Personal attacks on people will not be tolerated - we are having a clean up and some comments / threads are being removed, not many, only a couple that have been brought to our attention. If you see something that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening or illegal please tell us immediately and we will deal with it. This forum was created to be a fun place and a useful tool for the East Dulwich community and we sincerely apologise for any offence that it may have caused to any individuals. If you see something posted that is offensive (or could be offensive to others), please let me know so I can deal with it as as soon as possible. Please don't assume that someone else will do it, your help is greatly appreciated in this as it will help the forum to thrive and continue. Just a regular reminder for people of some of the preferred ways of the forum: - Of course the obvious one is please try and keep on topic, i.e. try and consider the thread's title when replying. - Please, no irrelevant chatting between users within a thread, of course it's fine to chat but taking over a thread with inappropriate chat is frowned upon. - Please post in the relevant section (there have been quite a few 'wanteds' going in the general ED Gossip section recently), I will move threads as I deem necessary. - If starting a thread please make the title relevent e.g. don't use the title "boxes" when "where can I get cardboard boxes?" would be better. - Please remember that not everyone has used the forum since day one, so sometimes new people will ask a question that's been asked before. If possible give them a link to the thread where it's been discussed before. (How to create a link) - Please do not direct personal attacks at people. It can put you, me and this forum in an awkward legal situation and it's not very nice. This site gets quite a few visitors other than those who post on it i.e. there's lots of people who just like to watch. There were 1,453 visitors on Monday, and 24,630 page views on Tuesday and it's hard work keeping a bit of order. At the moment there are in excess of 400 posts a day and that's a lot to keep an eye on so any help with the housekeeping is greatly appreciated. I hope that wasn't too heavy going, thanks for listening and most of all thank you for using the forum regards