How much the blushing bride did or didn't spend on a dress is hardly the point here, is it? Whilst I (were I to be a woman, about to get married, etc) wouldn't spend 2k on a dress either, there are plenty of things I have spent big on which others would no doubt consider to be frivolous. Does it matter how much it cost either?! Clare - If it was a ?20 shirt and it came back in tatters with half of another shirt sewn on the bottom, would you smile meekly and say "oh well.. thanks for trying!". If CMS has new owners then you have to feel a bit sorry for them, but surely if you buy a business, you check-out if there are any pending actions or judgements against that business before you cough-up? However, if the company director and secretary are still in their posts (as the article says) then they're still profiting from the business whilst trying to avoid paying-up what they owe. In which case it's hard to feel sorry for CSM at all.