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Everything posted by HonaloochieB

  1. Sainsburys. Dog Kennel Hill. Today. Till. Discount vouchers. Expired. Given a 'look'. Saucy Little Madam. Resisted informing SLM in the loudest voice possible that I've two grandchildren, one studying medicine and t'other in a seminary and letting implication hang. Exited shop, turned left. High ground.
  2. Merely a thought, but anyone who objects to any aspect of foie gras, goose liver pate or any old else, before you willingly waddle up to the feeder perhaps, well just don't. Equally if you're a fan of live goose force fed liver-smashing to provide a toothsome starter, then that's I suppose your 'bag' but consider before you willingly waddle up to the feeder, maybe. Just attempting to stifle a donnybrook, is all.
  3. Hickory, what an awful incident you went through and I hope you're recovered from it, sounds like the worst sort of intimidation anyone should be put through. Like yourself I've no desire to bash our cops, but citing budget cuts on the occasions you've contacted them seems at the very least less than appropriate, if not highly insensitive to someone approaching them when in serious trouble. Perhaps consider, if not a complaint but maybe a word with a local senior officer about having a word with his people. Glad you're OK and well done to the people who assisted you.
  4. StraferJack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sheemy. Don't be shy.. What's with the fourth > grade coyness? > None on my part. Sheemy's a dolt. Ignore.
  5. Let Me Be The One Who's Loving You Tonight - The Shadows Of Knight
  6. Of course, agree with all of that and everything, but how many friends do we require? If they become a nuisance to feed is it worth maintaining them? And did you ever have THAT much in common with them anyway? Just saying is all.
  7. As someone who done chemistry at school and held a Saturday and beyond job at Boots The Chemist in that Clapham Junction I'd've said that looked far too woody and thuggish to clasp a test tube. But as Lou Reed groaned in that song on 'Berlin' 'juuust goes to show how wrong you can be'. Blimey.
  8. All That May Bleed - Watain
  9. Mott The Hoople and Clash producer Guy Stevens would've been utterly spot on for the middle three. But sadly he's no longer with us. Health, happiness and may you love each other all down the days to you and your intended ICS and I hope someone else is more helpful disco-wise than I've been. Do you and she have a 'song', by the way? I hope so.
  10. You Give Me Vertigo - Dizzy Gillespie
  11. Aaaah crap. If only I'd seen that coming. Hubris? Or just plain old being a daft sod, undeserving of guru status. Sometimes, the opportunity to make a cult of oneself changes/hinges on the smallest of occurrences. Supposing Joseph had said to Mary, "look I don't care, and I don't want to know his name, let's just put this behind us and the kid never need know". Or if Buddha had looked more like Larry David than his 'fat f@ck' manager Jeff Greene? How different might be the world today? So it looks like I'm not as much of a cult as I thought I might be. So I'll carry on heading for 20,000, in which case I could likely as not unite the world in half the time. Maybe. Never mind, there's always going back to the Song Game thread and making up songs and groups 'til I get caught out again.
  12. "I don't know. Maybe they just oughta leave it the way it is. Kind of a shrine to all the the bullshit in the world" is what Doug Roberts said after his tower infernoed. I reckon I'll leave my 10,000 there as just such a shrine. Or perhaps leave it as a symbol, a gesture perhaps to a united world. The four zeros representing the four quarters of the globe when flattened on the top and bent round a bit. The figure one applied to an ideal one world, no firsts, no thirds, just one's. So I'll let the 10,000 remain as a contemporary totem, inviolate, pristine that current and future generations may draw inspiration, not to say succour from the power of its messages and its humble creator. Farewell.
  13. HonaloochieB


    So, what happens? Certificate? Iceland vouchers? Cyber parade? What?
  14. Actually what Fl0wer said about the chair back assembly was my first thought. I tell you who'd know, Tim Wonnacott, that's who.
  15. Train Kept A Rollin' - Johnny Burnette
  16. And of course, make sure you ask them what username they post under. If the reply is "I'm HonaloochieB and why have you not got a proper jukebox"? Then I can only apologise profusely in advance.
  17. Just the one small note, if you could rewrite a smidgen so that it would include more Mary Berry (well more, than was first apparent), confectioner's cream and cherries, both fresh and glace-ay, then it would be spot on for the 11:30 post Saturday Kitchen slot. I mean Lorraine's very nice and all but how long can she keep punting bloody 'street food', yes it's 'fresh' 'yummy' 'real' etc but it's starting to wear thin and pretty soon there'll only be slim pickings left. And as far as the rectal violation/blinding goes, Tristesse still loves this but, and this is just the smallest of buts, perhaps save that for the DVD extras reel. Aside from these minor suggestions your original artistic vision remains intact, which of course is more than can be said for your both eyesight and anus. Tristesse admires anyone who suffers for their art.
  18. AC, I spoke to Tristram, who flagged it up with both Tristan and Tristrem. And guess what, those three mad buggers only went and pitched it to Tristesse. Who LOVED LOVED BL@@DY LOVED it and wants to get it out ASAPRocky with no reservations whatsoever. As she put it "the daringness of your vision" and "niche GG Allin-ness of the (w)hole thing makes for a project I'm working-titling 'Only Brooms And Arses'" Rest assured she wouldn't change anything of your vision. Or your inevitable lack thereof.
  19. DDM, you use the term 'partner', do I take it then you are not married to the mother of your children? If that's the case it rules out the most obvious course of action, that of a father-in-law horse-whipping you on the steps of your club. It's a pity of course, but there's nothing to be done about it.
  20. Actually, no all disrespect to Catford. Only good thing about it is it isn't Penge
  21. "I'm gonna poshht shhuch bad shhtuff about you an' thish plashe" is the pissed-up mouth-breathers of SE22 equivalent of the "Don't you know who I am"? sub-Heat slebs response to not being admitted to a pop-up club night in, oh let's say Camberwell. Andy, I hope the responses have given you some reassurance that the EDFers are not easily persuaded by a complaint/rant concerning a business and will follow up/challenge to sometimes a forensic degree any assertions made. No disrespect to Catford but I reckon they might have been from there.
  22. If you haven't read them A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole, a book I like to thrust into people's hands and Diary of a Nobody - George & Weedon Grossmith again another must read, and which on Kindle won't cost you a sov, guv.
  23. If the money's right and in used twenties, I'm happy to throw my mother to you if you're prepared to raise the upper age limit a few clicks. Get in touch with me at [email protected] let's not let a sweet grey-haired lady's objections get in the way of the pranking. She'll have her price, I guarantee it.
  24. Sally likes Loose Women. In general. Edited - Missed The Second L In Sally (Or Was It The First?) - if Nick cave wants that as a song title I'm open to offers.
  25. I can't think what came over me? I humbly apologise to SaltySally for bandying her name in that fashion and revealing to others an important, not to say intimate stage of our relationship that would have been best kept between ourselves until blahblahblah, really Vanessa, QUUUUAAAAACCCCK QUUUUAAAAACCCCK QUUUUAAAAACCCCK if only mother had bleeeeeeeeeped when Papa required forgiveness then mayhap there might be some forgiveness concerning the BLETHERY BLETHERING BLETHERSKITES blithering on and....
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