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Everything posted by *Bob*

  1. Interesting looking at the existing London store locations for White Stuff (on their website) LONDON battersea chiswick islington richmond spitalfields westbourne grove
  2. *Bob*

    The Plough Pub

    Like Sean, I find the 'gastropub' label a bit irritating as well. What is a 'gastropub' anyway? It's such an old-hat term these days. It seems to come down to the food costing a couple of quid extra, the plates being large and white, and a nice font being used on the menu. If you're hard-pressed to get a takeaway for less than a fiver, I don't think ?6-?9 is out of order in a pub, where they put it on a plate, bring it to you and let you sit there and eat it.
  3. *Bob*

    The Plough Pub

    So, with this (and with the Forest Hill Tavern - sorry - "FHT" already mid-refit) there can't be many places left to undergo the knife of development. Will the vultures start to circle around the CPT?
  4. I can't speak for the inhabitants, but regarding the actual buildings themselves: there are too many blocks which are possibly a storey too high and of course it could do with a fair bit of cosmetic improvement, BUT I have to say I actually quite like the architecture of the DKH estate (gasp!) Transplant any of those blocks to the more well-to-do parts of London, fix-up the cosmetics and add a concierge and it would be a different story. I can think of dozens of estates with absolutely no redeeming features, architecturally speaking - but I honestly don't think DKH should be lumped-in with them.
  5. Keef.. I knew you'd come-up with the goods. "GRIND" ha ha ha ha!
  6. CORDUROY GORGE is just brilliant. It will be hard to beat!
  7. *Bob*


    One of my friends teaches at a college in Hackney. There are three sisters there: Twins - Delicious and Precious - and their sister, Shanette.
  8. "Crystal Tears". It sounds so... moving. Please tell me a recording exists, Ant?
  9. You're 16. You've got a guitar. You mate's got a bass. Get thingy on drums and wotsit on vocals and bingo! Fame and fortune awaits! But wait - you need a name. Something... really cool. Something you won't look back on 15 years later and scream "WHAT WERE WE THINKING?!" Some come on. Out with them. I'm sure Keef must have a few crackers 'in the closet' - and there must be more ex-rock stars (now accountants) out there. For my part, I can 'fess-up to: THE SEDUCTIVE TREES HOT SAX THE JUST ASYLUM (massive cringe) .. and on behalf of a friend of mine, the fantastic "SHOW OF HANDS" (I love this one)
  10. Folks: despite the fact that I'm not the one who's been asked to edit my postings 'lest they be defamatory', it looks like the sympathy card has been played, so it's game over. In future I shall tippee-toe round anyone I disagree with instead of saying what I really think - just in case they suddenly turn out to be a newbie, late in the thread.
  11. What is being discussed here, is when and what it's appropriate to post on a public forum - a debate worth having. If you post criticisms of others, then you should be able to face it yourself - not blame it all on at nasty *Bob* and then 'play the newcomer card' (despite describing yourself in an earlier email as a 'regular lurker on this forum' - hmmm.)
  12. BB My mention of Godwin's Law was a JOKE with reference to a previous thread about that so-called 'law' (Godwin's Law is a a joke, in itself, pretty much). It wasn't an attempt to wind-up a debate. At least this is a thread with something being discussed now - instead of a back-door complaint to a trader, as it initially began its life.
  13. I'd rather drink with HITLER (And thus, "Godwin's Law" comes into effect. Phew! It's all over. Let's all have a cup of tea and a biscuit!)
  14. Why should I put my point of view in a pleasant manner. You haven't held back: According to you, G&B were 'Inappropriate', 'Crass', 'Unpleasant', 'Awful', 'Appalling' and treat their customers with 'Contempt'. All I've suggested is that if you've got something to 'discuss', then this is a great place for it. But if all you have is a 'complaint', then perhaps the establishment in question should hear it first before you bad-mouth them on a public forum?
  15. I don't think I could ever be accused of 'painting a smug picture of utopia'.. hee hee! Oh well.. I suppose now we have to wait (again) for G&B to rock-up and apologise (again) - until the next time someone someone doesn't think their Sauvignon is cold enough and posts on the forum, awaiting their pound of flesh. I'm not acting as censor - I'm engaging in a debate. Isn't this the point of a 'forum'? Let's rumble! Vive la difference! (etc)
  16. D-Mum, "Taking a swipe at them and leaving them to read what we have said", you say. Doesn't this illustrate my point entirely? Does this thread serve any purpose other than for BB to take a swipe and G&B in public, knowing that they'll read it, thus serving them right? We're going to see more of these sorts of threads, I fear: "I ordered soup in Le Chardon - AND IT WAS COLD!" "Somerfield GAVE ME THE WRONG CHANGE!!" "Does anyone think the aircon is TOO COLD in the Surma?!?!" If this site is to become simply a means for people to complain indirectly to local shops - to avoid the shame of having to do it in person (or by a private email if preferred) then it'll be a much less interesting place. For the record, I've never been into G&B - not since the re-fit anyway.
  17. D-Mum, Alas I cannot agree with you on this one. BB went to G&B and had her lunch 'spoiled'. So in retaliation, she popped onto 'The Forum', knowing full-well G&B read comments (having responded to some only yesterday) - and made a complaint. Ha! Revenge is sweet! I don't find the posting offensive. I just think it's a bit.. weasily. If you really like the place, maybe a quiet word would have been better than starting a new thread entitled "VERY ANNOYING BEHAVIOUR AT GREEN AND BLUE" and posting it in front of several hundred of their potential customers.
  18. BB - How about making your feelings known there and then (seeing as the staff were sitting on the adjacent table) - instead of suffering in silence and then scurrying home to post an anonymous complaint, knowing that the owners read posts here?
  19. TommyG Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It should be known that the initiator of this > thread holds a slightly jaded view of this fine > eating and drinking establishment due to the fact > that it does not source any wine from vineyards in > the West Midlands. What?! Have Green and Blue never heard of nor tasted the delights of 'CHATEAU PLECK' (Mis En Bouteille au Walsall)?! For shame!
  20. Absolutely, Chartwell. I've seen the 'water' issue at both ends of the scale in restaurants and bars: I've been into bars/restaurants where I've been offered a separate 'water menu' and been sneered at for asking for tap water. I've been into bars/restaurants which proudly offer 'complimentary filtered tap water'. I know which establishment leaves me with a warm fuzzy glow and which one slightly disgruntled. How hard can it be? You sit down, the waiter/ess comes over, puts down a bottle of tap water, pre-filled that morning, and takes your order - and BOOM - you're off to a good start. Incidentally, this isn't a rant against G&B - just a point about water in table-service establishments generally. I find it hard to believe that I would be denied a glass of water in G&B if I ordered food and wine - and if I was - I'd be complaining vocally to the staff, not on the forum.. I suspect this particular 'watergate' (sorry) may have been the exception rather than the rule. Let's not start demanding that the owner of this or that place has to come and respond to every little gripe at the drop of a hat!
  21. Big thumbs DOWN to any establishment who won't give you a glass of tap water. Big thumbs UP to establishments who put a bottle or jug of tap water on your table before the wine / food arrives - without asking. It's amazing how a little bit of goodwill in a small area (costing a business relatively little) can bring about more (wallet-opening) goodwill from the customer..
  22. snorky Wrote: > if you want to be a shopkeeper - the same group of > people who incidentally were instrumental in > electing Hitler to Chancellor Just on a point of history here.. No-one elected Hitler to be Chancellor - he was appointed by Hindenburg
  23. Keef - these days, your average ham slicer is very well looked after: pension, bonus, shares, company car.. Alan - In principal, you're right. But let's face it, Cheese Block isn't going to stay open another 8 hours in order to shift a handful of extra brie wedges to inebriated passing trade on a Friday night.
  24. I'm sure Mr Minimum Wager would love more choice: Unfortunately it'll be a choice between working whatever hours Mr Shopkeeper demands - or getting replaced. Alan - my heart goes out to your Aunty. Did she have to make do with a bar of 'Shield' before you could have the C&E salts sent-on?!
  25. There's only one place for the 'Collins' when it comes to Scrabble: IN THE BIN
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