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Everything posted by HonaloochieB

  1. Blue For You - Paul Haig
  2. Longish shot AMO (!) (I'll not do that again!) - Red Dragon by Thomas Harris mentions a William Blake painting about a Red Dragon, that the killer was obsessed with.
  3. Foxy Foxy! Well done on the Monday afternoon binge. Jealous, me.
  4. Only Fools And Horses - John Sullivan
  5. Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well I was in danger of thinking I won the last > one when I was 'speedreading'! Instead it was 'am' > and not 'AM'. HB might want to edit his post. Actually AM I always put people's initials in upper case, lower case always seems incorrect to me. In future when addressing the other AM I'll use AMO, it's Latin for 'I love' you know. Hope that's alright with all concerned.
  6. King Horse - Elvis Costello
  7. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > From A Jack To A King - Ned Miller & Every Sunday > Night Pub Singer In The Battersea Area In The > Mid-1970s So it's back to this. Jack King! Off With His Head - Davy Flotsam & The Executioners
  8. tfwsoll Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jack Your Body: Steve Hurley Silk Sorry Tfwsoll, but this can't be aloud on the grounds it's in fact Steve 'Silk' Hurley. The thread grinds to a halt, because unless accuracy reigns in the The Song Game Remains The Same encyclopedia of pop knowledge then it becomes a sham. Farcical almost. 'Pologies an' all that.
  9. aquarius moon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sympathy for the devil is by The Rolling Stones. > > Are you looking for a character? Yes AM, as heads is tails that'd be Lucifer, good on you. Your turn.
  10. I'm not giving it you, 'til I get an exact answer AM.
  11. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > PLEASE, surely no one's going to ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE a second clue at this early stage?
  12. aquarius moon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've been waiting for some more clues! But surely a few guesses first, AM? Well OK then.
  13. From A Jack To A king - Ned Miller & Every Sunday Night Pub Singer In The Battersea Area In The Mid-1970s
  14. Please, surely no one's going to allow me to introduce a second clue at this early stage?
  15. Angerette Curtain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Seriously ed- > > I've been to clients houses and they've got items > like this (it's not exclusive to ED ) > > THOSE clients usually end up being complete @#$%& > > In fact they start of as complete @#$%& > > So much so I WANT (in my day dream fantasy) TO > SMASH THE FEKKIN DESIGN STATEMENT RIGHT INTO THEIR > TEETH > > "Take that (not the band) and that" I scream as > i'm administering corrective styling procedures to > their perfectly and slightly over whitened > veneered denture > > What usually happens is tho (after some obvious > display nudge look-at-my-teapot type behaviour) > is, I say > > "Oh, what an unusual tea pot" > > Then they tell me some wankfest story about how > they were in Milan or somewhere (like I care) and > there's this little boutique of style that only > the Italians or whoever can do..... > > I won't bore you with the details > > All i'll say is: > > IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE , YOU'RE A @#$%& > > > I thank you What a refreshingly frank and violent point of view, AC nice to see someone else has this sort of fantasy. I was concerned I was, well a little 'odd'. Put my mind at rest, so you have.
  16. And there was I fussing about a T shirt.
  17. My favourite doll was an action figure of course. It was an Action Man, whom I secretly named Capt Hurricane. I always wanted another one so that I could inspect them and say "At ease men, smoke 'em if you got 'em". But at 27/6d a pop that remained a crazy dream.
  18. She's Got The Jack - AC/DC
  19. Were 'they' zealous about it? Could they reasonably be described by anyone as regular people? Could they have been/are zealots?
  20. Did they UncleG? The 'they' that did it, were they what any rational sort of person would describe as 'normal'?
  21. My Bird's A F@ckin' Diamond - The Cockney Rejects & Shampoo
  22. Me too. Currently holding BT in the same esteem as a bowel evacuation. All recommendations gratefully received. And if anyone knows the direct contact details for BT's Warren Buckley, then I'd be indebted.
  23. Wot A Crackin' Bird - Mike Sarne & Wendy Richard
  24. davidh Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > my god! not men with clipboards? walking around? > there goes the neighbourhood! Where's it going? Should we raise an alarum? Get Liz Jones to write a piece? Should there be more intelligence required on the matter, let me know. I have a clipboard and I'm prepared to use it. You'll not find me wanting.
  25. Bonnie 'Prince' Harry "Fack this lads I know I asked for a large G&T, but..."
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