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Everything posted by HannahSE23

  1. Build A Bear Bromley for a small group!
  2. Yes there is no preference given to anyone who puts Kingsdale first but you won't get Kingsdale if you put it third, for example, and you fit the criteria for a school you put first or second on your list. Always always put your schools in order of preference.
  3. He was found than goodness. Police were great and responded brilliantly.
  4. Just wondered if anyone could recommend a good quartz worktop supplier and fitter... ours has let us down! Thanks!
  5. I may get vilified for this but we gave our son a phone (an old brick of mine!) in year 6 as he was going to various after school activities by himself and sometimes coming home as late as 6pm. I found it helped us have all those discussions and be able to set boundaries before secondary school when I knew I'd have less control - i.e. no social media until 13, no devices of any sort (ipads, mobiles, laptops) upstairs, calls/texts only if he really needs to contact me. He's in year 7 now and the novelty of it all has worn off for him while some of his friends with phones are on them all the time! He's accepted the boundaries and, while he does use the phone for basic games, that's only allowed at weekends up to a maximum of an hour a day. Unfortunately phones/social media/games etc are a part of life now, so I sort of think it's important to create a balance by setting rules and expectations early on and teaching them how to use their phones and other devices sensibly.
  6. Another recommendation for Glen. He came out today (on a Saturday) and fixed my fridge freezer. Very friendly, professional and knowledgable!
  7. My friend started potty training her daughter at 13 months. It seemed to involve her sitting on the potty a lot while watching cbeebies. She always did a wee or a poo while sitting there but she wasn't fully dry during the day until she was two and a half because she didn't really understand what she was doing. Personally I think it's quicker and easier when they're older because you can communicate with them better and they have a greater understanding. Good luck.
  8. Renata Hamvas Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Charter School is an Academy and therefore > responsible for its own admissions policy. If you > have sold your permanent home and are renting near > a school, that's not breaking the rules. Having a > permanent home, then renting near the school and > moving back to a permanent home a few months later > is. > Renata The trouble is Renata that that's what lots of families do - rent out their home, rent a flat in the catchment of Charter, then move back to their permanent home after they've secured a place. Charter knows this goes on and have known it for years - they're either powerless to stop it or they don't want to stop it. I suspect it's the latter. With the immense pressure on schools to get excellent GCSE results, what school wouldn't want the offspring of pushy middle class parents who go to extreme lengths to get their kid the best education?
  9. I also agree with redjam about secondary schools in and around ED (they're actually very good) and about the exodus... there were a lot who moved away in years 1 and 2 but hardly anyone since then. I know your children are only young but you're right to consider the next stage as it comes round so quickly!
  10. I'd advise you to look into secondary schools in Brighton if you're going for state rather than private. All admissions there are based on a lottery system to avoid wealthy people buying in the catchment areas for the better schools. As such I've heard hellish stories from friends about the stress in the run up to National Offer Day.
  11. Unfortunately Charter's admissions process is handled by Charter, not Southwark, so it's not a council issue.
  12. Hi Renata, I'm not sure asking for proof of address will make much difference - if they've rented out their house and are renting close to Charter I imagine they have council tax/utility bills/child benefit for the place they're renting. The only thing Charter could do is look at the electoral roll - most people stay for such a short time in the place they're renting that they don't bother to register their 'new' address.
  13. Midyivydale, if you mean is the habs primary school a feeder to the new Charter, no it isn't. The habs primary is a feeder to the habs secondary, though. But I have a feeling you mean the new Harris free school, not habs?
  14. Honor Oak Park, Brockley, Ladywell - cheaper housing AND better transport links. Ladywell goes direct to London Bridge, Waterloo East and Charing Cross. Admittedly the areas aren't as smart as ED but imagine that's only a matter of time...
  15. Yes it is. That's why the catchment for the secondary is so small.
  16. It's not folklore or hearsay - I know several people who have successfully done this! None of them went to one particular street though.
  17. I do a quick chicken easy casserole, sometimes before I even leave for work or school run! Gently fry leeks, mushrooms, onion, garlic and bacon in butter and line the slow cooker with them. Then fry chicken legs and/or thighs in the same pan and add to the slow cooker. Make a gravy in the fat with flour and stock. Add a tin of tomatoes, a dash of white wine and bring to the boil. Season well and pour sauce over the chicken and veg. Chuck in a bay leaf and leave it all to bubble away on high for 5 hours. You might need to skim off the fat at the end before serving though. Hope that helps!
  18. Thanks bonaome. So does anyone have one they'd recommend? Strong and sturdy enough to carry a teenage boy's weight? With a desk underneath and preferably a pull out futon for sleepovers... have also heard Stompa are good but it would be great to get some feedback. Thanks!
  19. Thanks all. I will definitely get one. Think he'll love it. Just have to convince my husband now!
  20. I want to get a loft bed/cabin bed/high sleeper for my soon-to-be teenage son, preferably one with a desk underneath and a futon that can pull out for friends to stay over. My husband reckons it will be a waste of money as he'll grow out of it too quickly. Or he won't be able to use the desk as he'll be banging his head on the bed above! The trouble is there's no space in his bedroom to fit a desk, so I can't see another solution. Does anyone else have teenagers with high sleepers who can give any advice? Do they grow out of them quickly? Thanks p.s. btw we were looking at the Aspace Warwick High Sleeper but on ebay as they're pretty pricey brand new!
  21. Sugar Mountain in Forest Hill is a collection point for donations to Evalina Children's Hospital - collecting until tomorrow I think.
  22. How upsetting for your son. It's horrible for kids if they don't feel safe travelling to or from school. Hope the staff at Forest Hill School can work with the police over this.
  23. That's awful. I hope your son and his friend are feeling okay now. It's a shocking thing to happen to them. Giving our kids freedom is becoming such a hard thing to do isn't it!
  24. I don't think Southwark/Charter run detailed checks before making an offer. I've heard of too many people who have happily secured a place at the school by renting nearby while keeping hold of their 'main' home. It's fairly standard practice!
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