Please don't say "like all motorcycles think they can do which they cannot" I am a motorcyclist and I do not undertake, neither do any other motorcyclists that I know, most of us know the danger of such a manoeuvre, as always with bikes it's the bad ones that everyone notices (not commenting on the unfortunate rider in this instance, I don't know the facts) And "its always the car driver has to think motorcycle" really it's more like think everything, it's just that mentality "is there a car there isn't" and pull out, not having registered the bike because they were only looking for cars, I too have been rammed from behind by a car that had pulled up and was stationary at red traffic lights, while waiting the driver assumed it was time to go and just drove into me not taking into account what was right in front of his face, I was sent forwards into a busy crossing where pedestrians where crossing, luckily I did not hit any of them. It's not a penalisation to "think bike" it's your duty as a road user, we are not told "think car" because if that is not obvious then neither is breathing to live, well in fact we are told to watch out for everything and then some. For every bad rider there are many more good riders, don't paint all of us with the same brush, it's the same as racism and sexism. I've had car drivers block my path and tell me "that will teach you a lesson" and once a diver just tried to push me out of his way with his car, both where reported to the police. I have lost count of all the near missis I've had where thankfully luck and my skill as a rider have saved me.