Wow, it's really interesting hearing about what everyone has done with work. EDZ, I'm so sorry about your job - fingers crossed things work out one way or the other. Completely agree littleEd family, it really annoys me that people assume the mums will do it all , even when they're back at work, and that flexibility for men doesn't seem a very common occurence. I'm lucky my husband can occasionally work from home which means I can nip out to the doctor's or whatever, and I should have said in my original post that my question applies to men and women really - I don't see that the question is restricted to what the mum does after the baby's arrived. in our case, both financially and in terms of enjoying the job, it's a no brainer that my husband will continue to work full time. It is really sad that leaving on time can be perceivd as sloping off - especially when I'd bet that most working mums are more efficient simply because they have to juggle and fit the work into set times.