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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Wasn't James just trying to see if there's an appetite first, because it is chicken & egg - without proof of a demand, it'll be hard to get providers to show interest? Everyone is concerned about the lack of provision in this area, I saw this as just a show of hands at this stage, obviously with the chance to withold support if the provider then turns out to be someone we as individuals don't agree with.
  2. They do other colours too though - my son had a red one, I know there are yellow, green and fluorescent options? Including a lovely bright blue that my youngest covets but he's makig do with the hand me down red one! I think we actually got ours from the micro scooter website.
  3. Can we support with children due to start quite a bit later (think 2020 possibly though my calculation may be wrong!)? If so I'd happily support this. Very keen to see co-ed provision.
  4. http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,1223492 quite a few on this w/e by the looks of it x
  5. Yes - Goodrich is, have totally forgotten the timings though - poss 12-4 I'll ch eck! See you there?
  6. I think the comment about erring towards too cold rather than too warm is definitely right. Also it is normal for their hands to be colder than the rest of them. I can remember being freaked out by that with my first. It's also annoying when they wake and you're not sure if it's because they're cold or some other mysterious reason!
  7. Think I saw that Aldi is selling oil filled mini radiators for ?19 this week... They do say cellular is safer for babies I think yes, I had a knitted shawl thing which was very fine and gossamer like, I felt it was quite safe but tucked it pretty snugly from memory. It is easier once they're bigger and you can stop worrying about this stuff so much!
  8. Neither of mine ever had higher than a 2.5 tog (but our rooms have been warmer than that usually, not sure why) - but what we do for my 2 year old is go in when we're going to bed, check if he's cold, and tuck over a little blanket/giant muslin depending how cold it is.
  9. I remember my mum having one of these when I was growing up: http://www.amazon.co.uk/R%C3%B6mertopf-Roemertopf-%C2%AE-Classic-Standard/dp/B001SFTJLW/ref=sr_1_2?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1386012811&sr=1-2&keywords=romertopf Does anyone have any experience/views on it? I fear mine are rose-tinted through nostalgia... thinking of it as a xmas pressie.
  10. Also both Peckham and Dulwich Park cafes are very child friendly, have good menus for kids and a few toys/books, plus being in a park the option the escape quickly if all goes pear-shaped. The Bishop is good - lots of space and they do discounts for people eating with kids, ask about their Mum's the word cards. The fish & chip place in the same strip as Aneto is great too - staff were really friendly and helpful when I went in on an unplanned lunch with my two in the summer.
  11. Cooking is a good one to focus on, my husband is also keen and I get ideas from Olive magazine. In fact, if he doesn't have it - a subscription to Olive is a great pressie.
  12. I always think of things throughout the year (and equally do for other people) and make mental notes which I then forget come Nov/Dec! Frustrating. I need a new dressing gown so might show my husband the one I like and suggest something along those lines. Would love a cashmere one in fact but can't justify that kind of money!
  13. last year I got them a bottle of cava each, went down well.
  14. The trouble I find with playmobil in particular, lego a bit less so, is storing it in a way it'll be easily accessible but not get lost. we keep some of our playmobil sets in the box they came in - but then they get forgotten - but when kept out all the tiny pirate money etc just gets lost and drives me mad! (and am really not very house proud!). We have quite a good toy sorter from jojo maman bebe but think we need to upgrade to something more suited to older kids' stuff. in fact the above issue applies to arts and crafts stuff. Thinking of turning over a chest of drawers in the kids' room to arts type materials. sorry for tangent but interested to knwo what people's solutions are.
  15. The one o clock club over on Peckham Rye would be a good place to go for both your little one and you - it's open some mornings and afternoons, have a look here: http://www.ivydale.southwark.sch.uk/childrenscentre_detail.asp?Section=23&Ref=237 There are always people there to chat to, but it's nice and laidback so if you're having one of those days you don't feel any pressure to be sociable! i think there used to be stay at home mum meet ups organised through the forum too possibly, worth a search maybe.
  16. What about playgrounds - Goose Green, Brockwell Park, Ruskin Park - all have great playgrounds (admittedly weather dependent!). Horniman Sandpit also great. Or Rascals at Bellingham Leisure Centre (Catford) - 15 min drive away or can get train from Peckham Rye - great soft play.
  17. Signed. Agree the issue of FGM is absolutely clear.
  18. Hmm I'm having similar problems, especially when it comes to the school run (see my thread about slings!). Mine is ok to scoot now but can't be trusted not to zoom off int he wrong direction - then throws a proper terrible 2 yr old tantrum when he's yanked back. He can escape from the buggy too so there is no long-term tethering solution. I am just going with bribes in the buggy for now, but going to borrow a back carrier to see if that's any better.
  19. Yes - the Koi carp Lounge in the Sanctuary would be good for this - or t here's a spa I've been to which had a lovely relaxation room specifically for snoozing, will dig out the details.
  20. Steve Biddulph - The Secret of Happy Children - I really liked this, made sense and didn't seem TOO prescriptive/judgemental, although of course in practice I prob don't apply nearly enough of it.
  21. Think the peckham play room are running an arts and crafts class on Monday afternoons - it'll stop for half term but have put my name (well, my 2 year old's!) on the list for after that. Best thing to do is prob to pop in before half term.
  22. I don't put it down to the police station closing either, and agree anecdotes don't present the whole picture - but for me anyway it's reminded me not to be too complacent walking home at night. It's easy to feel safe when something is a habit and you're in familiar surroundings.
  23. This is very worrying. I'm very safe in terms of cabs back from town but admittedly within the local area I do tend to walk back from the actress/clockhouse etc. Very sorry to hear about the OP's wife - I've had that scenario with a cab (and done it on purpose, i.e. drop me here it's easier and I'll just walk the last bit - as recently as last week) - really unlucky for that to happen and understandable she's shaky. I'd welcome a neighbourhood watch scheme in the Friern Rd area - what does it entail? And do cab companies mind really short journeys motorbird83? if you use anyone locally let me know, think I'll do the same from now on.
  24. That's fair enough ;) I grew up in a small, rural Scottish town and on more than one occasion was stranded in the neighbouring town having missed all bus/cab options. Once I had to cadge a lift home from a police car. That's not something I'd try in London...
  25. I realised as I wrote this it might be a bit misleading... but definitely in the last year the night out rate has gone up, yes! It had a lot to do with going back to work... I'm a scaredy cat and have never done nightbuses even when skint, so cabs it is (just that they are legal ones now as opposed to the really dodgy ones I used to take in my youth, shudder to think about it now). As you were.
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