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  1. Hi expectant mamas, I hope you?re all feeling well. I just wanted to let you know that my course dates for the rest of this year have just gone up on my website at www.londonhypnobirthing.co.uk. A few lovely people have mentioned my classes above, but they run in East Dulwich and are very friendly and informal. I will give you clear and evidence-based information, along with some really useful and specific techniques to experience your baby?s birth in a comfortable way, and navigate any turns it might take on the day too. I have a maximum of 6 couples per group, so you?ll be able to meet local couples whilst still getting 1-1 attention in every class. I also hold a woman-only Essentials Workshop every 3 months, which just cover the basics. If you don?t have the time to make it to a class, I also have a very popular home-study programme called The YESMUM Birth Project, which is delivered to your inbox via bite-sized audios, accompanying digital handouts and short videos demonstrating the breathing and massage techniques for you to practice at home. When you sign up, you?ll get access to a private Facebook student group where I?m always around to personally answer any questions you have along the way. I hope that?s helpful, and wish you all the best for an amazing birth. My email address is [email protected] if I can be of any more help x
  2. Hi ladies - I hope you're all having a lovely Sunday. I just wanted to let you know that there is one place left on my calm & positive breastfeeding workshop tomorrow morning. As a bit of background, when I had my son back in 2010, I found the antenatal breastfeeding classes desperately disappointing. They seemed to focus purely on how easy and natural it all was, and as such I entered the world of breastfeeding hugely naive and uninformed. We were offered no information about the realities of feeding - day-to-day practicalities, timings, amounts, hunger cues, mixed feeding, routines, how to look after ourselves when feeding, what hurdles we might encounter and how to access the right support for a positive journey. It's fair to say that the reality of breastfeeding was a big shock to me, and it wasn't until I found the right support - postnatally - that I enjoyed or even felt engaged in feeding my son. I know that I would have had a much more positive experience if I felt really clued up and prepared ahead of Oscar's arrival, and that's what I want to bring to every one of you. I don't have an agenda with breastfeeding. I believe breast milk is nutritionally superior to formula, but I strongly believe that each woman - as with birth - has the right to make decisions based on what feels right for her and her baby. I also believe that she will make happier decisions if she is informed, armed with the knowledge, tools and techniques to make her journey more calm, positive and engaging. Happy mum. Happy baby. And that's exactly why I've scoured to find the most wonderful lactation specialist I can - Imogen Unger, and collaborated to offer you an outstanding antenatal workshop covering everything you need to know about feeding your baby. This woman-only workshop last for 2.5 hours, and will cover: * How breastfeeding works - supply and demand, let down reflex, importance of emptying the breast * How to establish a good milk supply * Identifying early feeding cues * Positions for breastfeeding * How your partner can support you * How to know if your baby is getting enough milk * Size of a baby's stomach and understanding milk volume * Poo and wee (of course!) * Troubleshooting - mastitis, sore nipples, top-up trap, tongue-tie * Expressing * Mixed feeding * Paced bottle feeding * Returning to work * Your questions answered * Handouts that you can take home and share with your partner Tomorrow's workshop (Monday 13th June) will run from 10.00am-12.30pm in East Dulwich. The cost is ?45 per person and once again there are a maximum of 12 places to ensure that everyone has the chance to ask questions and receive personally tailored support. I'm anticipating this workshop booking up very quickly. Places will go on a strictly first come, first served basis, so if you would like a place, please be quick to book your ticket here: http://buytickets.at/londonhypnobirthing/52907 - PLEASE NOTE THERE'S ONLY ONE TICKET LEFT. The next workshop will be scheduled for September 2016. With warmest wishes for the rest of your pregnancies, Hollie x
  3. Thanks so much for the kind words lovely people - it's a pleasure to work with expectant parents and I genuinely love what I do. Just to clarify, I've been teaching in the area since 2011 and have had to reschedule 4 classes in that entire time due to illness of either myself or my son. It's obviously not ideal, but anyone juggling work and parenthood knows that unfortunately these rare occasions are inevitable. I have recently moved my classes to weekdays rather than evenings and weekends, purely because I made the personal decision that I want to spend more time with my family, especially now that my little boy is at school. I appreciate that this won't work for some people, but do remember that you're fully entitled to paid time off work for antenatal education https://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights and since running these daytime classes I've found that lots of couples are more energized and engaged having not been at work all day, and are also quite pleased to get to spend time focusing on their pregnancy together during the week. You can find out more about my classes at http://www.londonhypnobirthing.co.uk or pop over and say hi on Instagram @theyesmmummum I have a Hypnobirthing Essentials Workshop running next Monday (18th April) from 9.30am-1.30pm in East Dulwich, which there are a couple of spots left on. This also includes a lovely goody bag full of mama treats :) If you'd like to attend, you can book your ticket here: http://buytickets.at/londonhypnobirthing/48738 With lots of good vibes for the rest of your pregnancies, and beyond. Hollie x
  4. My son is pretty much obsessed with Star Wars but his favourite thing to wear costume-wise is actually a homemade Luke Skywalker. It's really easy - literally some natural colour trousers (brown/beige/grey) with an oversized white tshirt (one of yours) and a brown belt (again one of yours so it wraps round more). Can even add a cape by tying a muslin around the shoulders. Photo of similar attached.
  5. Evening all I'm a local birth & motherhood educator and have been practicing in East Dulwich since 2011. I have been running supper clubs for women and mothers since November last year. They are in East Dulwich and are held under each full moon. If you would like to know more about February's event or book a ticket, have a look here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/yesmum-moon-club-feb-16-tickets-21079906568 - be quick though as there are only 10 tickets left. The idea of these supper clubs is to get together as a group of women, eat good food and share. There will be a 10 minute guided meditation at the beginning of the evening, and you will leave feeling uplifted and enriched, I promise! If you'd like to keep up to date with our events, be sure to follow me on Instagram @theyesmummum
  6. Nelly's are FANTASTIC. Honestly couldn't rate them more highly. Very warm, nurturing and child-centred and with nice outside space. My son went to the Turney Road site but they have several: http://www.nellys.co.uk/
  7. Archie's Boutique - http://archiesboutique.com/ Cissy Wears - http://www.cissywears.com/ The KID Who - http://www.thekidwho.eu/ All fantastic companies x
  8. Can anyone recommend anywhere locally for lunch on Christmas Day? Also looking to get away for 3-4 days after Christmas if anyone has any sweet suggestions of places great for adults and kids? Our son is 5. Probably UK but perhaps Europe. Thanks in advance x
  9. These are great: http://www.orchardtoys.com/games
  10. If so, I hope you'll find this an enjoyable read. https://mommalightyear.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/cesarean-mothers-give-birth-too/
  11. There's an app you can download called ParentComms - that should have your outcome x
  12. Otta have you logged onto the e-admissions site? They were on there before released on email.
  13. We'll get notification at 5pm. Good luck all! x
  14. Obergurgl or Hochgurgl in Austria are amazing.
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