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Everything posted by HonaloochieB

  1. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ???? Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > just has to be done wot with this weather.... > > It's a pretty cool song, but struggle to get past > that AWFUL synth sound. It's like something's > boring into my brain... Jez - pretty cool song - NO AWFUL synth - CORRECT QUIDS -WHA'PEN? Let's never mention this again.
  2. The Colour Of A Dollar - Jem Christopher
  3. And of course, Jamie the cook, Alex the cheese maven??? What? It's not a big stretch to get Graham baking bread. No, it isn't I don't care what anyone says. Put all of the above together, and there's a Welsh Rarebit to be proud of. So the rhythm section and the guitarist put it before the singer and await his verdict. Damon bites, chews, swallows then breaks into a grin. "That's fantastic, inspiring, you've given me the way forward, yes, yes I'll reform GRILLERS"!
  4. And not to mention he's a better drummer than him out of Blur, who might want to concentrate on plane flying and trying to bunk along with that Labour party rather than the pop music racket. NB Please note the 'not to mention' above, I should be mortified if Dave Rowntree were ever to lose a percussion appointment because of anything I might have opined. I have nothing but admiration and cavities for his family's 'fruit' gums and pastilles. They're as lush as that other Britpop group, oh, what are they called, yes! Sleeper. Though, who am I to offer an opinion indeed perhaps even judgement concerning drummers when Ginger Baker is still alive? As long as God's dead Ginge'll let us know on the matter.
  5. Good of you to make the inquiry Calsug, you're a mensch. Hope all's with the gent in question.
  6. Darlin' Hear Me Out One More Time - Terri-Anne Jessamy
  7. KalamityKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ouch! I see your Ouch! and I raise you an Argh!
  8. TONIGGGGGHHHHIIIIIIIT!TATATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhh... That girl with the VOICE, the leather, the bangs, the bangles - YES YES YES! Those two, you know, this years Simon & Carbunkle!!!! I mean seriously, COUPLE??!! Couple up you know which one to a train and get them awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. YOU know who I'm talking about. Yes you do. That sassy one, cheeky, OUTRAGEOUS with her sort of 'dirty talk'. What a scream, with the 'tude an' all and average voice, that you know would be fine on both Alan Titchmarsh and Jonathon Ross. MY FAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope that's fine for next weekEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!! Just I won't be available next weekend, I'm off on a decorating project. My mother's back bedroom? Or a Nicky Haslam apartment? That's for me to know and mum and Nicky to know as well!
  9. Seriously though, Cheryl, could she BE more uncomfortable looking on that chair???! Miss Squirmy or WHAAAT!!!? I'm hoping she'll be able to put it all behind her and t'att 'oo she'll eventually select she can be arsed about.
  10. Ripple - The Grateful Dead
  11. woodrot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > its the oldest post in the lounge. That's fine then. Good on you Woody, reviving threads that either celebrate or direct love towards EDFers either past or present is something to be encouraged under all circumstances, I'm in love with that idea myself.
  12. Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't want to spoil the party but could be dead > before Christmas...... Note to Mrs Medic's mum, order a smaller turkey. I mean you have to be practical, grief notwithstanding.
  13. Thoyught wroyng, then didn't oyoyu Woyoydroyt.
  14. He only comes once a year, but when he does he fills yer stockings!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Filthy Xmas joke? Go on you know you'll be telling it. Why has Santa got the best sex life of any man? No go on, tell me, missus. I mean it!!!
  16. I Know What I Like - Genesis
  17. davidhealy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mashcov = get a life! Yes Mashcov, and while you're about it a wall-based platform on which to place it. Go on.
  18. Call me Ishmael, call me what you like, but if a shop opens up that you don't like, don't darken their welcome mat. I've never stood in a Starbucks, originally I just never got round to it, but after a couple/three years I started punting it as a matter of principle. Except when closely cross-examined on the matter I couldn't come up with six good reasons as to why I refused to patronise the shops. So I resorted to waving my blackthorn stick about and loudly proclaiming how much 'agin' it I was. That put paid to them logicians and their so-called thought and reasoning. I went to the Nero upstairs in Morleys once, but that was only because my companion was both in charge and beguiling. Not been in one since.
  19. Shelter From The Storm - Bob Dylan
  20. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Edgar B lives round the corner from my mum, up > near The Junction. > She'll pass his gaff on her way to church each > day, it's doubtful he'll be playing 'Out Demons > Out' that often, but I reckon she'd approve if he > does. Actually scrub that, to set the record straight HonaloochieMa DOES NOT in any way shape or form approve of the song referred to above and considers her son a bold pup for even hinting at such. She won't actually go so far as swinging a dish cloth at his lower extremities next time she sees him, but she'll give him that tight-lipped narrow-eyed slow head shake she knows makes him feel uncomfortable. And then make him eat an unfeasibly large dinner. That'll learn me.
  21. Didn't Carl Barat, spend some time here? I seem to remember something or other from an interview. Not altogether certain about it or if he had a big dog. Edgar B lives round the corner from my mum, up near The Junction. She'll pass his gaff on her way to church each day, it's doubtful he'll be playing 'Out Demons Out' that often, but I reckon she'd approve if he does.
  22. JohnL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I heard that oyster will be replaced by > bankcards/smartphone app or > a bankcard tech type of oyster for those with no > bankcard > or smartphone by the end of this year JohnL I don't doubt you, did your source know what the reason behind it was?
  23. I mean top o' hill, just outside school and high ground - moral. Thought it best I spelt it out, just in case that little chit were watching. YES MADAM, YOU! If you did but know it.
  24. Red01 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Remember they are using the highways for free" - > no they don't! Road maintenance is funded out of > general taxation and believe it or not the > majority of cyclists also own a car. So you could > say that they are actually paying for roads that > are more suited to your needs than theirs. "and believe it or not the majority of cyclists also own a car". I'm indifferent to the arguments expressed at the moment, but I'm not having that! 51% plus of pushbikers own motors? Do they drive them? Bluff assertion? Wild opinion? Or will the bloke down the pub put me in my place with the facts?
  25. LSL what a lovely way to end your time in SE22/London - thanks for spending all that time with us and hope all goes well for you in Sheffield. Safe journey x (if I may)
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