etc.. I avoid it!
  4. Buses on diversion and drop you about a 7-10 min walk from the station, better off getting off at the stop before they normally turn left on to rye lane. The diversion announcement came on after we had left that stop so I then enjoyed a walk past the morrisons car park and left on to rye lane. Road workers leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee as we all walked past them!
  5. You can always go on the waiting list for a full time place at the nursery (telling them you will take a part time place in the mean time if it was to come up) and then when you work out your work hours drop the days at nursery as required when starting there. Those days then free up for the next person on the waiting list.
  6. gumtree is another place where private listings are very popular. My last three have been private one of gumtree and two of east dulwich forum. x
  7. Private here. Have been in the same property for 4 years. Wouldnt go back to an agency now. Hope that helps. x
  8. At the nursery we are at it is about ?900 for a full time place so cheaper than Villa. They have a long waiting list so I'd be getting the two babies to be on the list soonish. I am so happy where my son goes, he is really happy and thriving there and I wouldnt send him anywhere else. Happy for you to PM me for details. ps congrats! x
  9. Hi firstly sorry you got that news, must have been quite a blow for you. sending you a hug. I have no experience of the special care unit there but I did have my baby there and I always also high risk and I have to say they were brilliant. I couldnt have asked for a better experience to be honest and any subsequent children (if im lucky) I will have there. Will you be under the care of the high risk midwives? If yes they really are lovely and they stay with you the whole time whilst you are in labour, even if they have to pee someone has to come in and relieve them. On the post natal ward it was ok, night midwives as militant as I think they are anywhere but yes the food was yummy! Your partner cant stay overnight at Tommies with you which I think they can at Kings. In summary I wouldnt worry about being at Tommies, I can totally see why you would want some familiarity at such a time but they really are very good there and will take care of you both very well I am sure. x
  10. Ive sent you a PM hon x
  11. Go and see the bike shop on East Dulwich Road as they have a look at such things and see if they can fix them for you. They looked at my chameleon once, in the end I didnt need anything fixed as it was a user error but I know other people who have taken their buggies in there.
  12. I would give Babu's deitician a call or his nurse (charlotte) and explain the situation and see what they can do i.e. have them to talk to Babu for you. I have the numbers if you need them. As you know mini strawbs is still on neocate and he is 18m this week, I was discharged from Babu a couple of weeks ago and I got a new batch of neocate on the weekend. x
  13. I send her a text and she normally comes back pretty quickly. x
  14. I had my son at Tommies and thought they were brilliant, I was classed as high risk due to Gestational Diabetes and Exercise induced anaphylaxis and I couldnt fault them and my labour went v smoothly. I didnt get to have my midwife appts at home which I really would have preferred but really felt I wanted to go to Tommies over Kings. Saying that though I know people who have had their babies at Kings and have a good experience. x
  15. We had a bill like that once for over ?1000 and they were reading the meter incorrectly (apparently there are two different types of measurements they can use and they were using the wrong one) after them three times coming out and continuing to read the meter incorrectly we took a picture of the meter and sent it in and they rectified it down to a couple of hundred quid. Take a picture, get an email address of someone at Npower and get it checked. We are with Npower and for a 2 bed flat now pay ?107 a month in gas and ?60 in elec and both work so the heating isnt on 24x7.
  16. Hi babe, so long as you can get one back to me tomorrow, Im sure I have one you can borrow x
  17. My son is at 'my favourite nursery' but I understand they have quite a waiting list. I'd be doing a ring around very soon if you are planning on moving in the summer and seeing who has space. Good luck! x
  18. I keep waiting for it to get a little easier too! My 17m has been tantruming severely since he was 13m old and his chosen route of venting his frustration is smashing his face on the floor whether it be carpet, concrete, pavers, literally whatever he can get to, he even moves pillows out of the way that the nursery put around him when he is doing it to get to the wooden floor. ~Both at nursery and at home now we put him in his cot with some cushions (supervised) so he can thrash out his anger safely as Im (and the nursery) are very concerned he is going to hurt himself. He has a really bad temper but I am hoping that once he can talk his frustration levels wont be so high but I do worry he will just tell me he hates me when he doesnt get his own way! He is so active and literally runs from sun up to sun down so in a month when he is old enough (to be insured) we are starting baby soccer and rugby to try and run off his energy as currently parks dont really cut it! Thankfully getting him to bed is a breeze as he is exhausted from nursery but wakes up a few times a night, I now dont get up to him, I just let him cry it out for 10 minutes and then he puts himself back to sleep. I keep telling myself when he is communicating thing will calm down! x
  19. I think 7.30 is fair too.
  20. Defo shot by the Sherriff on north cross, I've used them twice. They will ensure the spec of fhe photo is what ghe passport people need to process the application.
  21. That is brilliant babe!! Congrats x
  22. Carly now cuts my entire family's hair as well as does my BB which I am having done again tomorrow. Cant rate her highly enough. x
  23. We are in the same boat, my son literally gets every bug from nursery. We have the boots electric vaporiser which is a god send for a runny / blocked nose nd the Vicks steam vaporiser for when he has a cough.. I just keep telling myself he will one day have the immunity of an ox! I totally sympathise with you, I really do.. Also Vicks on the soles of the feet with socks on seems to help his cough too .
  24. Put me down as a maybe please! I have that week off work but Jaws still at work so will depend on whether she can get home to relieve me of baby duty by then. x
  25. Saffron has asked all the questions above so the only thing I would say is if you are going to go down the nursery route I would be getting them on a waiting list now before they are born as they are very long. My son is at 'my favourite nursery' and is extremely happy there. congrats on the impending babies btw and welcome. x
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