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Everything posted by Growlybear

  1. I had my Covid jab at Kristal today, and they had Moderna.
  2. Hattie is still missing. It’s been two weeks since she was last seen so she may have travelled out of her local area by now if she got herself really lost. She’s got really distinctive markings - please keep an eye out for her!
  3. I’m posting on behalf of a friend. Has anyone seen Hattie? She went missing at lunchtime yesterday from Elfindale Road. She is very small and timid and this is the first time she’s ever been out overnight. If you live nearby please can you check your shed or cellar.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I have tried to get a telephone appointment today and yesterday but the econsult capacity has been reached by 8.10 am on both days. I will be waiting at 8 am on the dot tomorrow!
  5. I wondered if anyone else has been waiting for ages for test results from Forest Hill Road Group Practice? Having twice been given the wrong sample bottle, I handed two samples in at the practice for testing on 6 February. Test results usually show up on the My GP app within a couple of days, and when there was no update, I called the surgery on 15 February. One of the staff said there had been delays in getting test results back, but a large batch were expected later that day, and she promised faithfully to call me back the next day. Of course, she didn't, and when I rang the surgery again later that day, I was told that loads of outstanding results had just come back, and the doctor would ring me when she had looked at them. The woman I spoke to said that if I didn't hear from the doctor by Tuesday of this week, I should call again. I rang about an hour ago and was once again told that my results must be caught up in the big backlog and to ring again on Friday if I haven't heard anything. She also told me that this is a problem that is affecting all local practices. I wouldn't normally be particularly worried, but depending on the outcome of my tests, my GP said that she would make a referral under the two week pathway, so I'm very concerned by the delay. The woman I spoke to today said that there is no way of chasing my results, and was completely dismissive about my worries. Are other people being told the same as me?
  6. After my very elderly cat died just over a year ago, we were invaded by mice. I tried every type of humane trap and didn’t catch a single one. We got a new kitten at the end of January and by late March he had caught seven mice - several of them were when he was just three months old. We’ve not seen any mice indoors since then. I’m sure your kitten will soon get rid of them!
  7. I ordered some on the website yesterday and they arrived this morning. I was really surprised!
  8. My daughter got her fit to fly certificate done a few months ago at Perry Vale Dental Care in Forest Hill. As far as I know they are still doing them.
  9. If you have regular garden waste, I think it's great value. The service is really reliable - we've never had a missed collection and our bin is emptied every week regardless of the amount that's in it. Southwark charge far less than some other boroughs.
  10. I booked both of my jabs on the NHS website and had them done at Vantage PHarmacy in Conisborough Creacent in Catford. It was empty on both occasions and there was loads of free parking very close by.
  11. My husband had a very different experience this morning. He rang for an on the day telephone consultation at 8 a.m.. The doctor rang him at 9 a.m. and suggested a possible diagnosis. He was given an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning at the Tessa Jowell Centre, and was given a referral form to get an x ray immediately afterwards. I'm not sure how that could be improved, particularly in the middle of a pandemic.
  12. My daughter used Perry Vale Dental two weeks ago. The cost was ?125 and she received her result and fit to fly certificate the following day. They were very professional and parking was very easy. https://perryvaledental.co.uk/covid-19-update/
  13. Whoeveritis Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Really don?t get it when someone posts their > opposite experience, as if the poster is lying, > honestly good for you , not everyone has had your > safe care! The receptionists at this practice are > historically appalling, I?m astounded they are > still there. Are they hard to sack and replace or > what, what is it?? I?m not suggesting in any way that the OP is lying. However, when I see extremely negative comments made on a public discussion forum about a practice which I?ve found to be exceptional for over 45 years, I don?t think it?s unreasonable to balance the negative comments with something more positive from my family?s experience and that of my neighbours. I realise that everyone has different experiences, and expectations about the service they receive. I?m also mindful that being a receptionist in a doctor?s practice must be an incredibly thankless task, and I?ve been shocked many times over the years by the way in which some patients speak to the reception staff. I?ve never come across a member of staff who has been rude to me in any way, and there have been periods in my life when I?ve been a very frequent user of the practice, but maybe that has something to do with the way in which I speak to the staff.
  14. jazzer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I do not know of any patients who would say they > "felt privileged to have such a superb service". > Well I?m a patient and I DO feel privileged to have FHRGP as my practice, as do my husband, daughter, and my neighbours. Having had a great deal of experience of my mother?s practice and my mother in law?s old and new practices, Forest Hill Road is head and shoulders better in every way. I?ve never been unable to get a same day appointment when I?ve really needed one, as opposed to wanting one, and I?ve always been referred promptly for any investigations needed. When I had cancer treatment nine years ago, the service I got from the practice was amazing and had continued to be excellent ever since. Without exception I?ve been treated with respect, kindness, and dignity by every member of staff I?ve ever come across at the practice.
  15. I think I must be living in a parallel universe. I have been with the practice for over 45 years and have always felt privileged to have such a superb service. I?ve had to collect many forms, letters etc during the pandemic and have also been inside for appointments when essential, as have my daughter and husband. I really don?t understand the problem in having to wait outside the surgery in the middle of a pandemic? I would much rather that than have to queue up inside with a load of other people who don?t seem to understand the concept of social distancing or how to wear a mask properly . In all the years I?ve been with the surgery, I?ve never yet found any member of staff to be rude, whether they are receptionists, doctors , or nurses, and have the greatest respect for the receptionists? incredible patience when I?ve heard how people often speak to them.
  16. I had the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccination on Thursday. I felt very sick on Thursday and yesterday, much less so today. I had a slightly sore arm but no serious side effects.
  17. I'm with Forest Hill Road. I'm in the over 60s group but also have health conditions which make me vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable). I haven't heard from the surgery yet, but have been checking the central booking website each day. Until today, I got a message from the website each time when I entered my details to say that I wasn't eligible yet, but this morning I was given a list of venues and dates, and have booked my appointment for Thursday. sian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone know please if Forest Hill Road > Practice has started to text over 60s for their > vaccine yet?
  18. Surely BeePolite is referring to parents who let their children stand or sit in the actual trolley, rather than sit on the child seat part? If so, then I agree that it?s very unhygienic. If children are in the child seat, then I don?t see that there is a hygiene issue as they would need to be lifted in by a parent/carer.
  19. Whilst it?s not mandatory to wear a mask outdoors at the moment, people are still expected to maintain a 2m distance outside and if this isn?t possible, to take other steps such as wearing a mask. vmdgg Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Government guidance allows street markets such as > North Cross Road to operate, and there is no UK > guidance that says to wear a face mask outdoors. > It seems to me that the people I see at the market > are indeed "following really really simple > guidance". > > Street markets are a very safe way for people to > socialise, shop and get a bite to eat without the > worries of poor ventilation and close physical > contact indoors. If you do not think the market is > a safe place for whatever reason, my advice to you > is to not go to the market.
  20. I haven?t been to the market for ages but decided I would go on Saturday. I was really shocked by the huge crowds, the lack of any attempt at social distancing, and also how few people were wearing masks, and didn?t risk squeezing my way through the crowds. It?s no wonder London is being moved to tier 3 when people are behaving like this and flouting the guidelines .
  21. My daughter went to Newstead Wood in Orpington, and the journey really wasn't a problem. The PTAs of Newstead Wood and St Olave's organised coaches to and from Crystal Palace, which my daughter used for the first couple of years. After that, she travelled by train from either West Dulwich or Penge East to Orpington, which was a straightforward journey. St Olave's is quite a walk from the station, but I'm fairly sure there are regular bus services from the station. Although there is catchment area of, I think, 9 miles for Newstead Wood, I don't think there is a distance restriction for St Olave's. A couple of boys from my daughter's primary school class went to Wallington Grammar, and again, it was a fairly straightforward train journey. The journey took about an hour each way to Newstead, and my daughter always enjoyed the travel - the students tend to make a different set of bus and train friends, and the journey also gives them a chance to get some homework done.
  22. I was caught a few years ago at the bottom of Brockley Rise when I went into the last 10m of the bus lane. I was turning left anyway and moved into the bus lane slightly early to avoid an oncoming lorry that would have probably hit me if I hadn?t moved. When I received my penalty charge notice, I went back to measure how far I had been from the end of the bus lane - it was exactly 10m. I appealed but still had to pay because I?d gone into the bus lane .
  23. Yes, I wondered if they could belong to the thief. I?m going to report it to the non emergency police number. I suspect they won?t send the Sweeney round to check for fingerprints or DNA!
  24. My car was broken again last night on my driveway in Wood Vale - FCC the third time in a few months. The first and second times it happened, the thieves must have cloned the signal from my key but it?s been kept in a Faraday box since then, so last night they smashed the window instead. I don?t keep anything of any value in the car - the first time someone took about 50p in change that I had in a pot for parking. Last night, the thief took my bright purple make up bag. It has no value but I really like it. I assume that it wIll have been dumped somewhere nearby once the thief found that it only had a powder compact and lipstick inside so if anyone notices it in their front garden or in the street, I would be really grateful if they could let me know! Whoever broke into the car dropped a pair of spectacles on the ground next to it so if anyone else has had a break in and had their glasses taken, let me know.
  25. I've been with Forest Hill Road surgery for over 40 years, and have always found them to be brilliant. Without exception, I've always been able to get a same day appointment when I've needed it, and have never had to wait an unreasonably long time for a routine appointment. There seems to have been quite a turnover of doctors over the last couple of years, but all of the doctors I've seen/spoken to recently have been excellent. The reception staff are always really helpful and go out of their way to help.
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