Hi all, Just to let you know that Bumps & Babes will not be on next week, Monday 23rd July, due to the hall being in use. There are also a couple of dates in August the hall is not available - 6th and 27th, so there will be no session then. At the moment though it will be on on the other Mondays throughout the holidays. For those of you who haven't been to the group before it is in the Goose Green Centre (next to the church) on a Monday 10-12. It's a very relaxed, drop-in session so if little ones don't let you get there until 11 that's fine! It is ?1 and tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. There are toys, soft mats and musical instruments to keep babies and toddlers entertained and lots of friendly mums (& dads!) to chat to about all sorts. Hope to see you all soon, Jo, Amy & Gill