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  1. If they gave you the receipts, then, surely, it is fine to take the items back? Some shops stock different things in different parts of London so it is entirely possible that the item you have now bought might not have been available to the kind giver. Maybe his/her taste will be totally reflected in what you have now bought, which would be a great result actually.
  2. Not sure if this is relevant but I was so astonished by it I had to repeat it - a friend told me at the weekend that she cooked salmon in the dishwasher, it was lovely and she will do it again. Am I just behind the times?
  3. And then there is the hideous, "CONtribute". The word is correctly pronounced, "conTRIBute".
  4. Completely agree, KK. I take my hat off to you, Salsaboy, and wish you and the OP well.
  5. Where do we stand on, "I was sat in the cafe when xyz happened"? It is starting to gain traction....
  6. You could use a prop co to make your own website including floor plan and photos. It isn't dear, in fact my friends and I were amazed at what good value it was when we looked into it. I posted the name of the company in response to a thread by marmora man on a simir topic. You should also try a local paper or website in Bromley, surely?
  7. Ridgeley, the code word is a very good idea, thanks. All, why do these things happen? Is it easy access to child porn on the Internet (god I shudder typing that) or more people out in the community who are a danger and should be in a hospital or less of a community "feel" these days? Whatever it is, the cocktail isn't a good one and the most vulnerable are suffering. As a digression, we are focussing on children because that is our age group. The elderly are also suffering more than in the past, again I think owing to the decline of the community. :-(
  8. Would also like to know as it looks amazing... Is anyone else going to the open mornings?
  9. 100 contractions.... That seems a lot, oh dear....
  10. Two generations ago, it was deeply illbred to appear in the papers. Now, it is almost de rigeur and posters on edf ask to meet likeminded people who, inter alia, are interested in "celebrity gossip". Hideous programmes exist making fun of the participants and using them to provide good tv for the viewers. Why and how did all this change? Was it an explosion in technology and usage of tv? Was it a reaction to the previously repressed British character who now "acts out"? Was it the next "kick" for a generation that doesn't face the challenges of previous one and is fundamentally bored? I have no idea, just posing the question....
  11. How very charming of you Monkey. Thank you for making me reread my post. I should have stated that the teacher is absolutely to blame and certainly should not have acted as he did. However the case got so much publicity, and people today like pr and celebrity, that i fear it will glamourise running off in crazy and dangerous circumstances. The girl on this occasion was fine but might not be in future.
  12. In the 50s communities were involved in other people's lives to a far greater extent than today. An adult could even smack an unknown child who was seen doing something naughty and the parents would support the adult's action. Neither of those things would ever happen today. I don't know why the child hadn't mentioned it before now in any event if the guy and she had struck up their frequent communication. My fear is that a large number of modern misses are going to get the idea that it is cool to have the world looking for them like that silly girl Megan (no doubt channelling Juliet) and be open to starting what they think are rebellious and genuine but are really completely inappropriate and even dangerous relationships, culminating in terrible tragedies. I'm not saying this is happening here but seeing the ages involved reminded me of a dangerous craze that I am convinced is going to develop.
  13. Various misuses of English on this thread confuse the views but the main point seems to be - unacceptable and needs to be reported ASAP. I am surprised that this did not happen immediately I must say. Another adult misjudgement.
  14. Must be reported to Police ASAP.
  15. You must report the discrepancy. You are employed by the account dept for goodness sake. What else are you there to do- cook lunch? The position of the employee is irrelevant - it's a question of doing the right thing. I am pretty disgusted by anyone who suggests otherwise - this concept of "see no evil" etc is pathetic and leading you into dishonest behaviour. We still teach our children the difference between right and wrong, don't we? Would you be angry if you were burgled?
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