Sign the Petition Save the Marble Arch Mound! 172 have signed. Let?s get to 200! At 200 signatures, this petition is more likely to be featured in recommendations! At 200 signatures, this petition is more likely to be featured in recommendations! Alexander Bowen started this petition to Westminster Council Constructed in May 2021, at a cost of ?6mn, the Marble Arch Mound has since become an icon to Londoners and tourists alike. The aim of this petition is to ask Westminster City Council to extend its lifespan beyond the proposed 9th of January dismantlement date. This icon of modern London and celebration of life during the Covid deconfinement period should be preserved and the many happy memories people have enjoyed on it should continue to take place. The Mound is both a piece of art and a piece of community - it must not be cut down in its prime especially in light of the money and joy already invested into it. Our message is simple - #SaveTheMound