Hello Sean, Think 'ed Pete' said it best - once you've factored in a shower etc you've not saved time, but then it's not about shaving off 10 mins here or there, but rather that you are in control of your journey. Barring a flat tyre, accident etc (risking it, but I'm 18 months on the saddle, and no probs so far) you know that your journey will take a set time (eg for me it's 25-30 mins), and you won't be at the mercy of a defective train line, a cancelled train, an agrressive teenager on the bus, or a fare-dodger etc. Plus, you get the physical rush from the exercise - endorphins pumping and a hot shower. I'm basically wired from 9-10am, after my ride in, rather than bleary-eyed and grumpy from a bad commute...