Nigello, SE22Cat (respect your choice of course, but hope it's OK if I 'uppercase' you, I get all tense otherwise) and DBB, if I may address you as such. I'd like to suggest some songs that might have enhanced your experiences. Presumptuous, I know but I hope you indulge me and heck I mean all sorts of well! Nigello, I could hear T Rex's 'Life's A Gas' playing along to your experience. Hope you like it. SE22Cat, all's I could hear when I read your post was the fine Mott the Hoople song 'Sea Diver', you say 'weird, but cool' the absence of traffic, and the temporary solitude all seems to come together for me. DulwichBB I'm captivated by the obvious joy of your post, it's a fantastic thing with you taking such pleasure in walking to your Mum's. I don't exactly know why (but at the same time I don't know why I shouldn't) but I'm going with the great George McRae and 'Rock Your Baby'. Perhaps you might throw a shape or two this 25th, hope so. Anyway, hope all's well with you all and let's keep the 70's prominent, at least in our hearts.