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Everything posted by MrsMc

  1. Another thumbs up for the Greendale Mother Goose (haven't been to the Uplands branch. My son loves it there and I would agree wholeheartedly that the staff are caring and nurturing. Superficially, the interior decor is a bit tired, but that's what children en masse do to a place! A real plus though, is the outside space which has been thoughtfully laid out and landscaped. Also good access to Denmark Hill and ED stations if you're commuting in to London.
  2. Hi there, would love to join too. Have a 21 month old boy and expecting no. 2 (a girl) on 1 Jan!
  3. Facing the same dilemma - came in late due to sleepless night. Working at London Bridge but son at nursery at Green Dale. Thinking might be wise to collect before trouble reaches ED again.
  4. Any products or advice on how to bring up buggy as good as new? Mine has a bright orange canvassy hood that is beginning to look decidedly grubby. Don't want to fade the material by going with something too harsh and if there's anything super effective that lessens the need for elbow grease then even better - lively toddler and no.2 on the way - energy levels low! Thanks x
  5. Was inside Blue Mountain cafe during the filming - v good special effects, rain, blowing a gale etc. I was v impressed!
  6. Haha Ruth - my favoured technique is to charge at the boy like a bull, the food laden spoon forming one of my 'horns'. Before charging, i make the bullfight trumpet noise if you know what I mean? Works every time, but only ever attempted indoors for obvious reasons. Poss more ridiculous than last night's hijinks come to think of it!
  7. Just laughing at myself thinking about my stealth crawl across the nursery floor last night to switch on the baby monitor. I even did a little combat roll. Glad to say the boy did not wake up to catch me in the act, even when I happened upon the creaky floorboard. Parenting: leave your dignity at the door. Most ridiculous thing you've done?
  8. All for it. Hope we're included in the pilot. Southwark Council is way ahead of many boroughs recycling wise (and no, I don't work for the council ;-))!
  9. V belated thanks bumpy - still haven't quite cracked it but after a full night's sleep and some lovely snuggly naps together today I am a new woman!
  10. Will give water a try too - I find it really hard to believe he's hungry after what he puts away in the day!
  11. Hi all For the third night in a row, his 9 month old maj has awoken at 3 a.m. I've tried to let him re-settle first (not for v long, but I'll come back to that), he seems happy to see me when i go in but the only way he gets off to sleep again is with a bit of boob. We're currently ferberizing with reasonable success in the evenings - fast asleep in under 20 mins tonight - and I am managing to break the feeding to sleep habit, but the middle of the night is a different matter. Not sure whether to continue ferberizing techniques in the night as well as evenings - seems a big hardcore to me, or am I missing the point? - and would appreciate your theories on why he's waking up (he used to sleep through pretty reliably). I'm sure I've read somewhere about giving water to wean off night feeds if it's just a habit - but could he be genuinely hungry?? Help!
  12. The 'milk all gone' ploy worked with my 2 year old nephew. Understandably, he was a little miffed to begin with but v soon got over it. I guess if it's presented as something you can't do anything about rather than you wilfully withdrawing feeds then it's easier to accept? My sister in law cut down gradually to one feed a day before taking this tack. Good luck!
  13. I haven't bought a harness for my Tripp trapp yet, but I really reconmend fitting the extended gliders if you haven't already. It makes the TT much more stable and harder to tip backwards.
  14. I had massive bleeding too (due to placenta praevia). However, this was always a possibility so CS was planned and everything went very smoothly... even when it went wrong if that makes sense? The Kings staff were amazing throughout. If things are likely to go awry there is nowhere I'd rather be looked after. Without wishing to be over dramatic, the doctors there saved my life and I am eternally grateful to them.
  15. Ooh I'm green with envy! I spent years learning Spanish to degree level and would LOVE my little boy to speak it too. I've started with the alphabet (he's only 8 months BTW so early days) and speak to him in Spanish here and there but it feels artificial as Spanish is not my first language (I also worry I'm teaching him 'wrong' - I'm a perfectionist!) For the Spanish 'natives' out there, are there any groups out there where you go to chat - perhaps if I brush up on my Spanish I won't feel so bad trying with the boy! Also - any CDs you recommend with Spanish nursery rhymes? Muchas gracias!
  16. Just to add my agreement to the majority - dummies have their place and are great with sucky babies. I too resisted at first, but as soon as my mother in law told me that some babies need to suck more than they need to feed I caved! Cracked nipples were probs influential!
  17. Ooh - I want to come too! Might be early bath due to wedding next day though :-(
  18. My brother - C Lyons!
  19. Ooh please do. His skin is so lovely now, I don't want to leave. Guinness isn't bad either!
  20. Really keen to know if anyone out there has experience of installing a softener. Currently on hols in Antrim and my son's mild eczema has totally cleared in the last five days using the soft water here. Any tips on what's avail would be great. Looked at a few websites but not v clear on whether something can be fitted to soften the water on entry to the house.
  21. Think you may be on to something there fairylamb... sounds vaguely familiar and logical. I also got the g&t anecdote from the lady who ran my session Ruth! Think moderation wins the day for me, which is the norm anyway (excepting the rare night out). Also comforted by the fact that, as the boy sleeps through now, there's a good 8 hours between drinking and the next feed!
  22. Glad I'm not the only one who remembers the stat - even if it's a load of old cobblers. The tipsy measure makes sense, from a baby carrying pov as well as alcohol absorption. Will lay off the special brew ;-)
  23. Tickets to a gig/play/exhibition?
  24. Hi all - sorry if this has been covered before but can I ask - how much alcohol can I drink safely whilst breastfeeding? I'm sure I remember being told at the breastfeeding workshop at Dulwich hospital that drinking anything up to two BOTTLES of wine is safe. Can't say I've tested that to the limit, but I've never seen anything in writing to back that up and now I'm unsure. Advice gratefully accepted!
  25. This is great guys - thanks for your comments.
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