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Everything posted by Zombiemonkey

  1. PRROA meeting confirmed 31st Saturday week 1000am clock house pub
  2. The survey: ok, we all tried to do our bit, by filling it in even though it?s not fit for purpose, just so that we don?t end up under- represented. I?ve done this myself! Instead, what we should do, is email Southwark parks on: [email protected] and request a copy of their data under the freedom of information act, for them to explain: ?Unfortunately incidents relating to dogs have been increasing, and we want to address this ?. We should all explain that we are unable to fill the survey unless we have the data to hand to support our views, and respond to the survey in an informed manner. There is no evidence that incidents have increased as far as I know- quite the opposite, as having been a dog owner in this area for the past 14 years, I have noticed a huge improvement regarding dog related issues myself! Hope this helps, Zombiemonkey
  3. Hi guys, was given this leaflet this morning, (attached), the email address is [email protected], apparently Nick is organising a meeting at the clock house next weekend. I saw the offending surveys on a table of Rye Hill Park's office. Also saw posters in the display boards. A lot of people were talking about this survey this morning. Oh, and I picked someone else's dog poo there BTW, was right on the paths by the floower beds. People who leave dog mess behing are not helping our cause... P.S. just realised my previous posts don't make sense, as when you reply to someone's message your post go right at the bottom of the thread...apologies for that, it's only my second time using this forum- duh!!
  4. @ Lexathon:well, I'm curious, how doyou manage to avoid using the cycling boxes? Do you ride outside rush hours? I like your idea of having a spot for motorbikes in front of cars, but that would be impossible to put in place. So why not using the boxes already there and make them for all 2 wheels users? The ASLs are already used by cyclists and motorcyclists. We seem to have a mutual understanding, cyclists pile on the left, motorbikes and scooters on the right, we drive off out of everyone?s way and we keep ourselves safe. This works perfectly well. Well, I do come across ?militant cyclists? moaning at me ?but these occurrences are very rare. Cyclists usually don?t mind me being in front of 3 tons cars side by side with them as a general rule.
  5. @ ironjawcannon: when we get trained to ride a motorbike, we are taught about riding safely and we are taught to overtake traffic. That's the whole point, it keeps us safe. If you are in a queue with cars, you get pushed out of the way, guaranteed that happens to me every day. And we need to be in front of all the cars to speed out of the way at traffic lights, again, to keep ourselves safe. And what is the problem with that? Bikes have faster acceleration then cars, so we?re not causing any nuisance to car drivers. And we are alert, car drivers aren't. They tend to go on auto- pilot when stuck in traffic jams (well, I don't as I ride both bikes and bicycles, so used to look out for all road users).
  6. Hi Applespider, you just reminded of another (minor) argument in favour of motorcyclists legitimately using cycling boxes: being stuck behind cars is awful as you breathe all the exhaust fumes. At least when you are waiting in front of all the traffic, that doesn?t happen. Why should we be pushed back and forced to breathe that? It can't be good for you... @ PeckhamRose: fair point about differences between boroughs. Same problem about the bus lanes, 10 years ago I could use all of them- that was safe. Then they changed it to none of them. I bet that caused a few accidents ?Now this: you have to find the road signs, and read them as you are riding, whilst avoiding cyclists, cars, cabs, buses, and pedestrians running across roads outside zebra crossings. It?s quite scary, especially in the winter when it?s dark. If I'm reading the article in the standard though, those new cycling box fines will be across London and they are going to use CCTV to enforce it. It's just a money making scam really. Police until now were too busy to worry about motorcyclists using cycling boxes, who are causing no trouble at all, but now, well.. it's all a big grey area. As always for us. About motorcyclist frightening cyclists in bus lanes: we make noise, that's the point of having an engine, they can hear us coming. I can't hear cyclists coming, and they ride fast sometimes, cutting me off, wobbling, changing lanes suddenly. And a lot of them are a real danger: cycling in full length skirts and platform shoes, listening to music and crossing at zebras without looking...they are a lot of cyclists out there with no training and no idea about what they are doing. They are the ones I have to look out for.
  7. Cat, living outside as you are allergic (cats don't mind...), or a Jack Russell, rats will never come near your home again- garanteed. And it's eco- friendly!
  8. some interesting views on this blog: http://ukgser.com/forums/showthread.php?t=339619
  9. Hey guys, why don't we meet to discuss these? The Ivy house is meant to re- open soon, we could kill 2 birds with one stone, make the most of the community pub, and come up with a plan of action to protect our right to using public parks? Just an idea here....
  10. Am I the only person here who thinks it?s about time that ?cycling boxes? or ASLs should officially made available to motorcyclists? We hear all about cyclists? safety, all of the time, and hear all about motorists views too, but I find that in London, nobody ever talks about motorcyclists. Now, I won?t even start on the (money making) business of bus lanes? but right now, it?s all about this law enforcement update. From today, you can get a ?100 fine and 3 POINTS ON YOUR DRIVING LICENSE (hence insurance fees going up?) for using cycling boxes in London. As usual, not a single mention of motorcyclists in the debate. Our safety is put at risk here. What are your thoughts about it? http://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/60-fines-and-cctv-crackdown-on-drivers-who-stop-in-bike-boxes-at-traffic-lights-8635559.html
  11. Yes sure! Great idea! Let?s have a ?law? to muzzle all pet dogs. Then foxes, badgers, squirrels, rats, mice, cats as well, why not? Then what next? Delinquents, alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless people?. Let?s keep going!
  12. By "increased issues", do you mean witnessing dog owners being bullied? Because yes, I have plenty examples of that, gathered over the years. As I said in my later post, I have been verbally, physically abused, been threatened, been spat at, had my dogs kicked, had a glass bottle waved in my face by the dad of a child playing football on a Sunday (in front of his kids), etc... etc... Lost count over the past 10 years I've had the "audacity" to have dogs. Not to mention the number of times I was left to take care of complete strangers? children in pubs, as they let them "stroke the cute puppies" and dumping them with me to deal with, too paralytic to look after their own kids...But that's ok, I guess! Except that if my dogs even growled at them in impatience, they could have faced being "put to sleep".
  13. It's a real shame that there is such prejudice against dog owners. We currently live in a homocentric world and let's face it, it's not working well is it?
  14. I strongly disagree with this. How many rules do we want in this world? Enough of this heavily bureacratic, nanny/ big- brother state. I am not a dod walker, but know many of them. First of all they provide a service that we need, and their trade will only continue if it is sustainable for them (and I really don't want my dog walker to go and find a "regular" job believe me, took long enough to find a good one!!). Secondly, the number of dogs is irrelevant, it about how trustworthy the dogs are and about how well behaved/ well trained by the owners they are. You can walk 6 to 8 well behaved dogs with no problem, whilst having lots of problems walking just the one, if it's poorly behaved. (good) dog walkers are the experts, and should be sole judge of numbers. Not some poor sod behind a computer screen in an office, who's never had any exerience with dogs.... Dogs are living creatures with different needs, you can't bring maths into this....
  15. I totally agree with you on the point of hidden agenda. I did complete the survey, as I want to have my say, but also found it very "directed" and unfit for purpose. Also, I am rather concerned that, as a dog owner using parks everyday, I only found out about this survey...on this forum. Hmmmm....... As for the dog training classes in the park, we did try to set one up in Rye Hill Park, but it was cancelled as it was subject to heavy bureaucracy and also they wanted money for us running it. So clearly, they're not that interested in promoting responsible dog ownership...
  16. This is worrying... completed the survey and forwarded it to my facebook chums. If we're not careful, we soon will be forced to keep our dogs on the lead everywhere. I am getting so much hostility just for being a dog owner. Even worst, often. I've been shouted at, threatened, verbally insulted, had idiots trying to kick my dogs, idiots slamming the (very heavy)communal door in their face, been spat at, had someone waving a bottle in my face once. Had my puppy attcked by 2 other dogs, and been physically assaulted by a bunch of teenagers "walking" these (no adult in sight) as I tried to push their dogs away, police never came. Pfff...This is what the problem is: the police should deal with irresponsible dog owners, and come when called. As soon as you say it's a dogs issue, they don't bother turning up. Leaving the offenders to roam free and give the rest of us a bad name. Oh! And please, pick up your dog mess! And don't open your front door to leave your dog running free and crapping everywhere! That really isn't helping our cause, there's not such thing as the dog- poo fairy!
  17. I'm so sorry to hear this! How awful! My puppy was attacked by a dog of exactly the same description a few months ago when he was 4 months old. It was towards the girl school outside the park. There was also a brindle staff with it who also joined in. They were walked off the lead by a group of teenagers. I kicked Blue and scared it away from my puppy who was on the lead and couldn't move, and was verbally abused and pushed by one of the kids! I managed to get rid of them by shouting and got my phone out to call the police in front of them so they ran away. The police were absolutely useless and not interested... I'll warn all my friends who walk their dogs in the park. So sorry for little Morph! :(
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