We went for a viewing and I got a horrible vibe. The introductory email says - and I quote - "arrive too early and we will leave you outside waiting, yes, even if it is raining". I asked a question about child to adult ratios on the tour, mainly to make polite conversation because it was so awkward and was told "we aren't going to answer that now, there is an opportunity for questions at the end". Then, in the garden, I was quite puzzled to see all the babies in the garden penned in by milk crates, whilst the bigger kids ran around. You'd think for ?1800 a month they could afford to fence off a separate section if it's required. They are really strict on things like breakfast time (arrive "late" and your kid doesn't get any food), and they always leave the main gate open despite all the buggies being stored in the front garden. A friend had her Bugaboo Chameleon stolen and the nursery initially refused to even tell the other parents, let alone assist her. I put a post out like this when we were looking and I received countless messages from nursery parents who have had problems. Hopefully some will get in contact with you also.